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Topic: Dependent mapping of vector
Yakov Pechersky (Oct 27 2020 at 14:40):
I'm trying to work on some vector API that should parallel list. I'm trying to come up with a dependent-map that can use a hypothesis about all of the elements of a vector. Below, I have an example. Does anyone have tips on how to do this or express this better? Avoid this entirely?
import data.vector2
variables {α : Type*} {n : ℕ} (v : vector α n)
open vector
namespace vector
def enum : vector (fin n × α) n :=
vector.of_fn (λ i, (i, v.nth i))
def enum' : vector (ℕ × α) n :=
⟨v.to_list.enum, by rw [list.length_enum, vector.to_list_length]⟩
lemma to_list_enum' : v.enum'.to_list = v.to_list.enum := rfl
@[simp] lemma nth_enum' (i : fin n) : v.enum'.nth i = (i, v.nth i) :=
rw [←option.some.inj_eq, nth_eq_nth_le, nth_eq_nth_le, ←list.nth_le_nth,
to_list_enum', list.enum_nth, list.nth_le_nth],
simp only [fin.val_eq_coe, option.map_some],
lemma enum_bdd_above' (i : fin n) : prod.fst (v.enum'.nth i) < n :=
by simpa only [nth_enum'] using i.property
-- I want to express `enum` as a dependent map of `enum'` using
-- `enum_bdd_above'` as the proof that I can construct a `fin n`.
def dmap' {α β : Type*} (m : ℕ) (p : β → Prop) (γ : ℕ → Type* → Type* → Type*)
(g : Π {k : ℕ}, vector α k → vector β k) :
Π {n : ℕ} (hl : n ≤ m) (v : vector α n)
(h : Π {k : ℕ}, ∀ (v' : vector α k), k ≤ n → ∀ i, p ((g v').nth i))
(f : Π (b : β), n ≤ m → p b → γ m α β),
vector (γ m α β) n
| 0 hl v h f := nil
| 1 hl v h f := f ((g v).nth 0) hl (h _ (le_refl _) _) ::ᵥ nil
| (n + 2) hl v h f := f ((g v).nth 0) hl (h _ (le_refl _) 0) ::ᵥ dmap'
(le_trans (nat.sub_le (n + 2) 1) hl)
(λ k v' H, h v' (le_trans H (nat.sub_le (n + 2) 1)))
(λ b _, f b hl)
-- is there a better way to do this?
#check @dmap' α (ℕ × α) n (λ i, i.fst < n) (λ k x px', fin k × x) (@enum' α)
n (le_refl _) v
(λ k v' h i, lt_of_lt_of_le (@enum_bdd_above' _ k v' i) h)
(λ ⟨i, x⟩ h H, ⟨⟨i, H⟩, x⟩)
end vector
Yakov Pechersky (Oct 27 2020 at 22:30):
Ah, turns out there was a list.pmap
I could port over. Thanks Julian and Mario for hints. Here's the proof I was trying to develop, at the bottom:
import data.vector2
variables {α β γ : Type*} {n : ℕ} (v : vector α n) (vn : vector α 0) (vs : vector α (n + 1)) (x : α)
open vector
namespace vector
section pmap
variables {v vn vs x}
variables {p q : α → Prop}
lemma prop_distribute :
p x ∧ (∀ i, p (v.nth i)) ↔ ∀ i, p ((x ::ᵥ v).nth i) :=
{ rintro ⟨hx, ht⟩ i,
refine fin.cases _ _ i,
{ simpa only [nth_cons_zero] using hx },
{ simpa only [nth_cons_succ] using ht } },
{ intro h,
{ simpa only [nth_cons_zero] using h 0 },
{ intro i,
simpa only [nth_cons_succ] using h i.succ } }
lemma prop_distribute' :
(∀ i, p (vs.nth i)) ↔ p vs.head ∧ (∀ i', p (vs.tail.nth i')) :=
{ intro h,
{ simpa only [nth_zero] using h 0 },
{ intro i,
simpa only [nth_tail] using h i.succ } },
{ rintro ⟨hx, ht⟩ i,
refine fin.cases _ _ i,
{ simpa only [nth_zero] using hx },
{ simpa only [nth_tail] using ht} },
lemma nth_of_mem (h : x ∈ v.to_list) : ∃ i, v.nth i = x :=
mem_iff_nth.mp h
lemma forall_mem_to_list_iff : (∀ x ∈ v.to_list, p x) ↔ ∀ (i : fin n), p (v.nth i) :=
⟨ λ h i, h _ (mem_iff_nth.mpr ⟨i, rfl⟩), λ h _ hx, exists.elim (nth_of_mem hx) (λ _ H, H ▸ h _)⟩
variables (v)
def pmap (f : Π (x : α), p x → β)
(h : ∀ i : fin n, p (v.nth i)) : vector β n :=
⟨list.pmap f v.to_list (forall_mem_to_list_iff.mpr h), by rw [list.length_pmap, to_list_length]⟩
lemma pmap_def (f : Π (x : α), p x → β) (h : ∀ i : fin n, p (v.nth i)) :
v.pmap f h = ⟨list.pmap f v.to_list (forall_mem_to_list_iff.mpr h),
by rw [list.length_pmap, to_list_length]⟩ := rfl
lemma to_list_pmap (f : Π (x : α), p x → β)
(h : ∀ i : fin n, p (v.nth i)) : (v.pmap f h).to_list = v.to_list.pmap f (forall_mem_to_list_iff.mpr h) := rfl
variable (p)
lemma pmap_eq_map (f : α → β) (h) : @pmap _ _ _ v p (λ x _, f x) h = v.map f :=
vector.eq _ _ (by simp only [to_list_map, to_list_pmap, list.pmap_eq_map])
variable {p}
lemma pmap_congr {f : Π (x : α), p x → β} {g : Π (x : α), q x → β} {H₁ H₂}
(h : ∀ x h₁ h₂, f x h₁ = g x h₂) :
v.pmap f H₁ = v.pmap g H₂ :=
vector.eq _ _ (v.to_list.pmap_congr h)
lemma map_pmap (g : β → γ) (f : Π (x : α), p x → β) (H) :
(v.pmap f H).map g = v.pmap (λ a h, g (f a h)) H :=
vector.eq _ _ (list.map_pmap g f v.to_list (forall_mem_to_list_iff.mpr H))
@[simp] lemma pmap_nil {f : Π (x : α), p x → β} {h} :
nil.pmap f h = nil := rfl
lemma pmap_nil' {f : Π (x : α), p x → β} {h} :
vn.pmap f h = nil := by simp only [eq_iff_true_of_subsingleton]
@[simp] lemma pmap_singleton {f : Π (x : α), p x → β} {h} :
(x ::ᵥ nil).pmap f h = f x (h 0) ::ᵥ nil := rfl
@[simp] lemma pmap_cons {f : Π (x : α), p x → β} {h} (hx : p x) :
(x ::ᵥ v).pmap f h = f x hx ::ᵥ v.pmap f (prop_distribute.mpr h).right :=
by simpa only [pmap_def, to_list_cons]
@[simp] lemma pmap_head {f : Π (x : α), p x → β} : Π {vs : vector α (n + 1)} {h},
(vs.pmap f h).head = f vs.head (prop_distribute'.mp h).left
| ⟨[], hl⟩ _ := by contradiction
| ⟨x :: l, hl⟩ _ := rfl
@[simp] lemma nth_pmap_cons {f : Π (x : α), p x → β} {H i} :
(v.pmap f H).nth i = f (v.nth i) (H i) :=
induction n with n hn generalizing f H i,
{ exact fin_zero_elim i },
{ have : ∃ h t, h ::ᵥ t = v := ⟨v.head, v.tail, cons_head_tail v⟩,
rcases this with ⟨x, t, hv⟩,
simp_rw ←hv at H ⊢,
have hx : p x := (prop_distribute.mpr H).left,
refine fin.cases _ _ i,
{ simp only [nth_zero, pmap_head] },
{ rw pmap_cons _ hx,
simp_rw nth_cons_succ,
apply hn } }
end pmap
section enum
def enum : vector (fin n × α) n :=
of_fn (λ i, (i, v.nth i))
lemma enum_def : v.enum = of_fn (λ i, (i, v.nth i)) := rfl
lemma to_list_enum : v.enum.to_list = list.of_fn (λ i, (i, v.nth i)) :=
by simp only [enum_def, to_list_of_fn]
@[simp] lemma nth_enum (i : fin n) : v.enum.nth i = (i, v.nth i) :=
by simp only [enum_def, nth_of_fn]
def enum' : vector (ℕ × α) n :=
⟨v.to_list.enum, by rw [list.length_enum, vector.to_list_length]⟩
lemma to_list_enum' : v.enum'.to_list = v.to_list.enum := rfl
@[simp] lemma nth_enum' (i : fin n) : v.enum'.nth i = (i, v.nth i) :=
rw [←option.some.inj_eq, nth_eq_nth_le, nth_eq_nth_le, ←list.nth_le_nth,
to_list_enum', list.enum_nth, list.nth_le_nth],
simp only [fin.val_eq_coe, option.map_some],
lemma enum_bdd_above' (i : fin n) : prod.fst (v.enum'.nth i) < n :=
by simpa only [nth_enum'] using i.property
def enum_p : vector (fin n × α) n :=
pmap v.enum' (λ xpair h, ((⟨xpair.fst, h⟩), xpair.snd)) v.enum_bdd_above'
lemma enum_p_def :
v.enum_p = v.enum'.pmap (λ xpair h, ((⟨xpair.fst, h⟩), xpair.snd)) v.enum_bdd_above' := rfl
lemma enum_eq_enum_p : v.enum = v.enum_p :=
apply ext,
intro i,
simp only [enum_p_def, nth_enum, nth_pmap_cons, nth_enum', fin.eta],
end enum
end vector
Shreyas Srinivas (Mar 07 2022 at 04:50):
Hello folks. I am very new to lean and dependently typed programming. Unfortunately I have hit what seems to be a beginner's snag. I have worked through the lean theorem proving tutorial and attempted the most basic example that dependently typed languages advertise, namely Vec a n
. A snippet below:
inductive Vec (α : Type) : Nat → Type where
| Nil : Vec α 0
| Cons : {x : Nat} → α → Vec α x → Vec α (1+x)
open Vec
def commute {α : Type} {m n : Nat} : Vec α (m + n) = Vec α (n + m) := congrArg (Vec α) (Nat.add_comm m n)
def concat {α : Type} {n m : Nat} (v : Vec α n) (w : Vec α m) : Vec α (n+m) :=
match v with
| Vec.Nil => concat Nil w
| Vec.Cons x xs => Cons x (concat xs w)
Unfortunately the Cons arm of the match protests that
type mismatch
Cons x (concat xs w)
has type
Vec α (1 + (x✝ + m)) : Type
but is expected to have type
Vec α (1 + x✝ + m) : Type
I have read the chapter on Quantifiers and Equality. However, the functions/theorems there only allow one to derive new Propositions or Types. How do I derive a vector of type Vec α (1 + x✝ + m)
from Vec α (1 + x✝ + m)
More concisely, is there is a function that does the following: def transform_equiv (α β : Type) (f : Type → Type) (hab : α = β) (a : f α) : f β := _ # Same value for type \beta
Kyle Miller (Mar 07 2022 at 06:02):
Associativity of addition in the index of a type is a perennial dependent type problem.
To answer your last question first, that function is easy to define with tactics:
def cast_idx {α β : Type} (f : Type → Type) (hab : α = β) (a : f α) : f β :=
by { cases hab, exact a }
/-- Likely useful when trying to work with `cast_idx`. -/
lemma cast_idx_rfl {α β : Type} (f : Type → Type) (a : f α) : cast_idx f rfl a = a := rfl
Kyle Miller (Mar 07 2022 at 06:03):
It's also easy to define without tactics:
def cast_idx {α β : Type} (f : Type → Type) (hab : α = β) (a : f α) : f β := eq.rec a hab
Kyle Miller (Mar 07 2022 at 06:04):
Oh, you're using Lean 4, that was Lean 3.
Kyle Miller (Mar 07 2022 at 06:07):
Lean 4:
def cast_idx {α β : Type} (f : Type → Type) (hab : α = β) (a : f α) : f β :=
by { cases hab; exact a }
-- Or, using the recursor:
def cast_idx {α β : Type} (f : Type → Type) (hab : α = β) (a : f α) : f β :=
Eq.rec (motive := λ γ _ => f γ) a hab
-- Or, using the recursor's notation:
def cast_idx {α β : Type} (f : Type → Type) (hab : α = β) (a : f α) : f β :=
hab ▸ a
/-- Likely useful when trying to work with `cast_idx`. -/
theorem cast_idx_rfl {α β : Type} (f : Type → Type) (a : f α) : cast_idx f rfl a = a := rfl
Kyle Miller (Mar 07 2022 at 06:11):
Anyway, this is a potential way to write concat
def concat {α : Type} {n m : Nat} (v : Vec α n) (w : Vec α m) : Vec α (n+m) :=
match v with
| Vec.Nil => Nat.zero_add _ ▸ w
| Vec.Cons x xs => Nat.add_assoc _ _ _ ▸ Cons x (concat xs w)
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2022 at 06:42):
A warning: You used 1+x
in the definition of Vec
, which is common in Coq because addition is defined by recursion on the left. In Lean, addition is defined by recursion on the right, so you should prefer x+1
, it will unfold definitionally in more contexts that way (which is important for dependent type families)
Mario Carneiro (Mar 07 2022 at 06:46):
In fact, with just a bit of commutation, you can make the definition of concat
go through without any casts:
inductive Vec (α : Type) : Nat → Type where
| Nil : Vec α 0
| Cons : {x : Nat} → α → Vec α x → Vec α (x+1)
open Vec
def concat {α : Type} {n m : Nat} (v : Vec α n) (w : Vec α m) : Vec α (m + n) :=
match v with
| Vec.Nil => w
| Vec.Cons x xs => Cons x (concat xs w)
Shreyas Srinivas (Mar 07 2022 at 13:44):
Kyle Miller said:
Associativity of addition in the index of a type is a perennial dependent type problem.
To answer your last question first, that function is easy to define with tactics:
def cast_idx {α β : Type} (f : Type → Type) (hab : α = β) (a : f α) : f β := by { cases hab, exact a } /-- Likely useful when trying to work with `cast_idx`. -/ lemma cast_idx_rfl {α β : Type} (f : Type → Type) (a : f α) : cast_idx f rfl a = a := rfl
Thanks a lot. This helps immensely.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC