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Topic: Changing the order

Antoine Chambert-Loir (Apr 05 2022 at 15:46):

I want to define a Galois connection, but the usual ordering (given by an instance) is the opposite of the one that works… How to have the other one?

Patrick Massot (Apr 05 2022 at 15:47):

You can use docs#order_dual and a bunch of @

Patrick Massot (Apr 05 2022 at 15:47):

If there are too many @ it can be worth the trouble of wrapping the offending type in a synonym.

Johan Commelin (Apr 05 2022 at 15:52):

@Antoine Chambert-Loir is it by chance a docs#galois_coinsertion? Of course I don't know your context.

Antoine Chambert-Loir (Apr 05 2022 at 16:05):

I don't think so. It is the duality between fixing_submonoid and fixed_points. As in Galois theory, it reverses inclusion (it is antitone) while Galois connections are monotone (see docs#galois_connection.monotone_u and docs#galois_connection.monotone_l).
That means that formulating the result that Galois theory is given by a Galois connection will require some tweeks.

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 05 2022 at 16:06):

It's like defining contravariant functors though -- do you do the op on the first variable or the second? There is no answer which works well for everything. We need Heather et al's semilinear maps to compose them.

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 05 2022 at 16:08):

I guess you could make an API for the structure you want by just porting it over directly from the covariant case. What did people do in Galois theory? I'm assuming they proved _something_ was a Galois connection!

Riccardo Brasca (Apr 05 2022 at 16:09):

Galois insertions and Galois coinsertions are both Galois connections. Maybe we need a Galois coconnection

Antoine Chambert-Loir (Apr 05 2022 at 16:09):

It's probably simpler to have it contravariant in the first variable (subgroups). But that's OK, I would be fine with saying that my ordered set is that of subgroups with opposite order, except that I can't for the moment.

Johan Commelin (Apr 05 2022 at 16:09):


Antoine Chambert-Loir (Apr 05 2022 at 16:10):

Cool, that shows how to use it! Thank you! (I was browsing for connectionsthere and did not find that one…)

Yaël Dillies (Apr 05 2022 at 16:20):

But what is the galois_insertion of galois_coconnection, Riccardo?

Yaël Dillies (Apr 05 2022 at 16:20):

I'm half joking, because it does come up all the time (look for galois.*dual in VScode).

Reid Barton (Apr 05 2022 at 16:23):

Wait how do both directions involve to_dual?

Riccardo Brasca (Apr 05 2022 at 16:23):

I have no idea, I am always confused by insertion/coinsertion :D

Reid Barton (Apr 05 2022 at 16:25):

I mean both to_dual and of_dual are the identity, so I understand why it typechecks, but I don't understand which two types are supposedly involved in galois_coinsertion_intermediate_field_subgroup

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 05 2022 at 16:26):

I guess it's because you have maps in both directions that you need two duals. You have two contravariant functors. Oh I see your point! There's some abuse right?

Reid Barton (Apr 05 2022 at 16:27):

But logically shouldn't it be

    (order_dual.to_dual  intermediate_field.fixing_subgroup)
    (intermediate_field.fixed_field  order_dual.of_dual)   -- not to_dual!

Johan Commelin (Apr 05 2022 at 16:27):

It is abusing order_dual (order_dual X) = X, I guess. But that is idiomatic in the order-theory library.

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 05 2022 at 16:29):

Reid's version looks better to me. There is no definitional abuse there. It will I suspect make Lean generally happier.

Yaël Dillies (Apr 05 2022 at 16:29):

Oh indeed that's fishy.

Riccardo Brasca (Apr 05 2022 at 16:31):

of_dual seems to work, at least in that file

Riccardo Brasca (Apr 05 2022 at 16:31):

And it is definitely more readable

Antoine Chambert-Loir (Apr 05 2022 at 16:32):

I wrote this:

example : @galois_connection (set α) (order_dual (submonoid M)) _ (order_dual.preorder (_))
  (λ s : set α, (fixing_submonoid M s))
  (λ P : submonoid M, mul_action.fixed_points P α) := sorry


example : galois_connection
  (λ s : set α, order_dual.to_dual (fixing_submonoid M s))
  (λ P : submonoid M, mul_action.fixed_points P α) := sorry

worked, and I could write proofs for both. They are identical except that in the second case, I needed to change p ∈ ⇑order_dual.to_dual (fixing_submonoid M s) to p ∈ fixing_submonoid M s by hand.

Riccardo Brasca (Apr 05 2022 at 16:33):


Antoine Chambert-Loir (Apr 05 2022 at 16:34):


example : galois_connection
  (λ s : set α, order_dual.to_dual (fixing_submonoid M s))
  (λ P : submonoid M, mul_action.fixed_points (order_dual.of_dual P) α) :=  sorry

follows Reid's convention (with the same proof)

Antoine Chambert-Loir (Apr 05 2022 at 16:38):

(A seemingly unrelated question: if there are fixing_submonoidlemmas for actions of monoids, should there be fixing_subgrouplemmas as well, for group actions ?
Should their proof be repeated or should one made use of the one for monoids?)

Riccardo Brasca (Apr 05 2022 at 16:40):

It's better to prove as much as possible for monoid actions (I mean, without doing anything exotic, if the "usual" proof works we're happy, otherwise let's just do it for groups). Then we need that the monoid associated to the subgroup stabilizer is the same as the monoid stabilizer of the action of the underlying monoid.

Riccardo Brasca (Apr 05 2022 at 16:43):

If at some point you can't deduce a result about the subgroup stabilizer from the corresponding result about the monoid stabilizer it means there is an hole in the API subgroup.to_submonoid.

Eric Wieser (Apr 05 2022 at 16:47):

This is docs#galois_connection.dual we're talking about, right? nevermind

Antoine Chambert-Loir (Apr 05 2022 at 16:59):

@Eric Wieser I thought so for a minute, but no : it seems that one reverts both preorders (Galois connections are monotone).
As @Riccardo Brasca said, maybe a galois.coconnectionwould be useful, without theorems, just a reformulation into galois.connection.

Yaël Dillies (Apr 05 2022 at 17:06):

I've thought about this but couldn't convince myself it was worth the code duplication. And we still need to find a name for the corresponding insertion/coinsertion. Maybe the three could be cogalois_connection, cogalois_insertion, cogalois_coinsertion?

Riccardo Brasca (Apr 05 2022 at 18:16):

There is PR about subsemigroup. In analysis semigroup actions are important, so we may even want consider a basic API in this generality

Antoine Chambert-Loir (Apr 05 2022 at 18:40):

@Yaël Dillies , would something like this be useful?

lemma antitone.dual_left_iff : antitone f  monotone (f  of_dual) :=
  split; exact λ hf a b h, hf h

For the moment, there's docs#antitone.dual_left that does one direction.
Possibly the other one can be obtained by rewriting, I'm not sure.

Yaël Dillies (Apr 05 2022 at 18:41):

That shouldn't be necessary, but if we do want it, it should be a simp lemma in the other direction.

Moritz Doll (Apr 05 2022 at 20:26):

Sorry for being late, but I feel like the answer is do the same as in docs#linear_map.polar_gc (which is the same as Reid Barton's answer)

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC