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Topic: Compound statment to admit second goal of have
Ken Roe (Jul 21 2018 at 16:38):
I tried the following to do a "have" and admit the second goal. What is the correct syntax:
theorem dummy (n :ℕ) : n = 3 := begin have h:n=1+2;(skip|admit) end
Kevin Buzzard (Jul 21 2018 at 16:40):
theorem dummy (n :ℕ) : n = 3 := begin have h:n=1+2, { -- here we only see the first goal sorry }, { -- here we only see the second goal sorry } end
Is that what you mean?
Ken Roe (Jul 21 2018 at 16:41):
Kevin Buzzard (Jul 21 2018 at 16:42):
No problem. Note that the have h: ...
turns one goal G
into two goals -- first the proof of h
, and second the proof of G
assuming h
(in addition to anything else which we were assuming when we wrote the have
If you would rather have the goals the other way around, you can use suffices
Ken Roe (Jul 21 2018 at 16:45):
Actually, I tried the following:
theorem dummy (n :ℕ) : n = 3 := begin have h:n=1+2,{ skip },{ admit }, end
I would like to end up in a state where only the first goal is open and the second goal is solved.
Mario Carneiro (Jul 21 2018 at 16:47):
Since n = 3
and n = 1 + 2
are definitionally the same goal, you can use change
theorem dummy (n :ℕ) : n = 3 := begin change n = 1 + 2, end
Mario Carneiro (Jul 21 2018 at 16:49):
If the transformation from one goal to the other is not definitional but easy, you can use suffices
theorem dummy (n :ℕ) : n = 3 := begin suffices h : n = 1 + 2, {exact h}, end
Kevin Buzzard (Jul 21 2018 at 16:54):
Here are some more tips. If you have two goals, you can use tactic.swap
to switch them. If you have more than one goal and you want to work on one of them, you can write show <statement of goal>
and it will switch this goal to the top. One of my students was even telling me about some sort of rotate
tactic but I've never used it.
Mario Carneiro (Jul 21 2018 at 16:55):
the mathlib swap
tactic takes an optional argument; swap n
moves the nth goal to the top
Ken Roe (Jul 21 2018 at 17:05):
Igt appears "have h:a, swap, admit" does what I want. Now, I want to figure out something more complex:
open tactic open monad open expr open smt_tactic def andFuns (a : ℕ → Prop) (b : ℕ → Prop) : ℕ → Prop := (λ q, (a q) ∧ (b q)). def existsFuns {t : Type} (a : t → ℕ → Prop) : ℕ → Prop := (λ n, (∃ (e:t), a e n). def test := (λ x, x > 3) def test2 := (λ x, x < 8) theorem test1 (v: ℕ) : (λ (e:ℕ), (andFuns test test2) (v+1)) v := begin have h: (andFuns (λ (e:ℕ), test e) (λ (e:ℕ), test2 e)) v, swap,admit, end
In the above theorem, I would like to create a tactic that automates the conversion of "(λ (e:ℕ), (andFuns test test2) (v+1)) v" to "h(andFuns (λ (e:ℕ), test e) (λ (e:ℕ), test2 e)) v".
I have created the following meta tactic which has many syntax errors. How do I correct the errors:
meta def divide_lambda : name → binder_info → expr → expr → expr → expr → expr | n b e1 ``(andFuns %%l %%r) v y := (app (app `(andFuns) (divide_lambda n b e1 l v y)) (divide_lambda n b e1 r v y)) | n b e1 x y v := (app (lam n b e1 (app x y)) v). meta def transform_lambda_app : expr → option expr | (app (lam n b e1 (app x y)) val) := some (divide_lambda n b eq x y val) | _ := none. meta def split_lambda : tactic unit := do { t ← target, nt ← transform_lambda_app t, (have h:nt;swap;admit) }.
Mario Carneiro (Jul 21 2018 at 17:16):
I'm confused - (λ (e:ℕ), (andFuns test test2) (v+1)) v
and h(andFuns (λ (e:ℕ), test e) (λ (e:ℕ), test2 e)) v
are not the same
Mario Carneiro (Jul 21 2018 at 17:16):
are the v
supposed to be de bruijn variables?
Ken Roe (Jul 21 2018 at 17:21):
I didn't state the theorem quite right:
theorem test1 (v: ℕ) : (λ (e:ℕ), (andFuns test test2) (e+1)) v := begin have h: (andFuns (λ (e:ℕ), test (e+1)) (λ (v:ℕ), test2 (e+1))) v, swap,admit, end
Hopefully this make more sense.
Mario Carneiro (Jul 21 2018 at 17:24):
You should be able to use change
instead of swap, admit
if you got it right
Mario Carneiro (Jul 21 2018 at 17:25):
theorem test1 (v: ℕ) : (λ (e:ℕ), (andFuns test test2) (e+1)) v := begin change (andFuns (λ (e:ℕ), test (e+1)) (λ (e:ℕ), test2 (e+1))) v, end
Mario Carneiro (Jul 21 2018 at 17:28):
Here is fixing the syntax errors, although it doesn't work yet:
meta def divide_lambda : name → binder_info → expr → expr → expr → expr → expr | n b e1 `(andFuns %%l %%r) v y := (app (app `(andFuns) (divide_lambda n b e1 l v y)) (divide_lambda n b e1 r v y)) | n b e1 x y v := (app (lam n b e1 (app x y)) v). meta def transform_lambda_app : expr → option expr | (app (lam n b e1 (app x y)) val) := some (divide_lambda n b e1 x y val) | _ := none. meta def split_lambda : tactic unit := do { t ← target, nt ← transform_lambda_app t, change nt } theorem test1 (v: ℕ) : (λ (e:ℕ), (andFuns test test2) (e+1)) v := begin split_lambda, end
Ken Roe (Jul 21 2018 at 17:30):
It looks like change works. The theorem looks like this now:
theorem test1 (v: ℕ) : (λ (e:ℕ), (andFuns test test2) (e+1)) v := begin change (andFuns (λ (e:ℕ), test (e+1)) (λ (e:ℕ), test2 (e+1))) v, end
Now the challenge is to get the tactic working that generates the expression. The tactic code now looks like this:
meta def divide_lambda : name → binder_info → expr → expr → expr → expr → expr | n b e1 ``(andFuns %%l %%r) v y := (app (app `(andFuns) (divide_lambda n b e1 l v y)) (divide_lambda n b e1 r v y)) | n b e1 x y v := (app (lam n b e1 (app x y)) v). meta def transform_lambda_app : expr → option expr | (app (lam n b e1 (app x y)) val) := some (divide_lambda n b eq x y val) | _ := none. meta def split_lambda : tactic unit := do { t ← target, nt ← transform_lambda_app t, (change nt) }.
I'm getting the error "invalid pattern, must be an application, constant, variable, type ascription, aliasing pattern or inaccessible term" in divide_lambda on the pattern "n b e1 ``(andFuns %%l %%r) v y".
Mario Carneiro (Jul 21 2018 at 17:32):
use single backtick on line 2
Mario Carneiro (Jul 21 2018 at 17:34):
For me the tactic fails in transform_lambda_app
because right after the begin
the goal says ⊢ andFuns test test2 (v + 1)
so there is no lambda in sight
Mario Carneiro (Jul 21 2018 at 17:35):
I wasn't aware of this - it looks like lean is really eager to unfold raw lambda-app beta reductions
Mario Carneiro (Jul 21 2018 at 17:39):
I'm not exactly sure what your goal is; perhaps this is a suitable compromise:
theorem test1 (v: ℕ) : id (λ (e:ℕ), (andFuns test test2) (e+1)) v := begin -- split_lambda, change id (andFuns (λ (e:ℕ), test (e+1)) (λ (e:ℕ), test2 (e+1))) v, end
Mario Carneiro (Jul 21 2018 at 17:45):
This works, with the id
to protect the lambda at the start:
meta def divide_lambda : name → binder_info → expr → expr → expr → expr | n b e1 `(andFuns %%l %%r) y := (app (app `(andFuns) (divide_lambda n b e1 l y)) (divide_lambda n b e1 r y)) | n b e1 x y := (lam n b e1 (app x y)) meta def transform_lambda_app : expr → option expr | (app (lam n b e1 (app x y)) val) := some (app (divide_lambda n b e1 x y) val) | (app `(id %%(lam n b e1 (app x y))) val) := some (app (divide_lambda n b e1 x y) val) | _ := none meta def split_lambda : tactic unit := do { t ← target, trace t.to_raw_fmt, nt ← transform_lambda_app t, change nt } theorem test1 (v: ℕ) : id (λ (e:ℕ), (andFuns test test2) (e+1)) v := begin split_lambda, end
Ken Roe (Jul 21 2018 at 19:13):
Thanks--Now for the next trick, I would like to extend split_lambda to be able to propagate an expression into a closure. Note that now, the tactic may need to rename variables,
def existsFuns {t : Type} (a : t → ℕ → Prop) : ℕ → Prop := (λ n, (∃ (e:t), a e n)). theorem capture (v: ℕ) (q : ℕ) : id (λ (e:ℕ), (andFuns (existsFuns (λ (x y : ℕ), x = y)) test) (e+q)) v := begin change andFuns (existsFuns (λ (x e : ℕ), (λ y, x=y) (e+q))) (λ (e:ℕ), test (e + q)) v, end
Notice how the (e+q) is propagated inside a closure involving "x". The variable may in some cases need to be renamed. Is there a way to get a fresh variable name and to rename the variables when reconstructing lambda expressions?
Mario Carneiro (Jul 21 2018 at 19:39):
You don't have to worry about variable capture for the most part. Lean uses unique names in all lambdas, so it shouldn't be a problem
Mario Carneiro (Jul 21 2018 at 19:41):
The tactics mk_fresh_name
and get_unused_name
can be used to generate unique and human-readable names respectively
Ken Roe (Jul 21 2018 at 20:55):
OK--I've updated my tactic. It looks like this now:
meta def divide_lambda : name → binder_info → expr → expr → expr → expr | n b e1 `(andFuns %%l %%r) y := (app (app `(andFuns) (divide_lambda n b e1 l y)) (divide_lambda n b e1 r y)) | n b e1 `(existsFuns (λ (v:ℕ), %%ll)) y := (app `(existsFuns (λ (v:ℕ), %%(divide_lambda n b e1 ll y)))) | n b e1 x y := (lam n b e1 (app x y)) meta def transform_lambda_app : expr → option expr | (app (lam n b e1 (app x y)) val) := some (app (divide_lambda n b e1 x y) val) | (app `(id %%(lam n b e1 (app x y))) val) := some (app (divide_lambda n b e1 x y) val) | _ := none meta def split_lambda : tactic unit := do { t ← target, trace t.to_raw_fmt, nt ← transform_lambda_app t, trace nt.to_raw_fmt, change nt }
I' trying to use it in this theorem:
theorem capture (v: ℕ) (q : ℕ) : id (λ (e:ℕ), (andFuns (existsFuns (λ x:ℕ, test3 x)) test) (e+q)) v := begin split_lambda, --change -- andFuns (existsFuns (λ (y e:ℕ), test3 y (e+q))) -- (λ (e:ℕ), test (e + q)) v, end
It seems like no output goal is being generated. I suspect the tactic is crashing somehow. Is the pattern matching being done properly in divide_lambda?
Mario Carneiro (Jul 21 2018 at 21:01):
I get an error trying to evaluate sorry
in the test theorem, which means that there is a syntax error in the tactic
Mario Carneiro (Jul 21 2018 at 21:02):
and the error at divide_lambda
says the existsFuns
branch has incorrect type expr -> expr
instead of expr
Mario Carneiro (Jul 21 2018 at 21:02):
because you used expr.app
applied to only one argument
Ken Roe (Jul 21 2018 at 21:33):
OK-- I fixed divide_lambda
meta def divide_lambda : name → binder_info → expr → expr → expr → expr | n b e1 `(andFuns %%l %%r) y := (app (app `(andFuns) (divide_lambda n b e1 l y)) (divide_lambda n b e1 r y)) | n b e1 `(existsFuns (λ (v:ℕ), %%ll)) y := `(existsFuns (λ (v:ℕ), %%(divide_lambda n b e1 ll y))) | n b e1 x y := (lam n b e1 (app x y))
but I get the error:
tactic.change failed, given type andFuns (existsFuns (λ (v e : ℕ), test3 e (e + q))) (λ (e : ℕ), test (e + q)) v is not definitionally equal to id (λ (e : ℕ), andFuns (existsFuns (λ (x : ℕ), test3 x)) test (e + q)) v
It appears the bound variable "x" is being changed to "e". Why is this happening? It appears the capture mechanism is not naming variables properly.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC