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Topic: Binet Formula
Anatole Dedecker (Aug 12 2020 at 15:47):
I just spent a few hours defining the golden ratio and proving Binet formula for the Fibonacci sequence. Is this already in mathlib ? If not, should I PR it ?
Anatole Dedecker (Aug 12 2020 at 15:48):
Btw, ring_exp
is awesome
Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Aug 12 2020 at 15:52):
I don't think we have this yet and I think it is worth PRing.
Alex J. Best (Aug 12 2020 at 15:54):
This is a codewars kata https://www.codewars.com/kata/5d2b89d4b90c0a001f4a6456/lean but I don't think that should stop us from having Binet in mathlib (however some peoples solutions on there which you can check out if you submit your solution might have cool methods worth considering), which proof did you do?
Anatole Dedecker (Aug 12 2020 at 16:10):
Oh I didn't know about this. My proof is based on this predicate :
def satisfy_fib_rec (u : ℕ → α) :=
∀ n, u (n+2) = u n + u (n+1)
which is stable under weighted sum (is this the right way to say that ?)
lemma satisfy_fib_rec_linear {u v : ℕ → α} {a b : α}
(hu : satisfy_fib_rec u) (hv : satisfy_fib_rec v) : satisfy_fib_rec (λ n, a * u n + b * v n) :=
I also prove by induction that a sequence such that and which satisfies the above predicate is equal to the Fibonacci sequence :
lemma eq_fib_of_satisfy_fib_rec (u : ℕ → ℝ) (h₀ : u 0 = 0) (h₁ : u 1 = 1)
(hₙ : satisfy_fib_rec u) :
∀ n, u n = n.fib :=
Then I just have to show that λ n, (φ^n)
and λ n, ((-φ⁻¹)^n)
satisfy this predicate, and what is left is just computation
Anatole Dedecker (Aug 12 2020 at 19:20):
I had a look to all answers. Mine was clearly not the shortest (but I wasn't really trying to make it short). Although maybe some of what I've proved about satisfy_fib_rec
could be useful for studying e.g Lucas Number, I think I won't use it in a PR, there are much better proofs. @Alexey Solovyev @Junyan Xu do you mind if I use parts of your solutions to this kata for making the mathlib proof ?
Alexey Solovyev (Aug 12 2020 at 19:29):
@Anatole Dedecker You may use any part of my solution for the mathlib proof. In general, all Codewars solutions are licensed under the FreeBSD 2-Clause License (https://www.codewars.com/about/terms-of-service).
Alex J. Best (Aug 12 2020 at 19:37):
Yeah that would be my suggestion too it would be cool to do something a bit more general. Like Lucas numbers too or any length 2 linear recurrence, but I didnt want to hold up your PR!
Anatole Dedecker (Aug 12 2020 at 19:42):
Well, there's no hurry and that's not really complicated maths, I can definitely work on it if you think it's worth to have in mathlib
Alex J. Best (Aug 12 2020 at 19:53):
Having the version for any linear recurrence would be a great end goal, I think its definitely worth to have that in mathlib eventually. I.e. the solution of any https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constant-recursive_sequence like in theorem 1 of this random pdf https://www.math.kth.se/math/GRU/2012.2013/SF1610/CINTE/mastertheorem.pdf . The case where the roots have multiplicity one is an important special case. These sorts of recurrences really do come up in modern number theory anyway :smile:
Junyan Xu (Aug 12 2020 at 20:22):
Glad you like my proof, and you are welcome to use it! Not sure about mathlib contribution policies but you may mention my github handle @alreadydone where appropriate.
Anatole Dedecker said:
I had a look to all answers. Mine was clearly not the shortest (but I wasn't really trying to make it short). Although maybe some of what I've proved about
could be useful for studying e.g Lucas Number, I think I won't use it in a PR, there are much better proofs. Alexey Solovyev Junyan Xu do you mind if I use parts of your solutions to this kata for making the mathlib proof ?
Anatole Dedecker (Aug 15 2020 at 13:21):
Alex J. Best said:
Having the version for any linear recurrence would be a great end goal, I think its definitely worth to have that in mathlib eventually. I.e. the solution of any https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constant-recursive_sequence like in theorem 1 of this random pdf https://www.math.kth.se/math/GRU/2012.2013/SF1610/CINTE/mastertheorem.pdf . The case where the roots have multiplicity one is an important special case. These sorts of recurrences really do come up in modern number theory anyway :)
Ok so I started working on this, and after a long time of hesitations I've settled down on the following definitions. Before I continue, could you tell me if they look usable ? (Same question about the statement of target
import data.polynomial.ring_division
import linear_algebra.dimension
import algebra.polynomial.big_operators
open finset
open_locale big_operators
noncomputable theory
structure linear_recurrence (α : Type*) [field α] := (order : ℕ) (coeffs : fin order → α)
variables {α : Type*} [field α]
namespace linear_recurrence
variables (E : linear_recurrence α)
def is_solution (u : ℕ → α) :=
∀ n, u (n + E.order) = (∑ i, E.coeffs i * u (n + i))
def mk_sol (init : fin E.order → α) : ℕ → α
| n := if h : n < E.order then init ⟨n, h⟩ else
∑ k : fin E.order, have n - E.order + k.1 < n, by have := k.2; omega,
E.coeffs k * mk_sol (n - E.order + k)
def is_sol_mk_sol (init : fin E.order → α) :
E.is_solution (E.mk_sol init) :=
λ n, by rw mk_sol; simp
def mk_sol_eq_init (init : fin E.order → α) :
∀ n : fin E.order, E.mk_sol init n = init n :=
λ n, by rw mk_sol; simp [fin.coe_eq_val, n.2]
lemma eq_mk_of_is_sol_of_eq_init {u : ℕ → α} {init : fin E.order → α}
(h : E.is_solution u) (heq : ∀ n : fin E.order, u n = init n) :
∀ n, u n = E.mk_sol init n
| n := if h' : n < E.order
then by rw mk_sol; simp only [h', dif_pos]; exact_mod_cast heq ⟨n, h'⟩
else begin
rw mk_sol,
rw ← nat.sub_add_cancel (le_of_not_lt h'),
rw h (n-E.order),
simp [h'],
ext k,
exact have wf : n - E.order + k.1 < n, by have := k.2; omega,
by rw eq_mk_of_is_sol_of_eq_init
def sol_space : subspace α (ℕ → α) :=
{ carrier := {u | E.is_solution u},
zero_mem' := λ n, by simp,
add_mem' := λ u v hu hv n, by simp [mul_add, sum_add_distrib, hu n, hv n],
smul_mem' := λ a u hu n, by simp [hu n, mul_sum]; congr'; ext; ac_refl }
lemma is_sol_iff_mem_sol_space (u : ℕ → α) :
E.is_solution u ↔ u ∈ E.sol_space := by refl
def sol_space_linear_equiv_init_space :
E.sol_space ≃ₗ[α] (fin E.order → α) :=
{ to_fun := λ u x, (u : ℕ → α) x,
map_add' := λ u v, by ext; simp; norm_cast,
map_smul' := λ a u, by ext; simp,
inv_fun := λ u, ⟨E.mk_sol u, E.is_sol_mk_sol u⟩,
left_inv := λ u, by ext n; symmetry; apply E.eq_mk_of_is_sol_of_eq_init u.2; intros k; refl,
right_inv := λ u, function.funext_iff.mpr (λ n, E.mk_sol_eq_init u n) }
lemma sol_space_dim :
vector_space.dim α E.sol_space = E.order :=
@dim_fin_fun α _ E.order ▸ E.sol_space_linear_equiv_init_space.dim_eq
def char_poly : polynomial α :=
polynomial.monomial E.order 1 - (∑ i : fin E.order, polynomial.monomial i (E.coeffs i))
#check polynomial.eval₂_finset_sum
lemma geom_sol_iff_root_char_poly (q : α) :
E.is_solution (λ n, q^n) ↔ E.char_poly.is_root q :=
rw [char_poly, polynomial.is_root.def, polynomial.eval],
simp only [polynomial.eval₂_finset_sum, one_mul,
ring_hom.id_apply, polynomial.eval₂_monomial, polynomial.eval₂_sub],
{ intro h,
specialize h 0,
simp only [zero_add] at h,
rwa ← sub_eq_zero_iff_eq at h },
{ intros h n,
rw sub_eq_zero_iff_eq at h,
simp only [pow_add],
rw [h, mul_sum],
ring }
theorem target (h : ∑ x in E.char_poly.roots, E.char_poly.root_multiplicity x = E.order) (u : ℕ → α) :
E.is_solution u ↔
∃ (a : α → polynomial α)
(h : ∀ x, (a x).degree < E.char_poly.root_multiplicity x),
u = λ n, ∑ x in E.char_poly.roots, (a x).eval n * x^n := sorry
end linear_recurrence
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 15 2020 at 13:47):
field \a
should be something like comm_semiring \a
. I don't see any subtraction or division in alpha here.
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 15 2020 at 13:48):
But this looks like a great set-up in general. Did you try using it to make sure it's usable for e.g. Binet?
Anatole Dedecker (Aug 15 2020 at 13:48):
Well yes but then I can't define the vector space of solutions
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 15 2020 at 13:49):
sure you can, it's the semimodule of solutions
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 15 2020 at 13:49):
the axioms for a vector space don't mention subtraction or division either
Anatole Dedecker (Aug 15 2020 at 13:49):
Kevin Buzzard said:
sure you can, it's the semimodule of solutions
What about dimensions ? I don't see them defined for anything else than a vector_space
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 15 2020 at 13:49):
only free semimodules have dimensions
Anatole Dedecker (Aug 15 2020 at 13:50):
Kevin Buzzard said:
But this looks like a great set-up in general. Did you try using it to make sure it's usable for e.g. Binet?
Oh I should try this indeed
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 15 2020 at 13:50):
but fin E.order → α
is free
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 15 2020 at 13:51):
So now an interesting question is the following:
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 15 2020 at 13:52):
Say that the auxiliary polynomial (a monic polynomial with coefficients in alpha) is a product of linear factors (X-a1)(X-a2)...(X-an). When is (1,a1,a1^2,...,a1^{n-1}),(1,a2,a2^2,...,a2^{n-1}),...,(1,an,an^2,...an^{n-1}) a basis? And here you need a field.
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 15 2020 at 13:54):
Because even for the integers if you consider X^2-1, i.e. a_{n+2}=a_n, then the roots are +-1, so the power sequences are (1,1,1,...) and (1,-1,1,-1,...), and you cannot find a Z-linear combination of these which makes (1,0,1,0,...) because you can't divide by 2.
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 15 2020 at 13:56):
So I suggest that all the beginning stuff is done for semirings (you probably don't even need commutative if you say which order you are summing things in, but perhaps this is going too far), but if you want to try to prove the "first main theorem of recurrence relations", which is that if the aux poly has distinct roots in the ground ring then (1,a1,a1^2,...),(1,a2,a2^2,...) etc form a basis, then you should do this for a field.
Anatole Dedecker (Aug 15 2020 at 13:56):
Yep that looks good, I'll do this !
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 15 2020 at 13:57):
And then there are more fundamental theorems, for example with repeated roots there is some other solution, something like (0,1a,2a^2,3*a^3), and these give a basis, and probably you can also say something when the roots are not in the ground field too -- but actually I think that these more general theorems should be proved another way.
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 15 2020 at 14:00):
Let's stick to fields for this more subtle stuff. Then the vector space of solutions is n-dimensional because of the linear equiv you defined. There is also an operator sending (s0,s1,s2,s3,...) to (s1,s2,s3,...), and the point of the (1,a,a^2,a^3,...) solutions is that they are eigenvectors for this operator. The aux poly is the char poly of this operator. So actually you should prove the (1,a,a^2,..) stuff is a basis by deducing it from the general statement that an endomorphism of a fdvs (evdf) whose char poly has distinct linear factors has a basis of eigenvectors.
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 15 2020 at 14:00):
and the more general stuff comes from theorems like Jordan decomposition.
Anatole Dedecker (Aug 15 2020 at 14:54):
Hmmm I have read about this approach, but I thought we didn't have eigen stuff in mathlib :thinking:
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 15 2020 at 15:05):
Yes but it's not far away. I guess what I'm saying is that the natural thing to do is to wait until these theorems are in mathlib
Anatole Dedecker (Aug 15 2020 at 15:07):
Oh okay. So should I PR the infrastructure and then wait a bit before proving my target lemma ?
Anatole Dedecker (Aug 15 2020 at 15:10):
Btw is there a name for the "shift n consecutive terms" operator ?
Anatole Dedecker (Aug 15 2020 at 15:13):
Kevin Buzzard said:
only free semimodules have dimensions
I a free semimodule's dimension defined in mathlib ? I'm struggling to find it
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 15 2020 at 15:18):
I'm not sure that it will be there. You are proving that it's isomorphic to fin n -> alpha
which is all you need.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC