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Stream: general

Topic: writing unicode to file

Rob Lewis (Jan 18 2019 at 12:30):

Does anyone have experience using file i/o with unicode characters? Lean seems to be mangling them. But I'm pretty sure something like this has worked for me in the past.

import system.io
open io tactic
run_cmd unsafe_run_io $ do h  mk_file_handle "oops.txt" mode.write, fs.put_str h "α β γ"

The contents of oops.txt are � � �. This is on my desktop, so no Windows nonsense going on.

Reid Barton (Jan 18 2019 at 12:31):

@Keeley Hoek ^

Patrick Massot (Jan 18 2019 at 13:24):


Rob Lewis (Jan 18 2019 at 13:31):

Aha. I suppose this is related to this conversation: https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113488-general/topic/Character.20encoding.20of.20VM/near/132250034

Rob Lewis (Jan 18 2019 at 13:33):

And it looks like I'm using an old version of Lean that doesn't include that commit!

Sebastian Ullrich (Jan 18 2019 at 13:41):

starts writing the 3.4.2 changelog

Patrick Massot (Jan 18 2019 at 15:06):

I'm currently compiling mathlib from scratch using Lean 3.4.2 (building on work by Bryan). I hope to open a mathlib PR very soon

Patrick Massot (Jan 18 2019 at 15:11):

I'm now merging Johannes' latest commit, but it touches order/basic so I guess this is most recompiling from scratch...

Patrick Massot (Jan 18 2019 at 15:20):


Kevin Buzzard (Jan 18 2019 at 15:30):

Is the general idea that the moment lean 3.4.2 and mathlib are playing well together, we should all switch? ooh -- I see that https://leanprover.github.io/download/ now links to 3.4.2 so any new users are going to end up with 3.4.2. @Scott Morrison do any installation procedures of yours or mine need updating I wonder?

Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Jan 18 2019 at 15:34):

Not quite at the moment but as soon as this PR is merged https://github.com/leanprover/mathlib/pull/610

Patrick Massot (Jan 18 2019 at 15:45):

I was faster

Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Jan 18 2019 at 15:47):

Hah, I missed that, probably because I was adding comments to mine.

Patrick Massot (Jan 18 2019 at 15:48):

My PR includes your commits (using it cherry-pick`) but also the latest upstream commits

Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Jan 18 2019 at 15:49):

I rebased mine on master before I PR'd so it should be up to date as well.

Patrick Massot (Jan 18 2019 at 15:50):

Ok, they should have the same effect then. I'll close mine

Scott Morrison (Jan 19 2019 at 00:41):

@Kevin Buzzard I think my installation instructions are still correct.

Scott Morrison (Jan 19 2019 at 00:42):

On <https://github.com/leanprover/mathlib/blob/master/docs/elan.md>, it suggests using leanpkg +nightly new my_playground to create a new repository.

Scott Morrison (Jan 19 2019 at 00:43):

That still seems reasonable, but it might be better to add a comment explaining what +nightly actually does, and explaining the alternatives.

Scott Morrison (Jan 19 2019 at 00:43):

If anyone has advice about what should go there, I'm happy to update that file.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC