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Topic: Definition of simple functions and its integral
Joe (May 13 2019 at 14:05):
Hi everyone,
here is a definition for integral over simple functions,
a definition for simple functions as a subtype of integrable functions,
and a definition for its integral.
Do these look okay?
variables {γ : Type*} [normed_space ℝ γ] [second_countable_topology γ] [topological_add_group γ] def integral' (f : measure_theory.simple_func α γ) : γ := f.range.sum (λ (x : γ), (ennreal.to_real (volume (f ⁻¹' {x}))) • x) section variables (α γ) def simple_func : Type* := { f : α →ᵢ γ // ∃ (s : measure_theory.simple_func α γ), (ae_eq_fun.mk s s.measurable) = f.val} end local infixr ` →ₛ `:25 := simple_func def integral_over_simple_func (f : α →ₛ γ) : γ := integral' (classical.some f.2)
Johan Commelin (May 13 2019 at 15:37):
Typically, writing definitions is not enough...
Johan Commelin (May 13 2019 at 15:37):
You have to prove some basic lemmas to connect your definition with the real world
Johan Commelin (May 13 2019 at 15:38):
@Joe do you have some goal in mind?
Joe (May 13 2019 at 16:36):
Yeah, I think then I will prove simple functions are dense in integrable functions. And then define the integral on integrable functions.
lemma simple_func_dense_embedding : dense_embedding (subtype.val : (α →ₛ γ) → (α →ᵢ γ)) := sorry def integral (f : α →ᵢ γ) : γ := dense_embedding.extend simple_func_dense_embedding integral_over_simple_func f
Koundinya Vajjha (May 13 2019 at 16:39):
@Joe did you have a look at https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib/blob/ffa6d6992c4de076154fdefad79c2488bcb48bbd/src/measure_theory/integration.lean?
Joe (May 13 2019 at 16:42):
I know. We already have an integral on α → ennreal
, but it seems that we want to define the Bochner integral and integrate on Banach space.
Joe (May 13 2019 at 16:44):
Probably I'll use a similar approach.
Joe (May 13 2019 at 16:52):
I feel definitions are more important than proofs. So I want to be more careful with them.
Kevin Buzzard (May 13 2019 at 17:12):
I know how you feel. If you give a bad proof, who cares? Someone can come along and give a better proof and nothing really changes. But with a bad definition you have type class issues or something that's impossible to work with or something
Johan Commelin (May 13 2019 at 17:25):
@Joe Certainly. But the way to demonstrate that your definitions are really good is by proving theorems that use them
Johan Commelin (May 13 2019 at 17:27):
Can you prove that the integral of a constant function over a compact set has the expected value? That is a first baby-step to validating that your definition is usable.
Johan Commelin (May 13 2019 at 17:28):
You will want to prove how integration interacts with addition, subtraction, etc...
Johan Commelin (May 13 2019 at 17:28):
You also need to show how it interacts with existing notions of integration that are in the library
Johan Commelin (May 13 2019 at 17:28):
All of this is of course a lot of work. And you don't have to do this alone. But you will have to put in some effort.
Joe (May 13 2019 at 17:40):
Yes, this is exactly how I feel. If I give a bad definition then in the future all proofs depending on the definition may need to be reworked.
Joe (May 13 2019 at 17:40):
I’ll try to work out the basic lemmas.
Joe (May 13 2019 at 17:43):
I do have doubts about the definitions. I don’t like the ‘ennneal.to_real’ there. And I use ‘classical.some’. I don’t like that either.
Johan Commelin (May 13 2019 at 17:44):
The ennreal.to_real
can be done using a coercion. And in fact that is the better way to do it.
Joe (May 13 2019 at 17:52):
I think it is ennreal.of_real
that can be done using a coercion?
Joe (May 13 2019 at 17:53):
Or you mean I first define a coercion from ennreal
to real
Johan Commelin (May 13 2019 at 17:55):
The coercion already exists.
Johan Commelin (May 13 2019 at 17:55):
Maybe you can just remove it from your code
Johan Commelin (May 13 2019 at 17:55):
If that doesn't work, wrap its argument in (_ : \real)
Joe (May 13 2019 at 17:56):
You mean like this (volume (f ⁻¹' {x})) : ℝ)
Joe (May 13 2019 at 17:57):
But it is an error it seems :
invalid type ascription, term has type
but is expected to have type
Johan Commelin (May 13 2019 at 17:57):
Aah.... sorry
Reid Barton (May 13 2019 at 17:57):
In order to deal with the classical.some
you'll want to prove a lemma that says that you can evaluate the integral of a simple_func
using any choice of measure_theory.simple_func
, which amounts to proving that two measure_theory.simple_func
s with the same underlying function have the same integral
Johan Commelin (May 13 2019 at 17:57):
That of course only works if it's nnreal
Johan Commelin (May 13 2019 at 17:58):
You can't coerce infinity to a real
Joe (May 13 2019 at 18:01):
Yes. Cannot coerce infinity to a real. It is possible for a set to have infinite measure, but since here we are dealing with a simple function, set with infinite measure will be mapped to zero, so it doesn't matter.
Joe (May 13 2019 at 18:02):
@Reid Barton Yeah, so that is how I can eliminate the exists
Sebastien Gouezel (May 13 2019 at 18:39):
Probably a good reference is http://isabelle.in.tum.de/dist/library/HOL/HOL-Analysis/Bochner_Integration.html
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC