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Topic: Design a tactic to find a finite set?
Laurent Bartholdi (Apr 04 2022 at 00:32):
Sorry the title is very unclear -- I would very much like lean to be able to automatically solve a goal of the following form (a contrived M(N)WE).
In words: with fin
sets, define the orbit of a point under a function. Then have Lean/mathlib automatically deduce that some other point belongs to the orbit. For a mathematician, this means starting from the singleton {point} and applying repeatedly the function till the orbit doesn't increase; then check whether the other point belongs to that set.
import analysis.special_functions.log
-- to have ⋂₀. Certainly not the minimal import, but what's in my current code
namespace test
variables {X : Type}
def orbit (f : X → X) (x : X) : set X := ⋂₀{O | x∈O ∧ ∀(x∈O), f(x)∈O}
def reaches (f : X → X) (x y : X) : Prop := y∈(orbit f x)
def myf : fin 4 → fin 4 := ![0,0,1,2]
theorem wow : reaches myf 3 0 := begin -- ideally, this would be "by mysimp" or "by simp[mymethod]"
intros O h,
have h3 : (3 : fin 4) ∈ O, by finish,
have h2 : (2 : fin 4) ∈ O, by finish,
have h1 : (1 : fin 4) ∈ O, by finish,
theorem wow2 : ¬ reaches myf 0 3 := sorry
end test
Damiano Testa (Apr 04 2022 at 04:20):
If all you care is the case in which X
is fin n
for some concrete n
, like in your example where n = 4
, then dec_trivial
should be able to help.
However, though I might be wrong, your definition of orbit
is "too abstract". Something like ∃ a : fin n, f^[a] x = y
might work better.
Note that the existential is over a fin
, (in this case, the same fin n
where x y
also live is enough).
Damiano Testa (Apr 04 2022 at 04:21):
When I said "too abstract" I meant "too abstract for dec_trivial
to help". Of course, yours is perfectly valid!
Damiano Testa (Apr 04 2022 at 04:22):
With the quantification that I propose, the problem is clearly "finite".
Damiano Testa (Apr 04 2022 at 06:04):
For instance, this works:
variables {n : ℕ}
def fin_orbit (f : fin n → fin n) (x : fin n) : set (fin n) :=
{ y | ∃ (m : fin n), f^[m] x = y }
def fin_reaches (f : (fin n) → (fin n)) (x y : fin n) : Prop :=
y ∈ fin_orbit f x
def myf : fin 4 → fin 4 := ![0,0,1,2]
theorem wow : fin_reaches myf 3 0 :=
unfold fin_reaches myf fin_orbit,
theorem wow2 : ¬ fin_reaches myf 0 3 :=
unfold fin_reaches myf fin_orbit,
Damiano Testa (Apr 04 2022 at 06:05):
On the side, you would have to prove something like
lemma fin_orbit_eq_orbit (f : (fin n) → (fin n)) (x : fin n) : fin_orbit f x = orbit f x :=
to convert your definition of orbit
into the fin_orbit
that works with dec_trivial
Yakov Pechersky (Apr 04 2022 at 12:46):
fin_orbit is related to docs#equiv.perm.cycle_of
Laurent Bartholdi (Apr 04 2022 at 15:45):
Thanks for all the feedback! However, I should have stated that this is really a MWE.
In my "real-life" situation, I'm not interating a map such as myf
, but really a map on sets (or at least a map X\times Y\to X
, treated as a collection of Y
maps whose global orbit I am interested in.
In the cases I have in mind, I don't think I can avoid quantifying over a subset. However, as in @Damiano Testa's suggested answer, I can bound the number of iterations till the set stabilizes by #X
Alex J. Best (Apr 04 2022 at 15:53):
I think whatever you are asking for is certainly possible as a tactic, provided lean has a way to normalize applications of the function you want the orbit of. This could either be through carefully chosen simp lemmas, or the function itself could be computable.
The first step of building most tactics though should be to produce a few proofs that do exactly what you want the tactic to do, in a rigid style so its clear exactly what the tactic will and will not do when it is called.
Then sometimes it becomes clear that the tactic is a combination of existing things such as norm_num
and maybe some carefully chosen repeat
and try
statements, or it may be complicated enough that an actual procedure needs to be written in the tactic monad.
Laurent Bartholdi (Apr 05 2022 at 18:04):
Thanks @Alex J. Best ! I think what I really would like is the automatic computation of the orbits of semigroups acting on fin n
. Here's a more detailed example (which however I haven't been able to complete cleanly, still lots of sorries): that of a 2-generated semigroup acting on fin 4
, consisting of the two constant maps 0 and 2. (of course this is just for testing purposes). Prove that 0 is reachable from 3, by proving that the orbit of 3 is {0,2,3}.
The way a human would do it is start by {3} and keep applying all generators to enlarge the set; when it doesn't enlarge anymore, we found the orbit.
import analysis.special_functions.log
namespace test
variables {X Y : Type}
def orbit (f : Y → X → X) (x : X) : set X := ⋂₀{O | x∈O ∧ ∀(x∈O) y, f y x∈O}
def reaches (f : Y → X → X) (x y : X) : Prop := y∈(orbit f x)
def myf : fin 2 → fin 4 → fin 4 := ![![2,2,2,2],![0,0,0,3]]
lemma start (f : Y → X → X) (x : X) : {x} ⊆ orbit f x := begin
intros _ h _ hO,
rw set.eq_of_mem_singleton h,
exact hO.1
lemma extend (f : Y → X → X) (x : X) (O : set X) : O ⊆ orbit f x → (O ∪ ⋃(y : Y), (f y) '' O) ⊆ orbit f x := begin
intros h x' k,
cases k,
{ exact h k },
{ rw set.mem_Union at k, cases k, cases k_h, sorry }
lemma foundorbit (f : Y → X → X) (x : X) (O : set X) : O ⊆ orbit f x → x ∈ O → ∀(y : Y), f y '' O ⊆ O → O = orbit f x := begin
theorem myf_orbit3 : orbit myf 3 = {0,2,3} := begin
have iter1 : ({3} : set (fin 4)) ⊆ orbit myf 3, exact start myf 3,
have iter2 : ({2,3} : set (fin 4)) ⊆ orbit myf 3, { let temp := extend myf 3 {3} iter1, rw myf at temp, finish },
have iter3 : ({0,2,3} : set (fin 4)) ⊆ orbit myf 3, exact extend myf 3 {2,3} iter2,
exact foundorbit myf 3 {0,2,3} iter3 iter1 (by sorry)
theorem wow : reaches myf 3 0 := begin
rw reaches,
rw myf_orbit3,
end test
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC