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Topic: Canonical Trivial Typeclass?
Oskar Goldhahn (May 19 2023 at 13:40):
I'm writing something that is generic over typeclasses. Is there a Canonical Trivial Typeclass that I can use as the default? Something like: class Any (_: Type u)
Eric Wieser (May 19 2023 at 13:50):
Generalizing over type classes doesn't really work very well in lean; is this perhaps an #xy problem?
Oskar Goldhahn (May 19 2023 at 13:52):
It's for #Is there code for X? > Restricted Monads.
Oskar Goldhahn (May 19 2023 at 13:53):
In what way does generalizing over type classes not work well?
Eric Wieser (May 19 2023 at 14:10):
Well, your generalization won't work for docs#star_ring for instance
Eric Wieser (May 19 2023 at 14:11):
Because it has too many arguments
Oskar Goldhahn (May 19 2023 at 14:15):
I'm fine with requiring a shim that uncurries the typeclasses.
Eric Wieser (May 19 2023 at 14:36):
At that point you could consider uncurrying the typeclasses elsewhere too, and bundle them in the types themselves
Eric Wieser (May 19 2023 at 14:36):
That's what things like docs#Group are
Oskar Goldhahn (May 19 2023 at 15:00):
I see. I can give that a try.
Eric Wieser (May 19 2023 at 15:21):
That pretty much amounts to what Scott suggested in the other thread, of course...
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC