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Topic: Coercion on sets of sets

Peter Hansen (Aug 02 2023 at 13:27):

I was trying to prove some simple results about the generators of the Borel sets on .
Things very going pretty well until I got stuck showing the following:

import Mathlib.Tactic

open Set

notation "paving" a => Set (Set a)

def Open_Interval (I : Set ) : Prop :=  (a b : ), I = {x | a < x  x < b}

def Open_Interval_R : paving  := {I | Open_Interval I}

def Open_Interval_q (I : Set ) : Prop :=  (a b : ), I = {x | a < x  x < b}

def Open_Interval_Q : paving  := {I | Open_Interval_q I}

example : (univ : Set )  (univ : Set ) := by simp

example : Open_Interval_Q  Open_Interval_R := sorry

I know that Lean is build around types and not sets, but I thought the coercion would take care of things. What do I do?

Eric Wieser (Aug 02 2023 at 13:33):

What do you want the coercion from Set ℚ to Set ℝ to mean?

Eric Wieser (Aug 02 2023 at 13:34):

Because the answer to your question is currently "write that explicitly"

Kyle Miller (Aug 02 2023 at 13:51):

One way to write that explicitly is (↑) '' (univ : Set ℚ) for the image under the coercion function

Peter Hansen (Aug 02 2023 at 14:06):

Eric Wieser said:

What do you want the coercion from Set ℚ to Set ℝ to mean?

I had not really thought about that. Intuitively, it just seemed to make sense. But I guess with sets being propositions on types, it perhaps doesn't.

Kyle Miller said:

One way to write that explicitly is (↑) '' (univ : Set ℚ) for the image under the coercion function

Thanks :) That sort of worked. Though I suspect my whole approach is a bit flawed.

Peter Hansen (Aug 02 2023 at 14:23):

I think I solved my issue

import Mathlib.Tactic

open Set

notation "paving" a => Set (Set a)

def Open_Interval (I : Set ) : Prop :=  (a b : ), I = {x | a < x  x < b}

def Open_Interval_R : paving  := {I | Open_Interval I}

def Open_Interval_q (I : Set ) : Prop :=  (a b : ), I = {x | a < x  x < b}

def Open_Interval_Q : paving  := {I | Open_Interval_q I}

example : Open_Interval_Q  Open_Interval_R := by
  intro x H
  rcases H with a, b, g
  use a, b
  exact g

What I actually wanted was just the interval with rational end points, which doesn't cause any issues. Thank pushing me in the right direction.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC