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Topic: Eigenvalues of matrices: Trace Determinants and others
MohanadAhmed (May 14 2023 at 18:24):
Hello Everyone,
What I am trying to do?
I am trying to formalize matrix identities that are related to eigenvalues. Two examples here are: Trace of a matrix is the sum of eigenvalues and determinant of matrix is product of eigenvalues.
For Hermitian case I was able to make use of the is_hermitian
lemmas to do most of the work. docs#matrix.is_hermitian.eigenvalues. In the case of non-hermitian matrices there seems to be still a disconnect in mathlib. Eigenvalues are defined for Endomorphisms in docs#module.End.eigenvalues. These are defined in such a way that they would even work for infinite dimensions. But for finite matrices they may not be the best. One particular issue is the information about multiplicity is lost, which makes talking about Trace and Determinant identities more difficult.
The plan I have in mind is as follows:
- Define eigenvalue multiplicity as the multiplicity of the root of the characteristic polynomial.
- Similar to docs#polynomial.exists_multiset_root we define
which says that there is a multiset of eigenvalues with the correct multiplicities. - By
we get a handle on one such set. This is defined aseigs
. - Show that every eigenvalue in the multiset is also satisfies
module.End.has_eigenvalue (matrix.to_lin' A) μ
- Show that the whole set of elements in
(eigenvalues.fintype (matrix.to_lin' A)).elems
Then get to the proofs of det_eq_prod_eigs
and trace_eq_sum_eigs
. Before diving into this plan, I thought I would get some opinions on it.
Big Question
Does this plan sound reasonable?
Is it just completely wrong?
If it is not just that bad :sweat_smile: , any suggestions on easier, simpler ways to do this?
Smaller Problems:
- Cannot get
μ ∈ eigenvaluesA
to type check. The type of eigenvalues isfinset(eigenvalues ...)
. The full error message is
failed to synthesize type class instance for
n : Type u_1,
_inst_1 : fintype n,
_inst_2 : decidable_eq n,
_inst_3 : nonempty n,
A : matrix n n ℂ,
μ : ℂ,
eigenvaluesA : finset (eigenvalues (⇑to_lin' A)) := fintype.elems (eigenvalues (⇑to_lin' A))
⊢ has_mem ℂ (finset (eigenvalues (⇑to_lin' A)))
This seems to make sense ℂ
and eigenvalues (⇑to_lin' A)
are not the same thing. But how do I convince lean to convert them. From docs docs#module.End.has_coe should do some conversion, but I don't know how to use it.
- How would one show that the
nth - 1
coefficient is the sum of all the roots.
The lean code I have so far is below
import linear_algebra.matrix.spectrum
import linear_algebra.eigenspace
import data.complex.basic
import linear_algebra.matrix.charpoly.coeff
variables {n: Type*}[fintype n][decidable_eq n][nonempty n]
open matrix polynomial
open module.End
open_locale classical
open_locale matrix big_operators
noncomputable def eig_multiplicity (A: matrix n n ℂ) (μ: ℂ) : ℕ :=
polynomial.root_multiplicity μ (matrix.charpoly A)
lemma exists_multiset_eigs {A : matrix n n ℂ} (hp : A ≠ 0) :
∃ s : multiset ℂ, (s.card : with_bot ℕ) ≤ fintype.card n ∧ ∀ μ, s.count μ = eig_multiplicity A μ
unfold eig_multiplicity,
have p_nz : matrix.charpoly A ≠ 0, {
by_contra, replace h := congr_arg nat_degree h, simp only [nat_degree_zero] at h,
have p_deg := matrix.charpoly_nat_degree_eq_dim A, rw p_deg at h,
have hn: fintype.card n ≠ 0, {exact fintype.card_ne_zero,},
exact hn h,
have Adeg := matrix.charpoly_degree_eq_dim A,
let zeta := exists_multiset_roots p_nz,
rw ← Adeg,
exact zeta,
noncomputable def eigs (A: matrix n n ℂ): multiset ℂ :=
if h : A = 0 then ∅
else classical.some (exists_multiset_eigs h)
lemma eig_is_eigenvalue (A: matrix n n ℂ) (μ: ℂ) :
μ ∈ eigs A ↔ module.End.has_eigenvalue (matrix.to_lin' A) μ := sorry
lemma eigs_are_eigenvalues (A: matrix n n ℂ) : ∀(μ : ℂ),
let eigenvaluesA := (eigenvalues.fintype (matrix.to_lin' A)).elems in
μ ∈ eigenvaluesA ↔ μ ∈ eigs A := sorry
/-Useful Lemmas -/
lemma det_eq_prod_eigs (A: matrix n n ℂ): A.det = (eigs A).prod := sorry
lemma trace_eq_sum_eigs (A: matrix n n ℂ) {hn: nonempty n}: A.trace = (eigs A).sum := --sorry
by_cases hAz: A = 0, rw hAz, rw trace_zero, rw eigs,
simp only [multiset.empty_eq_zero, dif_pos, multiset.sum_zero],
-- A ≠ 0 Case
rw trace_eq_neg_charpoly_coeff A,
-- have:
Kevin Buzzard (May 14 2023 at 19:03):
In the finite rank case the natural definition would be the multiset of eigenvalues of an endomorphism, defined as the multiset of roots of the char poly, which would make sense if the base ring is an integral domain. You don't necessarily need to carry around the multiplicities, you can just sum over the multiset.
MohanadAhmed (May 14 2023 at 19:18):
Do you mean something like in this line:
lemma trace_eq_sum_eigs (A: matrix n n ℂ) {hn: nonempty n}: A.trace = (eigs A).sum
- If what I understand is correct the multiset carries the multiplicities around, hence when it is constructed, we need to provide that piece of information right?
Kevin Buzzard (May 14 2023 at 20:09):
Yes sorry! I glanced at your code but didn't grok that you were doing exactly what I had in mind already! Sorry.
Kevin Buzzard (May 14 2023 at 20:10):
You shouldn't need nonempty n
and you shouldn't need to work over the complexes (the theorem is true in characteristic p for example, it's pure algebra not analysis)
Kevin Buzzard (May 14 2023 at 20:11):
I don't really see why you're not just using the multiset of roots of the polynomial rather than using the axiom of choice in this artificial way
Kevin Buzzard (May 14 2023 at 20:11):
Do we not have the multiset of roots of a polynomial? (Guessing docs#polynomial.roots)
Kevin Buzzard (May 14 2023 at 20:12):
Yeah it's there already, you don't have to make it again
Kevin Buzzard (May 14 2023 at 20:13):
And it correctly has just the assumption that R is an integral domain. Just apply that to the char poly.
Kevin Buzzard (May 14 2023 at 20:14):
Furthermore I'd suggest that you don't work with matrices but instead focus on endomorphisms of finite rank modules for as long as possible. There is absolutely no need to pick a basis here.
Kevin Buzzard (May 14 2023 at 20:18):
docs#linear_map.charpoly should be the generality (plus R an integral domain so that you can take the multiset of roots)
Eric Wieser (May 14 2023 at 21:03):
Kevin Buzzard said:
Furthermore I'd suggest that you don't work with matrices but instead focus on endomorphisms of finite rank modules for as long as possible. There is absolutely no need to pick a basis here.
Though note that both trace and determinant are defined on endomorphisms via matrices, so it might be marginally easier to prove results about those on matrices first
Eric Wieser (May 14 2023 at 22:02):
Cannot get
μ ∈ eigenvaluesA
to type check. The type of eigenvalues isfinset(eigenvalues ...)
You need to use μ ∈ eigenvaluesA.image coe
, which converts the RHS into finset complex
MohanadAhmed (May 15 2023 at 15:52):
For now it seems lean is convinced that the trace is the sum of eigenvalues and determinant is the product of eigenvalues. However I still did not link the eigenvalues defined as roots of charpoly to the eigenvalues as defined in mathlib (which is the root of the minpoly). I am struggling with proving that the root of a characteristic polynomial is also the root of a minimal polymial. Any help or pointers to what lemmas in mathlib to use appreciated.
import linear_algebra.matrix.spectrum
import linear_algebra.eigenspace
import linear_algebra.charpoly.basic
import linear_algebra.matrix.charpoly.coeff
import linear_algebra.charpoly.to_matrix
import linear_algebra.matrix.charpoly.minpoly
import data.complex.basic
import analysis.complex.polynomial
variables {n: Type*}[fintype n][decidable_eq n][nonempty n]
variables {R: Type*}[field R][is_alg_closed R]
open matrix polynomial
open linear_map module.End
open_locale matrix big_operators
noncomputable def eigs (A: matrix n n R): multiset R :=
polynomial.roots (matrix.charpoly A)
lemma is_root_minpoly_iff_is_root_charpoly (A: matrix n n ℂ) (μ: ℂ) :
is_root (matrix.charpoly A) μ ↔ is_root (minpoly ℂ A) μ :=
intro h,
set mp := minpoly ℂ A,
sorry, -- HERE is where I am out of attempts!!!
intro h,
apply is_root.dvd h,
exact matrix.minpoly_dvd_charpoly A,
lemma det_eq_prod_eigs (A: matrix n n R):
A.det = (eigs A).prod :=
rw eigs,
by_cases hn: nonempty n, {
rw det_eq_sign_charpoly_coeff,
have hdeg := charpoly_nat_degree_eq_dim A,
rw ← hdeg,
rw polynomial.prod_roots_eq_coeff_zero_of_monic_of_split,
rw ← mul_assoc, rw ← pow_two,
rw ← pow_mul,
by_cases h2: ring_char R ≠ 2, {
have hstupid: -1 ≠ (1:R),
{exact ring.neg_one_ne_one_of_char_ne_two h2,},
have hs2 : even(A.charpoly.nat_degree*2),
{simp only [even.mul_left, even_two],},
rw (neg_one_pow_eq_one_iff_even hstupid).2 hs2, rw one_mul,
rw [ne.def, not_not] at h2,
rw neg_one_eq_one_iff.2 h2, rw one_pow, rw one_mul,
apply matrix.charpoly_monic,
exact is_alg_closed.splits A.charpoly,
}, {
rw not_nonempty_iff at hn,
rw matrix.charpoly,
repeat {rw det_eq_one_of_card_eq_zero (fintype.card_eq_zero_iff.2 hn)},
rw polynomial.roots_one,
simp only [multiset.empty_eq_zero, multiset.prod_zero],
lemma trace_eq_sum_eigs (A: matrix n n R) : A.trace = (eigs A).sum := --sorry
rw eigs,
by_cases hn: (nonempty n), {
apply_fun (has_neg.neg),
rw ← polynomial.sum_roots_eq_next_coeff_of_monic_of_split ,
rw trace_eq_neg_charpoly_coeff, rw next_coeff,
rw neg_neg, rw charpoly_nat_degree_eq_dim,
have fn: 0 < fintype.card n, by apply (fintype.card_pos),
have fne := ne_of_lt fn,
symmetry' at fne, rw ne.def at fne,
split_ifs, refl,
apply matrix.charpoly_monic,
exact is_alg_closed.splits A.charpoly,
rintros a x hax, rwa neg_inj at hax,
}, {
rw not_nonempty_iff at hn,
rw matrix.trace,
rw fintype.sum_empty _, rotate, exact hn,
rw matrix.charpoly,
rw det_eq_one_of_card_eq_zero (fintype.card_eq_zero_iff.2 hn),
rw polynomial.roots_one,
simp only [multiset.empty_eq_zero, multiset.sum_zero],
Mauricio Collares (May 15 2023 at 16:06):
Mauricio Collares (May 15 2023 at 16:10):
Maybe not actually helpful, since I couldn't find API for the connection between eigenvalues and roots of the characteristic polynomial
MohanadAhmed (May 15 2023 at 16:22):
Hello @Mauricio Collares .
The link I am missing is between the roots of characteristic polynomial and the minimal polynomial. I can show that a root of the minimal polynomial is a root of the characeristic polynomial, using docs#is_root.dvd and docs#matrix.minpoly_dvd_charpoly. However I cannot go back. If I know the root of the characteristic I am not able to prove that it is the root of the minimal
Perhaps to make it clearer here is a diagram of where I am missing
eigs <---> charpoly.roots ????? minpoly.roots <------> has_eigenvalue
MohanadAhmed (May 15 2023 at 16:22):
The red arrow is the one I am missing
Eric Wieser (May 15 2023 at 16:39):
This post and this one may be of interest
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC