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Topic: Extending a class

Andre Hernandez-Espiet (Rutgers) (Sep 15 2021 at 04:10):

I am trying to extend one class to another (I am in a way adding axioms to an already existing list of axioms). However, when I do this, the document doesn't recognize the second set of axioms, even though it recognizes the first set fine. How do I fix this? Am I not understanding these extensions properly? I have attached a sample document below:

Anne Baanen (Sep 15 2021 at 09:44):

Looks like the issue is that you have declared

variable [I : incidence_geometry]

include I

but not something like

variable [I2 : axioms2]
include I2

Anne Baanen (Sep 15 2021 at 09:45):

And probably you also want to write omit I if you include I2, otherwise Lean can get confused whether point refers to I.point or I2.point

Andre Hernandez-Espiet (Rutgers) (Sep 15 2021 at 18:02):

It seems like this brings me closer to a solution. However, while the new axioms are being recognized, it does have the problem of not understanding which kind of point I am talking about. I did include the "omit I" line of code, but somehow it seems like I am not doing this correctly. Any ideas as to how to fix this? Attached I have the modified code.


Eric Wieser (Sep 15 2021 at 18:07):

Can you either write this code inline or create a gist, rather than attaching the file to zulip? With how you're currently sending it, it doesn't render correctly for me on mobile because txt files don't have a known encoding.

Andre Hernandez-Espiet (Rutgers) (Sep 15 2021 at 18:14):

Is this what you are referring to?

import  data.set tactic.interactive set_theory.zfc
class incidence_geometry :=
(point : Type ) (lines : set (set point))
(eqd : point  point  point  point  Prop)

(B: point  point  point  Prop)
[dec_B :  a b c, decidable (B a b c)]
-- Equidistance of 4 Points
(P1 {} : point) (P2 {} : point) (P3 {} : point)

(I1a :  (a b : point), ab   (l   lines) , a l  b l)
(I1b :  (a b : point),  (l l'  lines), ab   a  l   b  l   a  l'   b  l'  l=l')
(I2 :  l  lines,  (X:point×point), X.1  l   X.2  l  X.1 X.2)
(I3 : ¬  l  lines , P1  l  P2  l  P3  l)
open incidence_geometry

variable [I : incidence_geometry]

include I

theorem ptoffline {l : set point}(H : l  lines):  (p : point), (p  l) :=
  by_cases h1: P1 l,use P1,
  by_cases h2: P2 l, use P2,
  by_cases h3: P3 l, use P3,
  push_neg at h1 h2 h3,
  have :  (l lines), (P1 l  P2 l P3 l),
    use l,
    exact H, h1, h2, h3 ⟩,
  exact I3 this,

theorem LinesOnePt {p p': point} {l1 l2 :  set point} (l1 l2) (h1 : l1  lines)(h2 : l2   lines): p  l1   p  l2   p'  l1   p'  l2  p=p':=
  intros hyp1 hyp2 hyp3 hyp4,
  apply by_contra,
  intros h,
  exact H( I1b p p' l1 l2 h1  h2 h hyp1 hyp3 hyp2 hyp4),

def parallel (l1 l2 :  set point) : Prop := (l1  lines) (l2  lines)  l1l2=∅

class axioms2 extends incidence_geometry :=
(Pa :  (a : point),  (l  lines ), ((¬ a l)   (l'  lines), parallel l l'  a  l'))
(Pb :  (a : point),  (l  lines),  (l1  lines),  (l2  lines), parallel l l1
 parallel l l2  a l1  ¬ a l2)
(B1 :  a b c : point, B a b c  B c b a )
(B2 :  a b : point ,  c : point , B a b c)
(B2b :  a x : point , B a x a  x=a)
(B3 :  l  lines,  a b c  l, xor (xor (B a b c) (B b c a)) (B c a b))
(B4 :  a b c d: point,  l lines, (¬ a  l ) (¬ b  l ) (¬ c  l )  (d  l)  (B a d b) 
 (e : point ), (e  l)  (B a e c  ¬ B b e c)  (B b e c  ¬ B a e c))
open axioms2

variable [I2 : axioms2]
include I2
omit I

def lineseg (a b : point) : set point := {x : point | B a x b}

lemma linesegsingleton ( a : point) : lineseg a a = {a} :=
  have := I2,
  have := B1 a a a ,

Andre Hernandez-Espiet (Rutgers) (Sep 15 2021 at 18:15):

sorry, I am still learning a lot of this

Kevin Buzzard (Sep 15 2021 at 22:07):

Your problem is that now you have axioms2.point and incidence_geometry.point. If you make point an input then you can do it like this:

import  data.set tactic.interactive set_theory.zfc
class incidence_geometry (point : Type):=
(lines : set (set point))
(eqd : point  point  point  point  Prop)

(B: point  point  point  Prop)
[dec_B :  a b c, decidable (B a b c)]
-- Equidistance of 4 Points
(P1 {} : point) (P2 {} : point) (P3 {} : point)

(I1a :  (a b : point), ab   (l   lines) , a l  b l)
(I1b :  (a b : point),  (l l'  lines), ab   a  l   b  l   a  l'   b  l'  l=l')
(I2 :  l  lines,  (X:point×point), X.1  l   X.2  l  X.1 X.2)
(I3 : ¬  l  lines , P1  l  P2  l  P3  l)
open incidence_geometry

variables {point : Type} [I : incidence_geometry point]

theorem ptoffline {l : set point}(H : l  I.lines):  (p : point), (p  l) :=
  by_cases h1: P1 l,use P1,
  by_cases h2: P2 l, use P2,
  by_cases h3: P3 l, use P3,
  push_neg at h1 h2 h3,
  have :  (l lines), (P1 l  P2 l P3 l),
    use l,
    exact H, h1, h2, h3 ⟩,
  exact I3 this,

theorem LinesOnePt {p p': point} {l1 l2 :  set point} (l1 l2) (h1 : l1  I.lines)(h2 : l2   I.lines): p  l1   p  l2   p'  l1   p'  l2  p=p':=
  intros hyp1 hyp2 hyp3 hyp4,
  apply by_contra,
  intros h,
  exact H( I1b p p' l1 l2 h1  h2 h hyp1 hyp3 hyp2 hyp4),

def parallel (l1 l2 :  set point) : Prop := (l1  I.lines) (l2  I.lines)  l1l2=∅

class axioms2 (point : Type) extends incidence_geometry point :=
(Pa :  (a : point),  (l  lines ), ((¬ a l)   (l'  lines), parallel l l'  a  l'))
(Pb :  (a : point),  (l  lines),  (l1  lines),  (l2  lines), parallel l l1
 parallel l l2  a l1  ¬ a l2)
(B1 :  a b c : point, B a b c  B c b a )
(B2 :  a b : point ,  c : point , B a b c)
(B2b :  a x : point , B a x a  x=a)
(B3 :  l  lines,  a b c  l, xor (xor (B a b c) (B b c a)) (B c a b))
(B4 :  a b c d: point,  l lines, (¬ a  l ) (¬ b  l ) (¬ c  l )  (d  l)  (B a d b) 
 (e : point ), (e  l)  (B a e c  ¬ B b e c)  (B b e c  ¬ B a e c))
open axioms2

variable [I2 : axioms2 point]
include I2

def lineseg (a b : point) : set point := {x : point | B a x b}

lemma linesegsingleton ( a : point) : lineseg a a = {a} :=
--  have := I2, -- not necessary
  have := B1 a a a , -- now works

Notification Bot (Sep 16 2021 at 00:50):

Andre Hernandez-Espiet (Rutgers) has marked this topic as unresolved.

Andre Hernandez-Espiet (Rutgers) (Sep 16 2021 at 00:52):

Actually, I tried to extend the class again and I am running into issues again. It seems like I don't entirely grasp this yet. The code is not ok with the line variable [A3 : axioms3 point] and gives some error about the axiom C2 when applied at the end.

import  data.set tactic.interactive set_theory.zfc
class incidence_geometry (point : Type):=
(lines : set (set point))
(eqd : point  point  point  point  Prop)

(B: point  point  point  Prop)
[dec_B :  a b c, decidable (B a b c)]
-- Equidistance of 4 Points
(P1 {} : point) (P2 {} : point) (P3 {} : point)

(I1a :  (a b : point), ab   (l   lines) , a l  b l)
(I1b :  (a b : point),  (l l'  lines), ab   a  l   b  l   a  l'   b  l'  l=l')
(I2 :  l  lines,  (X:point×point), X.1  l   X.2  l  X.1 X.2)
(I3 : ¬  l  lines , P1  l  P2  l  P3  l)
open incidence_geometry

variables {point : Type} [A : incidence_geometry point]

theorem ptoffline {l : set point}(H : l  A.lines):  (p : point), (p  l) :=
  by_cases h1: P1 l,use P1,
  by_cases h2: P2 l, use P2,
  by_cases h3: P3 l, use P3,
  push_neg at h1 h2 h3,
  have :  (l lines), (P1 l  P2 l P3 l),
    use l,
    exact H, h1, h2, h3 ⟩,
  exact I3 this,

theorem LinesOnePt {p p': point} {l1 l2 :  set point} (l1 l2) (h1 : l1  A.lines)(h2 : l2   A.lines): p  l1   p  l2   p'  l1   p'  l2  p=p':=
  intros hyp1 hyp2 hyp3 hyp4,
  apply by_contra,
  intros h,
  exact H( I1b p p' l1 l2 h1  h2 h hyp1 hyp3 hyp2 hyp4),

def parallel (l1 l2 :  set point) : Prop := (l1  A.lines) (l2  A.lines)  l1l2=∅

class axioms2 (point : Type) extends incidence_geometry point :=
(Pa :  (a : point),  (l  lines ), ((¬ a l)   (l'  lines), parallel l l'  a  l'))
(Pb :  (a : point),  (l  lines),  (l1  lines),  (l2  lines), parallel l l1
 parallel l l2  a l1  ¬ a l2)
(B1 :  a b c : point, B a b c  B c b a )
(B2 :  a b : point ,  c : point , B a b c)
(B2b :  a x : point , B a x a  x=a)
(B3 :  l  lines,  a b c  l, xor (xor (B a b c) (B b c a)) (B c a b))
(B4 :  a b c d: point,  l lines, (¬ a  l ) (¬ b  l ) (¬ c  l )  (d  l)  (B a d b) 
 (e : point ), (e  l)  (B a e c  ¬ B b e c)  (B b e c  ¬ B a e c))
open axioms2

variable [A2 : axioms2 point]
include A2

def lineseg (a b : point) : set point := {x : point | B a x b}

lemma linesegsingleton ( a : point) : lineseg a a = {a} :=
  dsimp [lineseg],
    intro hyp,
    simp at hyp,
    sorry,--have := B2b ,

def triangle (a b c : point) : set point :=lineseg a b  lineseg a c  lineseg b c

theorem PlaneSep {l : set point} (hl : l  A.lines):  (S1 S2 : set point), S1≠∅  S2≠∅ 
( (a b : point), ¬ (a l) ¬ (b l)  ((lineseg a b  l =   ((a S1  b S1) (a  S2  b  S2)))
(lineseg a b  l    (a S1  b S2) (a  S2  b  S1)))):=
  obtain p, hp   := ptoffline hl,
  let S1 := {x : point | lineseg x p  l =∅ },
  let S2 := {x : point | x l  lineseg x p  l    },
  use [S1, S2],
    have : p S1,{
      dsimp [S1],

   intro hyp,
   exact set.eq_empty_iff_forall_not_mem.mp hyp p this,

theorem LineSep (a : point) (l  A.lines) :  (S1 S2 : set point), S1≠∅  S2≠∅ 
( ( b c : point), b S1  c S1  ¬ (a  lineseg b c))
 ( ( d e : point), d S1  e S2  ¬ (a  lineseg d e))
 ( ( f g : point ), f S1  g S2  a  lineseg f g ):=sorry

def samesideline (a b c : point) : Prop := ¬ (a  lineseg b c)
def difsideline (a b c : point) : Prop := (a  lineseg b c)
def ray (a b : point) : set point := {a}{x : point | samesideline a b x}
def angle (a b c : point) : set point := ray a b  ray a c
def samesideplane (l : set point) (a b : point) : Prop := l A.lines  lineseg a b  l =∅
def vertexray (a b : point )(h: ray a b) : point := a
def linetwopts (a b : point) (l : set point): Prop := l A.lines   a l  b  l

lemma linetwoptsym (a b : point) (l : set point) : linetwopts a b l  linetwopts b a l :=
  intro hyp,exact  hyp.1, hyp.2.2, hyp.2.1 ,

def insideang (a b c : point) (lab lcb : set point) (h: angle a b c) (h2 : linetwopts a b lab)
    (h3 : linetwopts c b lcb) :=
    {d : point | lab  A.lines  lcb  A.lines  samesideplane lab d c  samesideplane lcb d a}
def insidetri (a b c : point) (lab lac lbc : set point)
  (hab: linetwopts a b lab) (hbc : linetwopts b c lbc ) (hac : linetwopts a c lac)
  (angabc : angle a b c) (angbac : angle b a c) (angacb : angle a c b):=
  {x : point | (x insideang a b c lab lbc angabc hab (linetwoptsym b c lbc hbc)
  (x insideang b a c lab lac angbac (linetwoptsym a b lab hab) (linetwoptsym a c lac hac))
    (x insideang a c b lac lbc angacb hac hbc ))}

theorem crossbar (a b c d : point) (lab lcb : set point) (h: angle a b c) (h2 : linetwopts a b lab)
    (h3 : linetwopts c b lcb) (h1 : d insideang a b c lab lcb h h2 h3) : ray a d  lineseg b c   :=

class axioms3 (point : Type) extends axioms2 point :=
(A:  (a : point), a=a)
(C1a:  (a b c e: point),  (d : point), d ray c e  eqd a b c d )
(C1b:  (a b c d d1 e: point), d ray c e  eqd a b c d  eqd a b c d1  d=d1)
(C2:  (a b c d e f : point), eqd a b c d  eqd c d e f  eqd a b e f)
(C3:  (a b c d e f : point), B a b c  B d e f  eqd a b d e  eqd b c e f eqd a c d f)
(C4:  (a b : point), eqd a b a b)
open axioms3

variable [A3 : axioms3 point]
include A3

lemma eqdsym (a b c d: point) : eqd a b c d  eqd c d a b:=
intro hyp,

have := C2 a b a b c d (C4 a b) hyp,

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC