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Topic: Defining generic extension transition
sgcs (Oct 09 2023 at 01:18):
I have the following MWE that implements the transition rule below for a simplified lambda calculus (tried to strip away as much as I could). But there seems to be something that Lean doesn't like with the way I've defined generic_ext_prod
since I keep getting a dependent elimination failure in the irrelevant
theorem. I was under the impression this can happen when you use functions in the indices of inductive types, but I'm not using any here. Any advice on how I could reformulate it to get it to work? Or maybe there's something in the proof I can do, I haven't had any luck so far.
inductive Ty where
| prod : Ty → Ty → Ty
inductive TyOperator where
| prod : TyOperator → TyOperator → TyOperator
def TyOperator.subst (τ : Ty) : TyOperator → Ty
| .prod τ_opₗ τ_opᵣ => Ty.prod (τ_opₗ.subst τ) (τ_opᵣ.subst τ)
abbrev Context : Type := List Ty
inductive Expr : Context → Ty → Type where
| pair {Γ : Context} {τ₁ τ₂ : Ty} : Expr Γ τ₁ → Expr Γ τ₂ → Expr Γ (Ty.prod τ₁ τ₂)
| projₗ {Γ : Context} {τ₁ τ₂ : Ty} : Expr Γ (Ty.prod τ₁ τ₂) → Expr Γ τ₁
| projᵣ {Γ : Context} {τ₁ τ₂ : Ty} : Expr Γ (Ty.prod τ₁ τ₂) → Expr Γ τ₂
| generic_ext
{Γ : Context} {ρ ρ' τ_out : Ty} (τ_op : TyOperator) :
τ_out = τ_op.subst ρ' → Expr (ρ :: Γ) ρ' → Expr Γ (τ_op.subst ρ) → Expr Γ τ_out
notation:40 Γ " ⊢ " τ => Expr Γ τ
inductive Transition {Γ : Context} : {τ : Ty} → (Γ ⊢ τ) → (Γ ⊢ τ) → Type where
| generic_ext_prod
{ρ ρ' : Ty} (τ_opₗ τ_opᵣ : TyOperator) (e' : (ρ :: Γ) ⊢ ρ') (e : Γ ⊢ Ty.prod (τ_opₗ.subst ρ) (τ_opᵣ.subst ρ)) :
Transition (Expr.generic_ext (TyOperator.prod τ_opₗ τ_opᵣ) rfl e' e)
(Expr.pair (Expr.generic_ext τ_opₗ rfl e' (Expr.projₗ e)) (Expr.generic_ext τ_opᵣ rfl e' (Expr.projᵣ e)))
notation:40 e₁ " ⟶ " e₂ => Transition e₁ e₂
theorem Transition.irrelevant
{Γ : Context} {τ : Ty} {e e' : Γ ⊢ τ}
(tr tr' : e ⟶ e') :
tr = tr' :=
cases tr with
| generic_ext_prod =>
cases tr' with
| generic_ext_prod => sorry
sgcs (Oct 23 2023 at 19:14):
Just got back around to trying to get this to work again. Forgot I didn't give the error message:
dependent elimination failed, failed to solve equation
TyOperator.subst ρ'✝¹ τ_opₗ✝¹ = TyOperator.subst ρ'✝ τ_opₗ✝
Is there some way I can tell Lean that TyOperator.subst
is injective and that ρ'✝¹ = ρ'✝
and τ_opₗ✝¹ = τ_opₗ✝
? Would it help if I used an inductive type to define the substitution instead of a function?
sgcs (Oct 23 2023 at 19:40):
OK, using an inductive type seems to get it to work:
inductive Ty where
| prod : Ty → Ty → Ty
inductive TyOperator where
| prod : TyOperator → TyOperator → TyOperator
inductive TyOperator.Subst : Ty → TyOperator → Ty → Type where
| prod
{τ τₗ' τᵣ' : Ty} {τ_opₗ τ_opᵣ : TyOperator} :
Subst τ τ_opₗ τₗ' →
Subst τ τ_opᵣ τᵣ' →
Subst τ (TyOperator.prod τ_opₗ τ_opᵣ) (Ty.prod τₗ' τᵣ')
abbrev Context : Type := List Ty
inductive Expr : Context → Ty → Type where
| pair {Γ : Context} {τ₁ τ₂ : Ty} : Expr Γ τ₁ → Expr Γ τ₂ → Expr Γ (Ty.prod τ₁ τ₂)
| projₗ {Γ : Context} {τ₁ τ₂ : Ty} : Expr Γ (Ty.prod τ₁ τ₂) → Expr Γ τ₁
| projᵣ {Γ : Context} {τ₁ τ₂ : Ty} : Expr Γ (Ty.prod τ₁ τ₂) → Expr Γ τ₂
| generic_ext
{Γ : Context} {ρ ρ' τ_in τ_out: Ty} (τ_op : TyOperator) :
TyOperator.Subst ρ τ_op τ_in →
TyOperator.Subst ρ' τ_op τ_out →
Expr (ρ :: Γ) ρ' → Expr Γ τ_in → Expr Γ τ_out
notation:40 Γ " ⊢ " τ => Expr Γ τ
inductive Transition {Γ : Context} : {τ : Ty} → (Γ ⊢ τ) → (Γ ⊢ τ) → Type where
| generic_ext_prod
{ρ ρ' τ_inₗ τ_inᵣ τ_outₗ τ_outᵣ : Ty} (τ_opₗ τ_opᵣ : TyOperator)
(sₗ : TyOperator.Subst ρ τ_opₗ τ_inₗ) (sₗ' : TyOperator.Subst ρ' τ_opₗ τ_outₗ)
(sᵣ : TyOperator.Subst ρ τ_opᵣ τ_inᵣ) (sᵣ' : TyOperator.Subst ρ' τ_opᵣ τ_outᵣ)
(e' : (ρ :: Γ) ⊢ ρ') (e : Γ ⊢ Ty.prod τ_inₗ τ_inᵣ) :
Transition (Expr.generic_ext (TyOperator.prod τ_opₗ τ_opᵣ) (TyOperator.Subst.prod sₗ sᵣ) (TyOperator.Subst.prod sₗ' sᵣ') e' e)
(Expr.pair (Expr.generic_ext τ_opₗ sₗ sₗ' e' (Expr.projₗ e)) (Expr.generic_ext τ_opᵣ sᵣ sᵣ' e' (Expr.projᵣ e)))
notation:40 e₁ " ⟶ " e₂ => Transition e₁ e₂
theorem Transition.irrelevant
{Γ : Context} {τ : Ty} {e e' : Γ ⊢ τ}
(tr tr' : e ⟶ e') :
tr = tr' :=
cases tr with
| generic_ext_prod =>
cases tr' with
| generic_ext_prod => simp_all
I think using a function is a bit more intuitive for me personally though, is there a way to get that approach working for future reference?
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC