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Topic: --only-export still gives a lot of exports

Thomas Brooks (Sep 18 2022 at 15:12):

I'm trying to understand the simple export format described at https://github.com/leanprover-community/lean/blob/master/doc/export_format.md and want to look at basic examples. I made the file examples.lean containing:

constant f: Type

And when I run lean --export=exported --only-export=f examples.lean I expect to get a file with just a couple lines in it. Instead I get:

1 #NS 0 u
2 #NS 0 eq
3 #NS 0 α
1 #UP 1
0 #ES 1
4 #NS 0 a
1 #EV 0
2 #EV 1
3 #ES 0
4 #EP #BD 4 2 3
5 #EP #BD 4 1 4
6 #EP #BI 3 0 5
5 #NS 2 refl
7 #EC 2 1
8 #EA 7 2
9 #EA 8 1
10 #EA 9 1
11 #EP #BD 4 1 10
12 #EP #BI 3 0 11
#IND 2 2 6 1 5 12 1
6 #NS 0 f
2 #US 0
13 #ES 2
#AX 6 13
7 #NS 0 sum
#INFIX 7 30  
8 #NS 0 has_mem
9 #NS 8 mem
#INFIX 9 50  
#INFIX 2 50  =
10 #NS 0 has_lt
11 #NS 10 lt
#INFIX 11 50  <
12 #NS 0 has_mul
13 #NS 12 mul
#INFIX 13 70  *
14 #NS 0 interaction_monad_bind
... to 183 lines total ...

While this gives much less than if I had not used --only-export, this clearly contains a lot more than I expected, like definitions of operators that aren't needed. Is there any way to reduce this further? I think my definition is the line that says #AX 6 13, so can I safely ignore everything below it? (Would that be true in more complicated examples too?)

Alex J. Best (Sep 18 2022 at 15:46):

If you add prelude at the top of your file what happens? This will not import everything in the lean init folder, which by default is imported in all files

Thomas Brooks (Sep 18 2022 at 18:53):

Thank you, that does the trick!

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC