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Topic: Expressing ℕ as a category and Fibonacci as a functor
Lars Ericson (Dec 17 2020 at 01:45):
A blog post by Tai-Danae Bradley shows that ℕ is a complete category where
- The objects are non-negative integers
- The morphism is divisibility
and the Fibonacci sequence F(n)
where is exactly nat.fib
and roughly (but this doesn't quite work):
def F : ℕ → ℕ
| 1 := 1
| 2 := 1
| n := F (n-1) + F(n-2)
is a functor given nat.gcd(F n) ( F m) = F (nat.gcd n m)
Using the category
structure of mathlib
, how do I prove ℕ
is a category under nat.gcd
I don't quite understand all I need to prove because the definition of category
uses some complicated language extends category_struct.{v} obj
. With the inclusion of the tactic . obviously
, the category
fields should prove themselves for the most part:
class category (obj : Type u)
extends category_struct.{v} obj : Type (max u (v+1)) :=
(id_comp' : ∀ {X Y : obj} (f : hom X Y), 𝟙 X ≫ f = f . obviously)
(comp_id' : ∀ {X Y : obj} (f : hom X Y), f ≫ 𝟙 Y = f . obviously)
(assoc' : ∀ {W X Y Z : obj} (f : hom W X) (g : hom X Y) (h : hom Y Z),
(f ≫ g) ≫ h = f ≫ (g ≫ h) . obviously)
Having proven ℕ
is a category under divisibility, how do I show that nat.fib
is a functor?
This is as far as I could get:
import category_theory.category.default
import data.nat.fib
open category_theory
instance : category ℕ := {
-- something with nat.gcd
#check functor
-- something with nat.fib
Also, what in mathlib
marks that a category is a complete category? complete_space
? is_complete
Alex J. Best (Dec 17 2020 at 02:24):
Here's a start to setting this up
import data.nat.fib
import category_theory.functor
open category_theory
def mynat : Type := nat
def to_nat : mynat → nat := id
instance : has_dvd mynat :=
{dvd := λ a b, to_nat a ∣ b}
instance a : preorder mynat :=
{ le := (∣),
le_refl := λ a, dvd_refl a,
le_trans := λ a b c h g, dvd_trans h g, }
lemma fib_dvd_fib {m n : ℕ} (h : m ∣ n) : m.fib ∣ n.fib :=
def fib : mynat ⥤ mynat :=
{ obj := nat.fib,
map := λ m n h, hom_of_le (fib_dvd_fib (le_of_hom h)),
map_id' := λ _, rfl,
map_comp' := λ a b c f g, by simp}
Alex J. Best (Dec 17 2020 at 02:26):
We make mynat a type alias for nat so that we can put the divisibility order on it
Alex J. Best (Dec 17 2020 at 02:27):
docs#preorder.small_category automatically makes this a category then, so that the functor notation ⥤
Alex J. Best (Dec 17 2020 at 02:28):
I don't think we have the key lemma about divisibility of fibonaccis yet?
Lars Ericson (Dec 17 2020 at 12:39):
Thanks for the sketch @Alex J. Best .
Tai-Danae Bradley expressed the "functorial-ness" of nat.fib
in terms of nat.gcd(nat.fib n) ( nat.fib m) = nat.fib (nat.gcd n m)
. How is this represented in the sketch, and how is nat.gcd
as the greatest lower bound operator of the ℕ lattice represented in your sketch?
Another question, the definition of nat.fib
says "We use a stream iterator for better performance when compared to the naive recursive implementation." The documentation for stream
is terse. Is there a writeup somewhere for the use of stream iterators?
Alex J. Best (Dec 17 2020 at 12:42):
It's not, this was just the first step, setting up N with divisibility as a category and showing that fib defines a functor.
Alex J. Best (Dec 17 2020 at 12:44):
If you want to formalise the rest you would be showing that this category has (co)products (this would be lcm / gcd) and that the fib functor preserves limits
Alex J. Best (Dec 17 2020 at 12:47):
As for streams, I believe they're the same as the stream concept in haskell https://hackage.haskell.org/package/Stream-
Lars Ericson (Dec 17 2020 at 14:22):
How do you say that mynat
is an instance of category
and that it is a complete category?
Alex J. Best (Dec 17 2020 at 14:26):
instance : category mynat := by apply_instance
for the first, lean is doing this behind the scenes when you use the functor notation, that won't work unless lean "knows" that mynat is a category
Alex J. Best (Dec 17 2020 at 14:26):
So adding that line to the file is only needed for you to check as a user that lean knows how to find the category instance.
Alex J. Best (Dec 17 2020 at 14:30):
docs#category_theory.limits.has_limits is what mathlib calls a complete category I believe
Alex J. Best (Dec 17 2020 at 14:31):
To actually make an instance of this class probably requires some work
Alex J. Best (Dec 17 2020 at 14:34):
You can see several examples by searching for instance has_limits
in mathlib
Alex J. Best (Dec 17 2020 at 14:39):
Actually maybe I'm wrong and this is already there, if you import category_theory.limits.lattice
then proving an instance of complete_lattice mynat
will give you the has_limits mynat
instance for free
Alex J. Best (Dec 17 2020 at 14:42):
ok but maybe mynat isn't a complete lattice? so the best you can do is make an instance of semilattice_inf_top mynat
and get has_finite_limits mynat
from that, or maybe the dual lol
Alex J. Best (Dec 17 2020 at 15:08):
Ok I guess it is a complete lattice after all but I'm not sure the best way to prove that, you need to define has_Inf mynat
which should be the gcd of a (possibly infinite) set, the way I would do this by hand is just to say a set of naturals is a set of integers which generates some ideal, which is principal so take the positive generator to be the Inf of your set, no idea what the easiest way to do this in lean is.
Alex J. Best (Dec 17 2020 at 15:09):
import data.nat.fib
import category_theory.functor
import category_theory.limits.limits
import category_theory.limits.lattice
open category_theory
def mynat : Type := nat
def to_nat : mynat → nat := id
instance : has_dvd mynat :=
{dvd := λ a b, to_nat a ∣ b}
instance : semilattice_inf_top mynat :=
{ le := (∣),
le_refl := λ a, dvd_refl a,
le_trans := λ a b c h g, dvd_trans h g,
top := (0 : ℕ),
inf := λ a b , nat.gcd a b,
le_antisymm := λ a b, nat.dvd_antisymm,
inf_le_left := nat.gcd_dvd_left,
inf_le_right := nat.gcd_dvd_right,
le_top := λ a, ⟨0, rfl⟩,
le_inf := λ a b c, nat.dvd_gcd,
-- instance : complete_lattice mynat := complete_lattice_of_Inf mynat
lemma fib_dvd_fib {m n : ℕ} (h : m ∣ n) : m.fib ∣ n.fib :=
def fib : mynat ⥤ mynat :=
{ obj := nat.fib,
map := λ m n h, hom_of_le (fib_dvd_fib (le_of_hom h)),
map_id' := λ _, rfl,
map_comp' := λ a b c f g, by simp}
instance : category mynat := by apply_instance
instance : limits.has_finite_limits mynat := by apply_instance
uses the category machinery to show finite limits at least
Johan Commelin (Dec 17 2020 at 15:13):
Is there a complete_lattice_of_Sup
Alex J. Best (Dec 17 2020 at 15:13):
Yes, Sup seemed harder to define to me than Inf though?
Johan Commelin (Dec 17 2020 at 15:14):
Isn't it finset.lcm
for finite input and 0
Alex J. Best (Dec 17 2020 at 15:14):
Ah yes it is
Alex J. Best (Dec 17 2020 at 15:27):
Ok well I think these are the right definitions at least then, just a sorry to fill :smile:
import data.nat.fib
import category_theory.functor
import category_theory.limits.limits
import category_theory.limits.lattice
import data.finset.gcd
open category_theory
def mynat : Type := nat
def to_nat : mynat → nat := id
instance : has_dvd mynat :=
{dvd := λ a b, to_nat a ∣ b}
-- instance : semilattice_inf_top mynat :=
-- { le := (∣),
-- le_refl := λ a, dvd_refl a,
-- le_trans := λ a b c h g, dvd_trans h g,
-- top := (0 : ℕ),
-- inf := λ a b , nat.gcd a b,
-- le_antisymm := λ a b, nat.dvd_antisymm,
-- inf_le_left := nat.gcd_dvd_left,
-- inf_le_right := nat.gcd_dvd_right,
-- le_top := λ a, ⟨0, rfl⟩,
-- le_inf := λ a b c, nat.dvd_gcd,
-- }
instance : semilattice_sup_bot mynat :=
{ le := (∣),
le_refl := λ a, dvd_refl a,
le_trans := λ a b c h g, dvd_trans h g,
bot := (1 : ℕ),
sup := λ a b , nat.lcm a b,
le_antisymm := λ a b, nat.dvd_antisymm,
le_sup_left := nat.dvd_lcm_left,
le_sup_right := nat.dvd_lcm_right,
bot_le := λ (a:ℕ), ⟨a, (one_mul a).symm⟩,
sup_le := λ a b c, nat.lcm_dvd,
open_locale classical
noncomputable theory
instance : has_Sup mynat := ⟨λ s, if h : s.finite then finset.sup (set.finite.to_finset h) id else (0: ℕ)⟩
instance : complete_lattice mynat := complete_lattice_of_Sup mynat (λ s, sorry)
lemma fib_dvd_fib {m n : ℕ} (h : m ∣ n) : m.fib ∣ n.fib :=
def fib : mynat ⥤ mynat :=
{ obj := nat.fib,
map := λ m n h, hom_of_le (fib_dvd_fib (le_of_hom h)),
map_id' := λ _, rfl,
map_comp' := λ a b c f g, by simp}
instance : category mynat := by apply_instance
instance : limits.has_finite_limits mynat := by apply_instance
Eric Wieser (Dec 17 2020 at 15:44):
Am I right in thinking thatinstance : semilattice_inf_top mynat
could be PR'd as def dvd.semilattice_inf_top
Eric Wieser (Dec 17 2020 at 15:44):
Seems like a nice way to group together all the structure, even if it's not desirable to register it as an instance
Alex J. Best (Dec 17 2020 at 16:25):
Yes I think so? Or the complete lattice version if someone fills in the proof :smile:.
Maybe @Aaron Anderson has some ideas on whats a good way to set this all up though? Taking the naturals as a partial order w.r.t. divisibility is quite close to some of the moebius function machinery Aaron has developed.
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 17 2020 at 16:27):
If only the order were total -- then it would be an answer to this
Aaron Anderson (Dec 17 2020 at 16:57):
There is already a partial order representing divisibility of naturals in mathlib - it’s associates nat
Aaron Anderson (Dec 17 2020 at 16:59):
I haven’t explicitly defined an equivalence between N and that, but the ingredients are there (the assumption you want is [unique (units N)]
Aaron Anderson (Dec 17 2020 at 17:03):
For any comm_monoid
, there should be a <=
on associates
which is defeq to |
, and with possibly a few assumptions, it's a partial_order
Aaron Anderson (Dec 17 2020 at 17:05):
Unfortunately, the lattice instances on it are defined only for unique_factorization_monoid
, and not for gcd_monoid
, and I've found that hard to generalize without screwing up the flow of the unique_factorization_monoid
file, but that's ok for this, because we have unique_factorization_monoid N
Aaron Anderson (Dec 17 2020 at 17:07):
We do not however have a complete_lattice
Aaron Anderson (Dec 17 2020 at 17:12):
Some definitions I've been vaguely thinking about defining for a while is a locally_finite_partial_order_with_top
, which would apply to the partial order of the associates
of a unique_factorization_monoid
, and allow us to use your complete_lattice
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 17 2020 at 17:15):
Aah -- on a DVR the <=
on associates will be totally ordered: does
associates have
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 17 2020 at 17:16):
Oh it does! There's my example!
Lars Ericson (Dec 17 2020 at 20:13):
Nice benchmark problem! Thanks for thinking about it.
Lars Ericson (Dec 19 2020 at 16:30):
It's a nice cold Saturday morning. I'm looking at this again. The above sketch from @Alex J. Best creates an alias of ℕ, mynat
. However I noticed that a lot of pieces are there already in ℕ in particular
#check nat.has_dvd
#check nat.semilattice_sup_bot
What's missing is |
as a relation with the same status as ≤
, with corresponding hom_of_dvd
and dvd_of_hom
in category
. I tried to redo the sketch purely in ℕ, but it fails at definitions of hom_of_dvd
and dvd_of_hom
and hence thereafter in this revised sketch:
import category_theory.functor
import category_theory.limits.limits
import category_theory.limits.lattice
import data.finset.gcd
import data.nat.gcd
import data.set.finite
import data.nat.fib
open category_theory
open_locale classical
noncomputable theory
instance : has_Sup ℕ := ⟨λ s, if h : s.finite then finset.sup (set.finite.to_finset h) id else (0: ℕ)⟩
instance : complete_lattice ℕ := complete_lattice_of_Sup ℕ (λ s, sorry)
universe u
variables {α : Type u} [preorder α]
def category_theory.hom_of_dvd {U V : α} (h : (U | V)) : U ⟶ V := ulift.up (plift.up h) -- ERROR
lemma category_theory.dvd_of_hom {U V : α} (h : U ⟶ V) : (U | V) := h.down.down -- ERROR
def nat.fib_as_functor : ℕ ⥤ ℕ :=
{ obj := nat.fib,
map := λ m n h, hom_of_dvd (nat.fib_dvd_fib (dvd_of_hom h)),
map_id' := λ _, rfl,
map_comp' := λ a b c f g, by simp
lemma nat.fib_dvd_fib {m n : ℕ } : (m.fib_as_functor | n.fib_as_functor) :=
instance : category ℕ := by apply_instance
instance : limits.has_finite_limits ℕ := by apply_instance
If it's possible to make this work (with sorry
in proofs is OK, just the types and ability to extend ℕ directly without making a mynat
), that would be interesting.
Johan Commelin (Dec 19 2020 at 16:34):
@Lars Ericson it looks like you are trying to put two different order structures on the same type. Lean will not like that.
Lars Ericson (Dec 19 2020 at 16:37):
OK I'll stick with the mynat
version, thanks.
Adam Topaz (Dec 19 2020 at 17:02):
Lean and typeclass inference should be able to deduce the category structure on the naturals obtained by divisibility using associates nat
as Aaron hinted to above.
Lars Ericson (Dec 19 2020 at 17:09):
There are a number of assertions made in Fibonacci Sequence as a Functor. I'm using x_y
for things defined in mathlib
and x y for things that I don't know are defined in mathlib
has apartial_order
under divisibility- Hence
is acategory
is also a complete category
- Hence
has a meet defined asn ⊓ m = nat.gcd n m
- Hence
has a categorical limit
- Hence
preserves meets, where we define "preserve meets" by(nat.fib n)⊓ (nat.fib m) = nat.fib (n ⊓ m)
- Hence
is a meet semilattice - Hence
is a meet semilattice homomorphism - Hence
is a functor becausenat.gcd(nat.fib n, nat.fib m) = nat.fib(nat.gcd n m)
- Hence
is a continuous functor, because it preserves limits
- Hence
nat.gcd n m
* The categorical product ofn
* The pullback ofn
* The inverse limit ofn
* The equalizer ofn
I would like to annotate the mynat
proof sketch above with all of these assertions and be able to point out in Lean how each of the concepts is expressed. My placement of assertions next to related proofs is very approximate:
import category_theory.functor
import category_theory.limits.limits
import category_theory.limits.lattice
import data.finset.gcd
import data.nat.gcd
import data.set.finite
import data.nat.fib
open category_theory
open_locale classical
noncomputable theory
-- nat.gcd n m is the categorical product of n and m
-- nat.gcd n m is the pullback of n and m
-- nat.gcd n m is the inverse limit of n and m
-- nat.gcd n m is the equalizer of n and m
def mynat : Type := nat
def to_nat : mynat → nat := id
instance : has_dvd mynat := {dvd := λ a b, to_nat a ∣ b}
instance : semilattice_sup_bot mynat :=
{ le := (∣),
le_refl := λ a, dvd_refl a,
le_trans := λ a b c h g, dvd_trans h g,
bot := (1 : ℕ),
sup := λ a b , nat.lcm a b,
le_antisymm := λ a b, nat.dvd_antisymm,
le_sup_left := nat.dvd_lcm_left,
le_sup_right := nat.dvd_lcm_right,
bot_le := λ (a:ℕ), ⟨a, (one_mul a).symm⟩,
sup_le := λ a b c, nat.lcm_dvd,
-- ℕ has a partial_order under divisibility
-- ℕ has a meet defined as n ⊓ m = nat.gcd n m
-- ℕ is a meet semilattice
instance : has_Sup mynat := ⟨λ s, if h : s.finite then finset.sup (set.finite.to_finset h) id else (0: ℕ)⟩
instance : complete_lattice mynat := complete_lattice_of_Sup mynat (λ s, sorry)
-- nat.fib preserves meets, where we define "preserve meets" by (nat.fib n)⊓ (nat.fib m) = nat.fib (n ⊓ m)
-- nat.fib is a meet semilattice homomorphism
lemma fib_dvd_fib {m n : ℕ} (h : m ∣ n) : m.fib ∣ n.fib :=
-- nat.fib is a functor because nat.gcd(nat.fib n, nat.fib m) = nat.fib(nat.gcd n m)
-- nat.fib is a continuous functor, because it preserves limits
def fib : mynat ⥤ mynat :=
{ obj := nat.fib,
map := λ m n h, hom_of_le (fib_dvd_fib (le_of_hom h)),
map_id' := λ _, rfl,
map_comp' := λ a b c f g, by simp}
-- ℕ is a category
-- ℕ is also a complete category
instance : category mynat := by apply_instance
-- ℕ has a categorical limit
instance : limits.has_finite_limits mynat := by apply_instance
Alex J. Best (Dec 20 2020 at 14:41):
The sketch provided doesn't show that fib preserves meets, the unproven lemma lemma fib_dvd_fib {m n : ℕ} (h : m ∣ n) : m.fib ∣ n.fib :=
just says that fib is order preserving with the order on mynat given by division.
Alex J. Best (Dec 20 2020 at 14:45):
The reason for introducing mynat as a type alias for nat is to make use of notation and lemmas proved for types equipped with an order relation. Lean (naturally) gets confused if you put a two different order relations on the same type and want to use the same symbols to represent them both, so when you have two different relations on some type that both make it a preorder one way to circumvent this is to make a new type which is definitionally equal to the old one but with a different name. Lean will not automatically introduce the typeclasses from the old type for the new one, so we can set up an order relation on mynat that doesn't conflict with the usual ordering on natural numbers. As the types are equal by definition we can still use things proved about nat to prove things about mynat and lean will accept the proofs, hence why lines like le_sup_left := nat.dvd_lcm_left,
work to prove things about mynat.
Alex J. Best (Dec 20 2020 at 14:47):
I'm not sure if you are intending your annotations to be before or after the corresponding declaration?
Alex J. Best (Dec 20 2020 at 14:48):
The statement that fib is a functor isn't the same as nat.gcd(nat.fib n, nat.fib m) = nat.fib(nat.gcd n m)
that is the statement that fib preserves limits.
Alex J. Best (Dec 20 2020 at 14:50):
Being a complete category in lean is the statement limits.has_limits
I believe, has_finite_limits
would just be called finitely complete.
Alex J. Best (Dec 20 2020 at 14:52):
But given that we've added an incomplete proof that mynat is a complete lattice, the last line can be changed to
instance : limits.has_finite_limits mynat := by apply_instance
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC