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Topic: Denoting element of a group

James Arthur (Aug 09 2020 at 17:05):

I'm trying to set up a magma with the following axioms, its called a gyrovectorspace:

  1. In G there is at least one element e called a left identity with e * a = a for all a ∈ G.
  2. For each a ∈ G there is an element a⁻¹ in G called a left inverse of a with a⁻¹ * a = e.
  3. For any a, b, c in G there exists a unique element gyr[a,b]cgyr[a, b]c in G such that the binary operation obeys the left gyroassociative law: a(bc)=(ab)gyr[a,b]ca{\displaystyle \oplus }\oplus (b{\displaystyle \oplus }\oplus c) = (a{\displaystyle \oplus }\oplus b){\displaystyle \oplus }\oplus gyr[a, b]c
  4. The map gyr[a,b]:GGgyr[a, b]:G → G given by cgyr[a,b]cc → gyr[a, b]c is an automorphism of the groupoid (G,)(G, {\displaystyle \oplus }\oplus ). That is gyr[a,b]gyr[a, b] is a member of Aut(G,)Aut(G, {\displaystyle \oplus }\oplus ) and the automorphism gyr[a,b]gyr[a, b] of G is called the gyroautomorphism of G generated by a, b in G. The operation gyr:G×GAut(G,)gyr:G × G → Aut(G, {\displaystyle \oplus }\oplus ) is called the gyrator of G.
  5. The gyroautomorphism gyr[a,b]gyr[a, b] has the left loop property gyr[a,b]=gyr[ab,b]gyr[a, b] = gyr[a{\displaystyle \oplus }\oplus b, b].

The first pair of axioms are like the group axioms. The last pair present the gyrator axioms and the middle axiom links the two pairs. I have got thus far with some help, but I have come stuck with defining that gyr(a,b)Aut((G,)) gyr(a, b) \in Aut((G, \oplus)). Here is my code this far:

import data.real.basic category_theory.endomorphism

open category_theory

class gyrogroup (G : Type) extends has_add G, has_neg G, has_zero G :=
-- axiom 1: 0 ⊕ a = a
(zero_add :  (a : G), 0 + a = a)
-- axiom 2: ⊖a⊕a = 0
(add_left_neg :  (a : G), -a + a = 0)
(gyr : G  G  G  G) -- gyr a b c is gyr[a, b]c in the notation from the Wiki
-- axiom 3: ∀ a b c ∈ G, a + (b + c) = (a + b) + gyr a b c
(add_gyr_assoc :  a b c, a + (b + c) = (a + b) + gyr a b c)
(add_gyr_assoc' :  a b c d, a + (b + c) = (a + b) + d  d = gyr a b c) -- uniqueness
-- axiom 4: gyr a b ∈ Aut(G, ⊕)
-- (gyr_autom : ∀ (a:G) (b:G), gyr a b ∈ Aut G) <- This line is the problem, more specifically the $$ \in $$
-- axiom 5: gyr a b = gyr (a + b) b
(gyr_loop :  a b, gyr a b = gyr (a + b) b)

Heres the error

failed to synthesize type class instance for
G : Type,
to_has_add : has_add G,
to_has_neg : has_neg G,
to_has_zero : has_zero G,
add : (λ {α : Type} (c : has_add α), α  α  α) to_has_add := has_add.add,
neg : (λ {α : Type} (c : has_neg α), α  α) to_has_neg := has_neg.neg,
zero : (λ {α : Type} (c : has_zero α), α) to_has_zero := 0,
zero_add :  (a : G), 0 + a = a,
add_left_neg :  (a : G), -a + a = 0,
gyr : G  G  G  G,
add_gyr_assoc :  (a b c : G), a + (b + c) = a + b + gyr a b c,
add_gyr_assoc' :  (a b c d : G), a + (b + c) = a + b + d  d = gyr a b c,
a b : G
 has_mem (G  G) Type

Is this a quirk of lean or just me being stupid and overlooking a detail?

Yury G. Kudryashov (Aug 09 2020 at 17:39):

You should state separate axioms gyr a b 0 = 0 and gyr a b (c + d) = gyr a b c + gyr a b d

Yury G. Kudryashov (Aug 09 2020 at 17:39):

Aut is not a set.

Mario Carneiro (Aug 09 2020 at 17:46):

Alternatively, you could have gyr be a function into the automorphism group if you want to more closely match the wiki version. But I think Yury's suggestion is better

James Arthur (Aug 09 2020 at 17:47):

So, Yurys suggestion is just the same as having a function into the automorphism group?

Mario Carneiro (Aug 09 2020 at 17:48):

You would construct the actual function after the fact, using Yury's axioms

Mario Carneiro (Aug 09 2020 at 17:48):

you would get gyr' : G -> G -> Aut G

Mario Carneiro (Aug 09 2020 at 17:48):

or something like that

Mario Carneiro (Aug 09 2020 at 17:49):

such that \u (gyr' a b) c = gyr a b c

Mario Carneiro (Aug 09 2020 at 17:50):

My alternative is suggesting putting gyr' in the structure, and then not having the function gyr at all except via the coercion

James Arthur (Aug 09 2020 at 17:52):

State seperate, sorry I misread that. So I want to just do something like this?

import data.real.basic category_theory.endomorphism

open category_theory

class gyrogroup (G : Type) extends has_add G, has_neg G, has_zero G :=
-- axiom 1: 0 ⊕ a = a
(zero_add :  (a : G), 0 + a = a)
-- axiom 2: ⊖a⊕a = 0
(add_left_neg :  (a : G), -a + a = 0)
(gyr : G  G  G  G) -- gyr a b c is gyr[a, b]c in the notation from the Wiki
-- axiom 3: ∀ a b c ∈ G, a + (b + c) = (a + b) + gyr a b c
(add_gyr_assoc :  a b c, a + (b + c) = (a + b) + gyr a b c)
(add_gyr_assoc' :  a b c d, a + (b + c) = (a + b) + d  d = gyr a b c) -- uniqueness
-- axiom 4: gyr a b ∈ Aut(G, ⊕)
(gyr_zero (a b : G) : gyr a b 0 = 0)
(gyr_distrib (a b c d : G) : gyr a b (c + d) = gyr a b c + gyr a b d)
--(gyr_autom : ∀ (a:G) (b:G), gyr a b ∈ Aut G)
-- axiom 5: gyr a b = gyr (a + b) b
(gyr_loop :  a b, gyr a b = gyr (a + b) b)

variables (G : Type) [gyrogroup G]
variables (a b c : G)

def gyr := G -> G -> Aut G
lemma gyr_zero (a b : G): gyr a b 0 = 0 :=

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC