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Topic: Either Prime or Composite
Dev-Indra (Apr 26 2020 at 15:55):
Here is the theorem (either prime or composite) that I am trying to prove (I also gave some helper lemmas that are already proven). I created a lemma called dvd_n_less_than_n
but I cannot seem to apply it. I commented this near the end of my theorem. Please help.
def dvd (m n: ℕ): Prop := ∃ k, n = m * k def prime (p : ℕ) : Prop := p ≥ 2 ∧ ∀ n, dvd n p → n = 1 ∨ n = p def composite (d : ℕ): Prop:= ∃ (a b: ℕ), d = a*b ∧ a ≤ b ∧ b < d lemma greater_than_not_zero (n : ℕ)(n ≥ 2): n ≠ 0:= begin exact lattice.ne_bot_of_gt H, end lemma dvd_n_less_than_n (u n : ℕ) (ha: dvd u n) (hb: u ≠ 1) (hc: u ≠ n) (hn : n ≠ 0) : u < n := begin refine lt_of_le_of_ne _ hc, rcases ha with ⟨k, rfl⟩, simpa using nat.mul_le_mul_left _ (_:1≤_), refine nat.pos_iff_ne_zero.2 (mt _ hn), rintro rfl, refl, end lemma either_prime_or_composite (n:ℕ ) (ge: n≥ 2): (¬ (prime n) ↔ composite n) := begin split, { intros h, rw prime at h, rw composite, push_neg at h, cases h, { linarith, } , { cases h with u hu, let hu_left:= hu.1, rw dvd at hu_left, cases hu_left with k hk, have u_g_k : (u≤ k)∨ (u>k), { -- by library_search, exact le_or_lt u k, }, cases u_g_k, { use u, use k, split, exact hk, split, exact u_g_k, let hu_mid:= hu.2.1, have u_ge_1 : (u≥ 1), { by_contradiction, have u_zero: u=0, { linarith, }, have n_zero: n=0, { subst u_zero, simp at hk, exact hk, }, linarith, }, have u_ge_2 : (u≥ 2), { by_contradiction, have u_less_2 : u<2, { linarith, }, have u_eq_1: u=1, { linarith, }, -- by library_search, exact hu_mid u_eq_1, }, by_contradiction, have k_ge_n: k≥ n, { linarith, }, have uk_ge_2n: u*k≥ 2* n, { -- by library_search, exact canonically_ordered_semiring.mul_le_mul u_ge_2 k_ge_n, }, have n_ge_2n: n≥ 2*n, { linarith, }, have twon_gt_n: 2*n > n, { linarith, }, linarith, }, { use k, use u, split, rw mul_comm at hk, exact hk, split, --exact u_g_k, let hu_mid:= hu.2.1, have u_ge_1 : (u≥ 1), { by_contradiction, have u_zero: u=0, { linarith, }, have n_zero: n=0, { subst u_zero, simp at hk, exact hk, }, linarith, }, have u_ge_2 : (u≥ 2), { by_contradiction, have u_less_2 : u<2, { linarith, }, have u_eq_1: u=1, { linarith, }, -- by library_search, exact hu_mid u_eq_1, }, by_contradiction, have k_ge_n: k≥ n, { linarith, }, have uk_ge_2n: u*k≥ 2* n, { -- by library_search, exact canonically_ordered_semiring.mul_le_mul u_ge_2 k_ge_n, }, have n_ge_2n: n≥ 2*n, { linarith, }, have twon_gt_n: 2*n > n, { linarith, }, linarith, have ha: dvd u n, from and.left hu, have h2: u ≠ 1 ∧ u ≠ n, from and.right hu, have hc: u ≠ n, from and.right h2, have hb: u ≠ 1, from and.left h2, have hn: n ≠ 0, { exact lattice.ne_bot_of_gt ge, } --apply dvd_n_less_than_n,-- I have the lemma proved above but can't use it }, split, exact hk, split, have h3: u ≠ 1, from and.left h2, refl, --apply dvd_n_less_than_n, I have the lemma proved above but can't use it } }, { } end
Reid Barton (Apr 26 2020 at 16:03):
Please supply the correct imports, especially if you are pasting 200 lines of code already :upside_down:
Reid Barton (Apr 26 2020 at 16:04):
You're missing a comma before the first commented-out apply
Reid Barton (Apr 26 2020 at 16:04):
however, in my opinion the main problem is that your proof is too big and inefficient
Reid Barton (Apr 26 2020 at 16:05):
I can't get Lean to show the tactic state after apply dvd_n_less_than_n
, and I suspect the reason is that the proof uses linarith
about 20 times.
Dev-Indra (Apr 26 2020 at 16:09):
Thanks, it was the comma that was messing things up.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC