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Topic: Dependent and
Fox Thomson (Jul 03 2020 at 11:00):
How do I say I want two statements P and Q to be true where I am using properties that depend on P in Q, for example, if I was to define something like
def is_abelian_group (α : Type _) : α → Prop := is_group α ∧ (∀ g h : α, g*h = h*g)
Kenny Lau (Jul 03 2020 at 11:02):
def is_abelian_group (α : Type _) : Prop := ∃ [is_group α], by exactI (∀ g h : α, g*h = h*g)
Fox Thomson (Jul 03 2020 at 11:09):
Thank you!
Fox Thomson (Jul 03 2020 at 11:29):
I am now having trouble using this, I want to be able to say
import algebra.group
def is_abelian_group (α : Type) : Prop := ∃ [group α], by exactI (∀ g h : α, g*h = h*g)
lemma abelian_group_is_group (α : Type) : is_abelian_group α → group α :=
intro h,
unfold is_abelian_group at h,
casesI h with hgroup habelian,
However, I get the error "induction tactic failed, recursor 'Exists.dcases_on' can only eliminate into Prop"
Mario Carneiro (Jul 03 2020 at 11:31):
did you want is_group
instead of group
Mario Carneiro (Jul 03 2020 at 11:31):
group A
is not a Prop
Mario Carneiro (Jul 03 2020 at 11:33):
I think you have an #xy problem
Fox Thomson (Jul 03 2020 at 11:39):
What I was trying to do was to define a class on pgames which inducts on itself and also depended on another class, class
does not seem to allow for inductive definitions so I was defining in the form pgame → Prop
and using well founded recursion
Mario Carneiro (Jul 03 2020 at 11:44):
could you show your code?
Mario Carneiro (Jul 03 2020 at 11:45):
(btw abelian_group
in mathlib is called comm_group
Fox Thomson (Jul 03 2020 at 11:47):
class similar_game (G : pgame) := (similar_moves : G.left_moves = G.right_moves)
def moves (G : pgame) [similar_game G] : Type u := G.left_moves
def moves_to_left_moves (G : pgame) [similar_game G] : G.moves → G.left_moves := id
def moves_to_right_moves (G : pgame) [h:similar_game G] : G.moves → G.right_moves :=
rw ←h.similar_moves,
exact id
instance moves_to_left_moves_coe (G : pgame) [similar_game G] : has_coe G.moves G.left_moves :=
⟨ moves_to_left_moves G ⟩
instance moves_to_right_moves_coe (G : pgame) [similar_game G] : has_coe G.moves G.right_moves :=
⟨ moves_to_right_moves G ⟩
@[class] def impartial : pgame → Prop
| G := ∃ [similar_game G],
by exactI (∀ i : G.moves, G.move_left i = G.move_right i ∧
∃ [similar_game (G.move_left i)], impartial (G.move_left i))
using_well_founded { dec_tac := pgame.pgame_wf_tac }
Mario Carneiro (Jul 03 2020 at 11:49):
class similar_game (G : pgame) : Prop := ...
Fox Thomson (Jul 03 2020 at 11:50):
Thank you!
Mario Carneiro (Jul 03 2020 at 11:51):
has an unnecessary typeclass argument
Kenny Lau (Jul 03 2020 at 11:51):
Mario Carneiro said:
class similar_game (G : pgame) : Prop := ...
this is very unfortunate. why can't Lean figure out that it's a Prop?
Mario Carneiro (Jul 03 2020 at 11:52):
It probably could, but it doesn't try
Mario Carneiro (Jul 03 2020 at 11:53):
If you put #lint
at the bottom it will tell you about unnecessary arguments
Kevin Buzzard (Jul 03 2020 at 11:53):
Isn't this called impartial_game
or something?
Fox Thomson (Jul 03 2020 at 11:55):
Which would be the better convention, similar
and impartial
or similar_game
and impartial_game
Reid Barton (Jul 03 2020 at 12:38):
Probably pgame.similar
Eric Wieser (Jul 03 2020 at 13:59):
Mario Carneiro said:
class similar_game (G : pgame) : Prop := ...
Whats the relevance of making similar_game
a Prop
Utensil Song (Jul 03 2020 at 14:14):
I think its because "induction tactic failed, recursor 'Exists.dcases_on' can only eliminate into Prop"
wants a Prop. And Lean chooses not to infer a "Prop class" for (maybe) performance reason.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC