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Topic: Debugging within a do block
Malcolm Langfield (Jun 01 2022 at 14:32):
This is probably a pretty basic question. I've run into the same situation multiple times: I'm trying to inspect a value of some type that doesn't implement ToString
, and do it within a do
block. My bad solution so far has just been to replicate the whole function up to that point in a different file, and then change the return type to be the type of the object I want to inspect. Then I can at least #eval
it. Is there an idiomatic way to do this sort of debugging?
Arthur Paulino (Jun 01 2022 at 14:34):
Mario Carneiro (Jun 01 2022 at 14:44):
depending on the monad, you can use dbg_trace
to show the value. If that doesn't work lots of things have a repr
that you can trace instead
Mario Carneiro (Jun 01 2022 at 14:45):
and I think you can automatically derive Repr
so that's a least common denominator solution in most cases
Malcolm Langfield (Jun 01 2022 at 14:48):
Mario Carneiro said:
and I think you can automatically derive
so that's a least common denominator solution in most cases
Sorry for my ignorance, but what's the syntax for doing this?
Malcolm Langfield (Jun 01 2022 at 14:48):
Or a reference to where it's described
Mario Carneiro (Jun 01 2022 at 14:49):
deriving Repr
at the end of the inductive/structure type declaration, or deriving instance Repr for Foo
after the fact
Mario Carneiro (Jun 01 2022 at 14:50):
@Arthur Paulino Is this in the book?
Arthur Paulino (Jun 01 2022 at 14:54):
The book uses dbg_trace
but I think it's worth explicitly talking about these details
Mario Carneiro (Jun 01 2022 at 14:58):
I meant about deriving handlers in general and maybe which ones are implemented by default
Mario Carneiro (Jun 01 2022 at 15:00):
I suppose it's not metaprogramming per se, although I do get the sense that you interact a lot more with deriving handlers when (meta)programming in lean as compared to proving
Arthur Paulino (Jun 01 2022 at 15:03):
Ah, no. Henrik mentioned it to me via DM and we agreed that it could be covered. I'm just not sure which approach would be better. Maybe we can teach how to create them?
Mario Carneiro (Jun 01 2022 at 15:05):
Knowing about deriving Repr, Quote, ToExpr
should be a fairly early topic, you will want to know about it when doing basic metaprogramming. Writing a deriving handler on the other hand is a pretty advanced topic, and I would just cover the core functions for doing so in the section that deals with that part of lean
Malcolm Langfield (Jun 01 2022 at 15:08):
Maybe looking at a specific example would be helpful. So I'm playing around with the Http.lean
import Http
open Http Http.URI
constant spreadsheetId : String := "<id>"
deriving instance Repr for Headers ■ default handlers have not been implemented yet, class: 'Repr' types: [Http.Headers]
deriving instance Repr for Request ■■■■ failed to synthesize instance Repr Headers
def main : IO UInt32 := do
let input ← pure s!"https://sheets.googleapis.com/v4/spreadsheets/{spreadsheetId}"
let url ← IO.ofExcept <| URI.parse input
println! "URL: {url}"
let headers := Headers.fromList [("Host", url.host)]
let request := Request.init url Method.GET headers none
-- println! "Candidate request: {request}"
println! "Headers: {headers}"
pure 0
catch e =>
IO.eprintln s!"error: {e}"
pure 1
I'm not even sure if having those deriving
commands floating there at the top-level of the file is correct syntax. But you can see the definitions of the Request
and Headers
types here: https://github.com/yatima-inc/Http.lean/blob/3f1e77d98b14a0d8d2e6dd7d93730c4c15d57c7b/src/Http/Types.lean#L114
is just a hashmap:
def Headers := Std.HashMap CaseInsString String
It's very surprising to me that you can't print a term of this type, since it's from Std
and CaseInsString
implements ToString
. But maybe I'm seriously misunderstanding something.
Arthur Paulino (Jun 01 2022 at 15:10):
Hm, throughout the book we didn't come across the need to use those handlers. We usually print strings and other objects that can already be printed
Mario Carneiro (Jun 01 2022 at 15:11):
Malcolm Langfield said:
It's very surprising to me that you can't print a term of this type, since it's from
. But maybe I'm seriously misunderstanding something.
That's the delta deriving handler, which is not yet implemented in lean 4 / mathlib4. It's not too hard to implement it yourself:
instance : Repr Headers := inferInstanceAs $ Repr (Std.HashMap ..)
Mario Carneiro (Jun 01 2022 at 15:13):
The thing which makes this hard is that it works for any typeclass, it's not just for Repr
, while deriving handlers are normally indexed by class
Malcolm Langfield (Jun 01 2022 at 15:36):
Mario Carneiro said:
Malcolm Langfield said:
It's very surprising to me that you can't print a term of this type, since it's from
. But maybe I'm seriously misunderstanding something.That's the delta deriving handler, which is not yet implemented in lean 4 / mathlib4. It's not too hard to implement it yourself:
instance : Repr Headers := inferInstanceAs $ Repr (Std.HashMap ..)
This does not seem to work:
instance : Repr Headers := inferInstanceAs $ Repr (Std.HashMap ..) ■ failed to synthesize instance Repr (Std.HashMap CaseInsString String)
The concept of a deriving handler is new to me. Is there any discussion of this in any of the various docs/books? I expected to find it in TPIL4, maybe in the section on type classes or inductive types, but there is only the most basic discussion of using the deriving
keyword while defining inductive types.
Mario Carneiro (Jun 01 2022 at 18:00):
If that fails, then that means that even after unfolding there is something that requires a repr instance, probably CaseInsString
Mario Carneiro (Jun 01 2022 at 18:02):
Deriving handlers are the functions that get called whenever you write deriving Foo
on an inductive/structure type. Not all typeclasses have deriving handlers, Repr
is one of the few that does, but it doesn't support def
deriving so you have to use the trick above to do what it would otherwise need to do
Malcolm Langfield (Jun 01 2022 at 18:45):
deriving instance Repr for CaseInsString
instance : Repr CaseInsString := inferInstanceAs $ Repr CaseInsString
E instance : Repr Headers := inferInstanceAs $ Repr (Std.HashMap ..) ■ failed to synthesize instance Repr (Std.HashMap CaseInsString String)
Thanks very much for the help so far! It looks as though CaseInsString
has one, and String
does as well. Is there any way to get Lean to give me more information about what is causing the failure to synthesize instance
? Surely someone cannot be expected to know all of this in order to print-debug something?
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC