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Topic: Explicit coproduct proof for Ab

Yakov Pechersky (Aug 22 2023 at 01:58):

I'm trying to learn the category theory formalization in mathlib, and am struggling through the BinaryCofan and WalkingPair constructions. What's the right way to fill in the sorries here?

lemma exercise33 {G H : Type _} [AddCommGroup G] [AddCommGroup H] :
    HasBinaryCoproduct (C := AddCommGroupCat) (.of G) (.of H) := by
  refine' ⟨⟨.of (G × H), _⟩, _
  · refine' _, _
    · rintro (_|_)
      · exact AddMonoidHom.inl _ _
      · exact AddMonoidHom.inr _ _
    · rintro (_|_) (_|_) f
      · simp
      · simp
        ext g
      · simp
        ext h
      · simp
  · sorry

The maths proof here is I think captured by these two lemmas:

lemma exercise33' {G H X : Type _} [AddCommGroup G] [AddCommGroup H] [AddCommGroup X]
    (f : G →+ X) (g : H →+ X) : ((AddMonoidHom.coprod f g).comp (AddMonoidHom.inl _ _)) = f := by
  simp only [AddMonoidHom.coprod_comp_inl]

lemma exercise33'' {G H X : Type _} [AddCommGroup G] [AddCommGroup H] [AddCommGroup X]
    (f : G →+ X) (g : H →+ X) : ((AddMonoidHom.coprod f g).comp (AddMonoidHom.inr _ _)) = g := by
  simp only [AddMonoidHom.coprod_comp_inr]

Adam Topaz (Aug 22 2023 at 02:15):

the key is to also case split on f.

Adam Topaz (Aug 22 2023 at 02:33):

BTW, here's how I would go about this (the first two sorries are the other two exercises).

Adam Topaz (Aug 22 2023 at 02:33):

Also, just curious, where are these exercises from?

Yakov Pechersky (Aug 22 2023 at 02:41):

I tried it this way:

lemma exercise33 {G H : Type _} [AddCommGroup G] [AddCommGroup H] :
    HasBinaryCoproduct (C := AddCommGroupCat) (.of G) (.of H) := by
  refine' ⟨⟨.of (G × H), _⟩, _
  · refine' _, _
    · rintro (_|_)
      · exact AddMonoidHom.inl _ _
      · exact AddMonoidHom.inr _ _
    · rintro (_|_) (_|_) ⟨⟨⟨⟩⟩⟩
      · simp
      · simp
  · refine' BinaryCofan.IsColimit.mk _ _ _ _ _
    · intro T f f'
      exact AddMonoidHom.coprod f f'
    · intro T f f'
      exact AddMonoidHom.coprod_comp_inl f f'
    · intro T f f'
      exact AddMonoidHom.coprod_comp_inr f f'
    · rintro T f f' g rfl rfl
      sorry -- AddMonoidHom.coprod_inl_inr somehow

Yakov Pechersky (Aug 22 2023 at 02:44):

I'm glad I worked out to use the IsColimit.mk -- what is tripping me up is that it seems very API-intrusive to resolve some complex

      { pt := AddCommGroupCat.of (G × H),
        ι :=
          NatTrans.mk fun X 
            WalkingPair.rec (AddMonoidHom.inl ((AddCommGroupCat.of G)) H) (AddMonoidHom.inr G (AddCommGroupCat.of H))
              X.as } 
    AddMonoidHom.coprod f f' =

with just an exact AddMonoidHom.coprod_comp_inl f f'. I understand _why_ it works, I just wish there was some more syntactic-level simplification going on.

Adam Topaz (Aug 22 2023 at 02:52):

I think the issue is that you're applying BinaryCofan.inl to a cocone (the stuff in {...}. Binary cofans are defined as some cocones, but there is a special API for them. So this really mixes two APIs, one of which is essentially an alias for the other in a specific case. I also this this is a consequence of using by constructor ... as opposed to building a binary cofan with BinaryCofan.mk.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC