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Topic: Converting proofs to term-style
Sebastian Monnet (Dec 30 2021 at 11:42):
I'm trying to write these proofs without tactics, and the rewrites are giving me a hard time.
import order.filter.basic
open filter set
def cofinite (α : Type) : filter α :=
{ sets := { S : set α | (Sᶜ).finite },
univ_sets := begin
change univᶜ.finite,
rw compl_univ,
exact finite_empty,
sets_of_superset :=
λ X Y hX hY, finite.subset hX (compl_subset_compl.2 hY),
inter_sets := begin
intros X Y hX hY,
change (X ∩ Y)ᶜ.finite,
rw compl_inter,
exact finite.union hX hY,
end }
Could someone show me how to do either of them? I suspect the other one will use the same tricks.
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 30 2021 at 11:46):
Rewrites are hard to do in term mode. If you can get eq.subst to work then great, otherwise stick to tactic mode
Alex J. Best (Dec 30 2021 at 11:51):
You can do the first one as (((@compl_univ α).symm) ▸ finite_empty : (univ : set α)ᶜ.finite),
, but there isn't much gain in doing so,
Alex J. Best (Dec 30 2021 at 11:52):
Its just harder to read and more fiddly to write than using tactic mode when rewrites are involved
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 30 2021 at 11:52):
univ_sets := by simp,
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 30 2021 at 11:53):
The little black triangle (\t) is notation for eq.subst
, a far less powerful version of rw
which needs a lot of help with unification (as Alex demonstrates)
Sebastian Monnet (Dec 30 2021 at 11:55):
huh, that surprises me
Sebastian Monnet (Dec 30 2021 at 11:55):
Thanks for explaining!
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 30 2021 at 11:59):
You can right click on rw
and see how it works -- it's written in meta code. rw
uses rw_core
which uses rw_goal
which uses rewrite
which uses rewrite_core
which is written in C++ so now I get lost.
Alex J. Best (Dec 30 2021 at 12:37):
You can also use tactic#show_term to print the proof term created by a given tactic, for things like intro and exact this is usually a concise/readable term, but for rewrite there is a lot of id ((id (eq.rec (eq.refl (X ∩ Y)ᶜ.finite) (X.compl_inter Y))).mpr (finite.union hX hY))
It can be the case that using the little triangle is helpful to avoid nested tactic blocks, and you can certainly find uses of it in mathlib so I'd say its worth knowing how to do, but not always worth doing in every situation.
Eric Rodriguez (Dec 30 2021 at 13:48):
also, usually when there's eq.rec
in a term proof, it will not typecheck if you just copy-paste it into term mode; the elaborator is fickle
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC