import Mathlib.Data.Int.Bitwise
infix:30 " ^^ " => xor
namespace Bool
@[simp] lemma not_xor : ∀ x y : Bool, (!(x ^^ y)) = (x == y) := by decide
@[simp] lemma xor_not_left' : ∀ x y : Bool, (!x ^^ y) = (x == y) := by decide
@[simp] lemma xor_not_right' : ∀ x y : Bool, (x ^^ !y) = (x == y) := by decide
@[simp] lemma xor_eq_left : ∀ x y : Bool, ((x ^^ y) == x) = !y := by decide
@[simp] lemma xor_eq_right : ∀ x y : Bool, ((x ^^ y) == y) = !x := by decide
@[simp] lemma xor_left_inj : ∀ x y z : Bool, (x ^^ y) = (x ^^ z) ↔ y = z := by decide
@[simp] lemma xor_right_inj : ∀ x y z : Bool, (x ^^ z) = (y ^^ z) ↔ x = y := by decide
/-- Whether x + y + z
produces a carry. Is true iff at least two of x
, y
, z
are. -/
def carry (x y z : Bool) := x && y || (x ^^ y) && z
@[simp] lemma carry_self_self : ∀ x y, carry x x y = x := by decide
@[simp] lemma carry_false₁ : ∀ y z, carry false y z = (y && z) := by decide
@[simp] lemma carry_false₂ : ∀ x z, carry x false z = (x && z) := by decide
@[simp] lemma carry_false₃ : ∀ x y, carry x y false = (x && y) := by decide
@[simp] lemma carry_true₁ : ∀ y z, carry true y z = (y || z) := by decide
@[simp] lemma carry_true₂ : ∀ x z, carry x true z = (x || z) := by decide
@[simp] lemma carry_true₃ : ∀ x y, carry x y true = (x || y) := by decide
lemma carry_comm : ∀ x y z, carry x y z = carry y x z := by decide
end Bool
namespace Nat
variable (x y i : Nat)
lemma shiftr_one : x.shiftr 1 = div2 x := rfl
lemma shiftr_succ : x.shiftr i.succ = div2 (x.shiftr i) := rfl
lemma shiftr_succ' : x.shiftr i.succ = (div2 x).shiftr i := by
rw [←shiftr_one, ←shiftr_add, succ_eq_one_add]
@[simp] lemma shiftr_bit (b : Bool) : shiftr (bit b x) i.succ = shiftr x i := by
rw [shiftr_succ', div2_bit]
-- why are Nat.zero_shiftr and Nat.shiftr_zero the same and neither is this one?
@[simp] lemma zero_shiftr' : x.shiftr 0 = x := rfl
@[simp] lemma testBit_zero_left : testBit 0 i = false := by
simp [testBit]
@[simp] lemma testBit_zero_right : x.testBit 0 = x.bodd := by
simp [testBit]
lemma testBit_succ_right : x.testBit i.succ = (div2 x).testBit i := by
rw [testBit, succ_eq_one_add, shiftr_add]
@[simp] lemma testBit_one_succ : testBit 1 i.succ = false := by
rw [testBit_succ_right, div2_one, testBit_zero_left]
@[simp] lemma testBit_one_zero : testBit 1 0 = true := rfl
@[simp] lemma testBit_bit (b : Bool) : testBit (bit b x) i.succ = testBit x i := by
rw [testBit, shiftr_bit]
-- Should be marked simp
in Mathlib.
attribute [simp] bodd_bit div2_bit bit_zero
@[simp] lemma succ_bit0 : (bit false x).succ = bit true x := rfl
@[simp] lemma succ_bit1 : (bit true x).succ = bit false x.succ := by
simp [bit, Nat.bit0_succ_eq]
lemma bit_succ (b : Bool) : bit b x.succ = (bit b x).succ.succ := match b with
| false => Nat.bit0_succ_eq x
| true => Nat.bit1_succ_eq x
lemma bit1_add' : bit true x + bit true y = bit false (x + y).succ := by
change bit false x + 1 + (bit false y + 1) = _
rw [add_add_add_comm, ←bit_add, bit_succ]
/-! ## Carry theorem -/
def carry (x y i : Nat) : Bool := match i with
| 0 => false
| i + 1 => Bool.carry (Nat.testBit x i) (Nat.testBit y i) (carry x y i)
@[simp] lemma carry_zero : carry x y 0 = false := rfl
lemma carry_succ :
carry x y i.succ = Bool.carry (Nat.testBit x i) (Nat.testBit y i) (carry x y i) :=
lemma carry_comm : carry x y i = carry y x i := by
induction' i with i IH
· rfl
· rw [carry_succ, carry_succ, Bool.carry_comm, IH]
@[simp] lemma carry_zero' : carry 0 y i = false := by
induction' i with i IH
· rfl
· simp [carry_succ, IH]
@[simp] lemma carry_zero'' : carry x 0 i = false := by
rw [carry_comm, carry_zero']
@[simp] lemma carry_bit0_left (b : Bool) : carry (bit false x) (bit b y) i.succ = carry x y i := by
induction' i with i IH
· rw [carry_succ]
· rw [carry_succ]
simp [IH]
@[simp] lemma carry_bit0_right (b : Bool) : carry (bit b x) (bit false y) i.succ = carry x y i := by
rw [carry_comm, carry_bit0_left, carry_comm]
@[simp] lemma carry_bit0_one : carry (bit false x) 1 i = false := by
cases i
· rfl
· change carry _ (bit true 0) _ = _
rw [carry_bit0_left, carry_zero'']
@[simp] lemma carry_bit1_one_succ_succ :
carry (bit true x) 1 i.succ.succ = carry x 1 i.succ := by
induction' i with i IH
· simp [carry_succ]
· rw [carry_succ, carry_succ x 1 (succ i)]
simp [IH]
@[simp] lemma carry_bit1_bit0_bit1 :
carry (bit true (bit false x)) (bit true y) i.succ.succ =
carry (bit true x) y i.succ := by
induction' i with i IH
· simp [carry_succ]
· rw [carry_succ, carry_succ (bit true x)]
simp [IH]
@[simp] lemma carry_bit1_bit1_bit0 :
carry (bit true x) (bit true (bit false y)) i.succ.succ =
carry x (bit true y) i.succ := by
rw [carry_comm, carry_bit1_bit0_bit1, carry_comm]
@[simp] lemma carry_bit1_bit1_bit1_bit1 :
carry (bit true (bit true x)) (bit true (bit true y)) i.succ.succ =
carry (bit true x) (bit true y) i.succ := by
induction' i with i IH
· simp [carry_succ]
· rw [carry_succ, carry_succ (bit true x)]
simp [IH]
lemma carry_bit1_bit1 : ∀ x y,
carry (bit true x) (bit true y) i.succ.succ =
(carry x 1 i.succ ^^ carry (succ x) y i.succ) := by
induction' i with i IH
· have : ∀ a b : Bool, (a || b) = (a ^^ !a && b) := by decide
simp [carry_succ, this]
· intro x y
apply x.bitCasesOn
apply y.bitCasesOn
rintro (_ | _) x (_ | _) y
· rw [carry_succ]
simp [IH]
· simp [IH]
· simp
· simp [IH]
lemma carry_bit1_one : carry (bit true x) 1 i.succ.succ = carry x 1 i.succ := by
induction' i with i IH
· simp [carry_succ]
· rw [carry_succ, carry_succ x]
simp [IH]
lemma testBit_succ_one : x.succ.testBit 1 = (x.testBit 1 ^^ bodd x) := by
induction' x with x IH
· rfl
· apply x.bitCasesOn
rintro (_ | _) x
all_goals simp [IH, testBit, shiftr_one, div2_succ]
lemma testBit_succ_succ : ∀ x, x.succ.testBit i.succ = (x.testBit i.succ ^^ carry x 1 i.succ) := by
induction' i with i IH
· simp [carry_succ]
exact testBit_succ_one
· intro x
apply x.bitCasesOn
rintro (_ | _) x
· simp [testBit_succ_right _ i.succ, carry_bit0_one]
· simp [testBit_succ_right _ i.succ, IH, carry_bit1_one]
theorem testBit_add :
∀ x y, (x + y).testBit i = ((x.testBit i ^^ y.testBit i) ^^ carry x y i) := by
induction' i with i IH
· simp
· intro x y
apply x.bitCasesOn
apply y.bitCasesOn
rintro (_ | _) x (_ | _) y
· simp [←bit_add, IH]
· simp [←bit_add', IH]
· simp [←bit_add, IH]
· rw [bit1_add', ←add_succ]
simp [IH]
cases' i with i
· simp [carry_succ]
· rw [carry_comm (bit true y), carry_bit1_bit1, testBit_succ_succ]
simp [carry_comm]
end Nat