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Topic: Alternative to have followed by repeat {assumption}

Marc Masdeu (Oct 01 2020 at 14:19):


I find myself with lemmas that have many hypotheses and that directly solve the goal. I apply them (without passing the hypotheses) and end up with many new goals, each of which already in the context, so I do repeat {assumption} to close the goal. I would like to know if there is a nicer way to do that (in terms of less characters typed, for instance). A variation of the problem is when after the apply I can close the goal with repeat {tauto}.

Here is a MWE which is a bit too silly but illustrates what I am trying to say:

import tactic

lemma key_lemma {x : } : x > 3  x < 5  x = 4 :=
    intros h g,

lemma my_lemma {x : } (h : 2*x > 3) (g : 2*x < 5) : 2*x = 4 :=
    apply key_lemma, -- is there a tactic that does these two lines together automatically?
    repeat {assumption}, --

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 01 2020 at 14:21):

lemma my_lemma {x : } (h : 2*x > 3) (g : 2*x < 5) : 2*x = 4 :=
    apply key_lemma h g,

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 01 2020 at 14:21):

lemma my_lemma {x : } (h : 2*x > 3) (g : 2*x < 5) : 2*x = 4 :=
key_lemma h g

Ruben Van de Velde (Oct 01 2020 at 14:45):

If you don't want to use the names, you could do key_lemma ‹_› ‹_›

Rob Lewis (Oct 01 2020 at 14:48):

Or apply key_lemma; assumption

Marc Masdeu (Oct 01 2020 at 16:29):

@Kevin Buzzard , what you propose is exactly what I'm trying to avoid here: if key_lemma has 10 hypotheses, then I don't want to be typing the names that I have come up with before, since it makes maintenance harder and it's quite boring.

@Rob Lewis this is similar to my solution and probably makes me content.

I guess that it wouldn't hurt that apply automatically checked if it can close the goal with the assumptions already in the context...

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2020 at 16:30):

It might make apply slow, and since it is used a lot, we want apply to be as fast as possible.
Hence apply foo; assumption seems like the best idiom

Marc Masdeu (Oct 01 2020 at 16:33):

Yes, I was afraid that I was missing a tactic name, but fine.

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 01 2020 at 17:17):

Can you give some concrete example where you really want to feed 10 hypotheses into a theorem? Normally things like type class inference and unification do a lot of the work for you.

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 01 2020 at 17:18):

lemma my_lemma {x : } (h : 2*x > 3) (g : 2*x < 5) : 2*x = 4 :=
    apply key_lemma (by assumption) (by assumption)

Marc Masdeu (Oct 01 2020 at 17:32):

Here is a lemma I have proven, regarding HilbertPlane. It says given a line (implicit) and three point not on it (implicit, also), then if both B and C belong "to the other side" than A, then B and C are at the same side of the line.

lemma same_side.at_most_two_classes (hA : ¬ A  ) (hB : ¬ B  ) (hC : ¬ C  )
        (hBneqC : B  C) (hAB: ¬ same_side  A B) (hAC: ¬ same_side  A C): same_side  B C :=

This gets used to the following theorem, which says that given a line then one can split its complement into two classes of points, S1 and S2.

theorem plane_separation ( : Ω.Line):   S1 S2 : set (Ω.Point),
        S1  S2 =   S1  S2   = {P : Ω.Point | tt} 
        ( A B : Ω.Point, (A  )  (B  ) 
            (( A  S1  B  S1)  (A  S2  B  S2)  (A#B)   = )) :=

At some point of the proof I am at this state

Ω: HilbertPlane
: HilbertPlane.Line
CD: HilbertPlane.Point
hC: C  
hD: D  
H: ¬same_side  C D
S1: set HilbertPlane.Point := {P : HilbertPlane.Point | same_side  P C}
S2: set HilbertPlane.Point := {P : HilbertPlane.Point | same_side  P D}
x: HilbertPlane.Point
h: x  
hs: ¬same_side  C x
 same_side  x D

and I prove it by

by_cases hxD : x = D,
rw hxD, exact same_side.refl,
apply same_side.at_most_two_classes,
repeat {assumption},

In this result this same patter occurs once more.

This could use of class inference, but then I never know what kind of assumptions need to be put in this system...

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2020 at 17:33):

No, I don't think this should use type classes. It's just a lot of assumptions.

Johan Commelin (Oct 01 2020 at 17:34):

Note that assumption' will try assumption on all goals.

Marc Masdeu (Oct 01 2020 at 17:36):

@Johan Commelin this seems very similar to the ";" trick. I guess it's okay to have so much variety.

Scott Morrison (Oct 02 2020 at 00:01):

No one has mentioned tactic#solve_by_elim, which is very useful for sequences of apply and assumption.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC