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Topic: Defining element, given its existence and uniqueness

Lucas Polymeris (Aug 25 2021 at 20:30):

I'm working with finite lattices, and I would like to give a special name to the bottom element which I've proven exists:

variables {α : Type u} [fin: fintype α] [lat: lattice α] [nempty : nonempty α]
include fin lat nempty

lemma exists_bot : ∃! x : α,  y : α, x  y := by sorry,

How could I do this?

Yakov Pechersky (Aug 25 2021 at 20:32):

That element is already called bot, and is written \bot

Yakov Pechersky (Aug 25 2021 at 20:33):


Lucas Polymeris (Aug 25 2021 at 20:33):

No it is not, just of bunded_lattices

Yakov Pechersky (Aug 25 2021 at 20:34):

You're right.

Yakov Pechersky (Aug 25 2021 at 20:34):

You can use fintype.choose

Yakov Pechersky (Aug 25 2021 at 20:34):


Lucas Polymeris (Aug 25 2021 at 20:36):

thanks. Do you know if I can prove a structure to _be_ other? Like if I could prove that α\alpha is also a bounded_lattice would also be nice

Alex J. Best (Aug 25 2021 at 20:40):

To make your example a #mwe please include the imports and variables so we don't have to guess them e.g:

import data.finset.lattice
import data.fintype.basic
universe u
variables {α : Type u} [fin: fintype α] [lat: lattice α] [nempty : nonempty α]
include fin lat nempty

lemma exists_bot : ∃! x : α,  y : α, x  y := by sorry

Alex J. Best (Aug 25 2021 at 20:44):

For the second question you can do:

lemma exists_bot : ∃! x : α,  y : α, x  y := by sorry
instance : bounded_lattice α :=
{ top := _,
  bot := _,
  le_top := _,
  bot_le := _,
  ..(show lattice α, by apply_instance) }

Lucas Polymeris (Aug 25 2021 at 20:44):

Sorry, mb, I'm working with the following setup

import order.basic order.lattice data.fintype.basic data.finset.basic algebra.order

universe u

section mysec
variables {α : Type u} [fin: fintype α] [lat: lattice α] [nempty : nonempty α]
include fin lat nempty

def minimum (x : α) :=  y : α, x  y

lemma exists_bot : ∃! x : α, minimum x := by sorry

Yakov Pechersky (Aug 25 2021 at 20:45):

I'd do this via docs#fin.bounded_lattice and the fin to fintype order iso whose name I can never recall

Lucas Polymeris (Aug 25 2021 at 20:51):

Alex J. Best said:

For the second question you can do:

lemma exists_bot : ∃! x : α,  y : α, x  y := by sorry
instance : bounded_lattice α :=
{ top := _,
  bot := _,
  le_top := _,
  bot_le := _,
  ..(show lattice α, by apply_instance) }

it_complaints that a declaration named bounded_lattice has already been declared. Does this mean is already in some of my imports the fact that a finite lattice is bounded?

Yakov Pechersky (Aug 25 2021 at 20:58):

No, it just means that the autogenerated name clashes with an existing name, afaiu.

Alex J. Best (Aug 25 2021 at 21:03):

You can do it like this I guess:

lemma exists_bot : ∃! x : α,  y : α, x  y := by sorry
instance fintype.bounded_lattice : bounded_lattice α :=
{ bot := classical.some exists_bot.exists,
  top := order_dual.of_dual $ classical.some exists_bot.exists,
  le_top := begin
    intro a,
    rw  order_dual.le_to_dual,
    exact (classical.some_spec exists_bot.exists) _,
  bot_le := classical.some_spec exists_bot.exists ,
  ..(show lattice α, by apply_instance) }

Alex J. Best (Aug 25 2021 at 21:05):

It's probably easier to read to just prove existence of the bot element, then you'll get uniqueness from that

Alex J. Best (Aug 25 2021 at 21:06):

Exists unique isn't really used so much in mathlib, you're just packing up two facts into one.

Eric Wieser (Aug 25 2021 at 21:11):

Is #7123 relevant here?

Eric Wieser (Aug 25 2021 at 21:13):

Specifically the fintype.bounded_lattice it provides

Alex J. Best (Aug 25 2021 at 21:19):

It even does everything constructively :smile:

Yakov Pechersky (Aug 25 2021 at 21:20):

Does it have the following?

@[reducible] def lattice.of_order_iso [lattice α] (f : α o β) : lattice β :=
{ sup := λ b b', f (f.symm b  f.symm b'),
  le := (),
  le_refl := λ b, f.symm.le_iff_le.mp (le_refl _),
  ...-- sorry

@[reducible] def bounded_lattice.of_order_iso [bounded_lattice α] (f : α o β) :
bounded_lattice β :=
{ top := f ,
  bot := f ,
  le_top := λ _, f.symm_apply_le.mp le_top,
  bot_le := λ b, f.le_symm_apply.mp bot_le,
  ..lattice.of_order_iso f }

Yakov Pechersky (Aug 25 2021 at 21:26):

Ah I guess I need linear_order α to use docs#finset.order_iso_of_fin

Yakov Pechersky (Aug 25 2021 at 21:31):

btw fintype.choose is also constructive. fintype.choose or finset.fold might have different performance characteristics -- the latter will terminate on finding the bot element, but verifying that it is the bot element requires checking <= for all elements. So worst-case is N^2.

Lucas Polymeris (Aug 28 2021 at 04:07):

I was trying to prove Birkhoff's representation theorem for distributive lattices. And indeed Idid, but I ended up using
bounded_distrib_lattice as the base type. Later I would still like to prove it from fintype and lattice. But for now this is what I'v got. If anyone wants to criticize the work ,I'll be happy to learn from your comments, and thank's for the ones already made. I'll now try to figure out that part.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC