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Topic: Error: motive is not type correct

Apurva Nakade (Dec 15 2021 at 04:12):

I was playing around with mathlib and got a new error for the first time. I don't even understand what the words mean lol.

Here's a mwe:

import ring_theory.localization

example (b : ) (b' : )
  (hb : 2 ^ b' = b) :
  submonoid.log b, b', hb = b' :=
  have := @submonoid.log_pow_int_eq_self 2 (lt_add_one 1) b',
  unfold submonoid.pow at this,
  rw  hb,
  -- rewrite tactic failed, motive is not type correct
  -- λ (_a : ℤ), submonoid.log ⟨b, _⟩ = b' = (submonoid.log ⟨_a, _⟩ = b')

What does this error mean? What's a motive?


Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC