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Topic: Fibonacci Divisibility Sequence
Lawrence Lin (Feb 07 2023 at 03:50):
Hi, guys!! I just need to resolve some final steps in my Fibonacci code - can someone help with this?
def fib : ℕ -> ℤ
| 0 := 0
| 1 := 1
| (x+2) := fib (x) + fib (x+1)
lemma fib_rule (n : ℕ) : fib(n + 2) = fib(n) + fib(n + 1) := rfl
theorem strong_induction {P : ℕ → Prop} {H : ∀ n : ℕ, (∀ m : ℕ, m < n → P m) → P n} (n : ℕ) : P n := sorry, -- this is already proven
theorem fib_add (m n : ℕ) (hm : m > 0) (hn : n > 0): fib(m + n) = fib(n + 1) * fib(m) + fib(n) * fib(m - 1) := sorry, -- this is also proven
example (m n : ℕ) (hm : m > 0) (hyp_div : m ∣ n): fib(m) ∣ fib(n) :=
rcases hyp_div with ⟨k, rfl⟩,
induction k,
simp [fib],
change fib m ∣ fib(m * (k_n + 1)),
rw [mul_add, add_comm, mul_one],
rw fib_add (m) (m * k_n),
apply dvd_add,
apply dvd_mul_of_dvd_left,
apply k_ih,
exact hm,
now, all we have to do is say that since we're inducting on k and that this is the induction step, k must be greater than the base case (where k = 0). therefore, m and k are both positive -> their product is positive. how would i write this in LEAN?
Gareth Ma (Feb 07 2023 at 05:14):
@Lawrence Lin Sounds like something I would be good at by this point (I am new too) :P Firstly, the thing you are trying to prove right now is false, since your goal looks like
m: ℕ
hm: m > 0
k_n: ℕ
k_ih: fib m ∣ fib (m * k_n)
⊢ m * k_n > 0
Which is false for m = 1 and k_n = 0, since k | 0
Gareth Ma (Feb 07 2023 at 05:17):
I think you can treat the case n = 0 separately. Not sure if it's the best way but it's an easy way. So something like cases n
at the start.
Gareth Ma (Feb 07 2023 at 05:20):
By the way here are some "I wish someone told me" for you
(1) almost always write <
, since most theorems are written that way and it makes searching for theorems easier. So write 0 < m and such.
(2) you don't need a lot of the (), since lean interprets expressions after a function as its arguments. So fib m (m * k)
would work instead of fib_add (m) (m * k_n)
(3) After you write simp
you can change it to a squeeze_simp
, then it will tell you which theorems it used. It will help you learn too!
(4) Also, I don't think you know this, but for induction
you can name the arguments generated. The syntax is induction ... using ... ...
. In this case, you can write induction k with k ik
, if you hate underscores like me
Gareth Ma (Feb 07 2023 at 05:30):
Oh and to answer your original question, you need mul_pos
. Here:
example (m n : ℕ) (hm : m > 0) (hyp_div : m ∣ n): fib(m) ∣ fib(n) :=
rcases hyp_div with ⟨k, rfl⟩,
induction k,
{ simp [fib], },
{ by_cases h : k_n = 0,
{ rw [h, mul_one], },
{ replace h := nat.one_le_iff_ne_zero.2 h,
change fib m ∣ fib(m * (k_n + 1)),
rw [mul_add, add_comm, mul_one],
rw fib_add (m) (m * k_n),
apply dvd_add,
apply dvd_mul_of_dvd_left,
apply k_ih,
exact hm,
apply mul_pos hm h, }, },
Gareth Ma (Feb 07 2023 at 05:33):
example (m n : ℕ) (hm : m > 0) (hyp_div : m ∣ n): fib(m) ∣ fib(n) :=
rcases hyp_div with ⟨k, rfl⟩,
induction k,
{ simp [fib], },
-- by the way, you can use `cases k_n` too, but then... you can try :)
{ by_cases h : k_n = 0,
{ rw [h, mul_one], },
{ replace h := nat.one_le_iff_ne_zero.2 h,
-- rw [] writes each in order
rw [nat.succ_eq_add_one, mul_add, add_comm, mul_one, fib_add m (m * k_n) hm _],
apply dvd_add,
apply dvd_mul_left,
apply dvd_mul_of_dvd_left k_ih,
apply mul_pos hm h, }, },
Lawrence Lin (Feb 07 2023 at 05:36):
thank you! let me digest this rq ;w;
also... i'm pretty sure lean was cool with the case fib(n) | 0? hm..
Gareth Ma (Feb 07 2023 at 05:38):
Yea lean is fine, that's exact what I prove in the { rw [h, mul_one] }
. But to use mul_pos
, it's not fine
Gareth Ma (Feb 07 2023 at 05:40):
Oh I think I know why. I think your (hn : n > 0)
in fib_add
is unnecessary.
Lawrence Lin (Feb 07 2023 at 05:40):
Lawrence Lin (Feb 07 2023 at 05:41):
yep, it was.
Lawrence Lin (Feb 07 2023 at 05:42):
i often find myself doing a lot of like, "nasty conversions" just to get lean to listen to me... sigh. i'll try to avoid it!! thank you for your help gareth c:
Gareth Ma (Feb 07 2023 at 05:42):
After removing that the proof is 7 lines (with the inlined brackets like I wrote it) :D
Gareth Ma (Feb 07 2023 at 05:42):
No problem!
Lawrence Lin (Feb 07 2023 at 05:42):
ooh 1s lemme try
Lawrence Lin (Feb 07 2023 at 05:43):
wait, the proof is 7 lines?
Gareth Ma (Feb 07 2023 at 05:43):
5 if I try
Gareth Ma (Feb 07 2023 at 05:43):
example (m n : ℕ) (hm : m > 0) (hyp_div : m ∣ n): fib(m) ∣ fib(n) :=
rcases hyp_div with ⟨k, rfl⟩,
induction k,
{ simp [fib], },
{ rw [nat.succ_eq_add_one, mul_add, add_comm, mul_one, fib_add m (m * k_n) hm],
apply dvd_add,
apply dvd_mul_left,
apply dvd_mul_of_dvd_left k_ih, },
Lawrence Lin (Feb 07 2023 at 05:44):
Lawrence Lin (Feb 07 2023 at 05:44):
let me re-digest that :')
Gareth Ma (Feb 07 2023 at 05:47):
Here's one more thing you can try and explore. You see those repeated apply
s? It's annoying to type them out, especially when you have 9187359723859 different things. With simp
, you can provide lemmas to it to tell lean which lemmas to use. So you can write this!
example (m n : ℕ) (hm : m > 0) (hyp_div : m ∣ n): fib(m) ∣ fib(n) :=
rcases hyp_div with ⟨k, rfl⟩,
induction k,
{ simp only [fib, mul_zero, dvd_zero], },
{ rw [nat.succ_eq_add_one, mul_add, add_comm, mul_one, fib_add m (m * k_n) hm],
simp only [dvd_add, dvd_mul_left, dvd_mul_of_dvd_left k_ih], },
The only
just means... "only". It speeds up computation too.
Lawrence Lin (Feb 07 2023 at 05:51):
oh wow.
Lawrence Lin (Feb 07 2023 at 05:52):
lemme try applying that to my old code
Lawrence Lin (Feb 07 2023 at 05:54):
seems like simp only doesn't really work sometimes
Lawrence Lin (Feb 07 2023 at 05:56):
specifically with lt_trans
Gareth Ma (Feb 07 2023 at 05:57):
Oh yea, essentially if uses it only if it knows everything it needs
Gareth Ma (Feb 07 2023 at 05:57):
For lt_trans
you need two arguments lt_trans [[a < b]] [[b < c]]
, so you should provide those.
Lawrence Lin (Feb 07 2023 at 05:58):
fair enough
let me try
Lawrence Lin (Feb 07 2023 at 05:59):
ouch lean isn't happy with it, 1s
Lawrence Lin (Feb 07 2023 at 05:59):
simp only [lt_add_one, lt_trans [[lt_add_one]] [[lt_add_one]]],
did this
Lawrence Lin (Feb 07 2023 at 06:01):
theorem fib_add (m n : ℕ) (hm : m > 0) : fib(m + n) = fib(n + 1) * fib(m) + fib(n) * fib(m - 1) :=
apply strong_induction n,
intro k,
intro h,
cases k,
{ simp [fib] },
cases k,
simp [fib],
simp only [fib_rule', hm],
change fib(m + k) + fib(m + k + 1) = fib (k.succ.succ + 1) * fib m + fib k.succ.succ * fib (m - 1),
rw [h, add_assoc m k 1, h (k+1), ←add_assoc],
have H1 : fib (k + 1) * fib m + fib k * fib (m - 1) + fib (k + 1 + 1) * fib m + fib (k + 1) * fib (m - 1) = (fib (k + 1) + fib (k + 1 + 1)) * fib m + (fib(k) + fib(k + 1)) * fib (m - 1),
rw H1,
rw [←fib_rule, ←fib_rule],
simp only [lt_add_one],
apply lt_trans,
apply lt_add_one,
apply lt_add_one,
here was the working lean code for fib_add
Lawrence Lin (Feb 07 2023 at 06:02):
(it is messy sorry)
Gareth Ma (Feb 07 2023 at 06:03):
Try exact lt_trans (lt_add_one _) (lt_add_one _)
Lawrence Lin (Feb 07 2023 at 06:04):
why exact and not apply?
Gareth Ma (Feb 07 2023 at 06:05):
means (you guessed it) you have the exact statement
Gareth Ma (Feb 07 2023 at 06:05):
Here lt_trans ...
is exactly what you want, so exact
Lawrence Lin (Feb 07 2023 at 06:05):
Lawrence Lin (Feb 07 2023 at 06:06):
do you know how i can get rid of my H1
Lawrence Lin (Feb 07 2023 at 06:06):
i think it's pretty unnecessary but...
Gareth Ma (Feb 07 2023 at 06:06):
By the way consider using by_cases
like I did in my origin answer all the way up, it will decluster all the succ
Gareth Ma (Feb 07 2023 at 06:07):
Maybe I can try to prove that part from scratch, then you can see?
Lawrence Lin (Feb 07 2023 at 06:07):
ah- sure!
Lawrence Lin (Feb 07 2023 at 06:07):
thank you u.u
Lawrence Lin (Feb 07 2023 at 06:07):
(i don't know, been playing with lean for a few months and yet i still can't get the hang of it :( )
Lawrence Lin (Feb 07 2023 at 06:08):
i rmb implementing strong induction just to make that proof work haha
Gareth Ma (Feb 07 2023 at 06:13):
Hahaha, it's in mathlib already
Gareth Ma (Feb 07 2023 at 06:14):
You use this by writing induction n using nat.strong_induction_on
Lawrence Lin (Feb 07 2023 at 06:17):
Lawrence Lin (Feb 07 2023 at 06:17):
Lawrence Lin (Feb 07 2023 at 06:17):
tbf i did try using that one then gave up ahaha ;w;
Gareth Ma (Feb 07 2023 at 06:37):
Sorry it took a while, I am slow too hahahaha. Here you go:
theorem fib_add (m n : ℕ) (hm : 0 < m) : fib(m + n) = fib(n + 1) * fib(m) + fib(n) * fib(m - 1) :=
apply strong_induction n,
-- use `intros` instead of `intro`
intros k h,
-- using by_cases instead of cases for... my eyes
cases k,
{ simp [fib], },
{ cases k,
{ -- see how `fib_rule'` takes arguments, so i supply them? in `fib_rule' m hm`
simp [fib, fib_rule' m hm],
{ simp only [nat.succ_eq_add_one, add_assoc],
-- we "massage" things into the right form, then expand everything
rw [← add_assoc, fib, nat.succ_eq_add_one, add_assoc m k 1],
rw [h k _, h (k + 1) _],
rw [fib_rule (k + 1), fib_rule k],
-- and then ring gets rid of everything
exact nat.lt_succ_self _,
exact lt_trans (nat.lt_succ_self _) (nat.lt_succ_self _),
Gareth Ma (Feb 07 2023 at 06:38):
but yea, my proof idea is "expand everything to base case, then deal with it", which seems to be yours too
Kevin Buzzard (Feb 07 2023 at 07:38):
You would be better off using r:=m-1 as your variable and not m, so you don't have to deal with natural subtraction and the hypothesis that m>0
Lawrence Lin (Feb 08 2023 at 02:32):
Gareth Ma said:
but yea, my proof idea is "expand everything to base case, then deal with it", which seems to be yours too
yep :3c
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC