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Topic: Fixing propositions

Pedro Minicz (Oct 12 2020 at 20:12):

While trying to understand roption I came up with the following:

import control.fix

variables {α : Type*} (F : (α  Prop)  α  Prop)

def aux (f : α  roption unit) (a : α) : roption unit :=
F (λ a, (f a).dom) a, λ _, ()⟩

def fix (a : α) : Prop :=
(roption.fix (aux F) a).dom

lemma aux_id_eq_id : @aux α id = id :=
by { ext f a ⟨⟩, simp [aux, has_mem.mem, roption.mem] }

example (a : α) : ¬fix id a :=

What is fix id a? I strongly believe it is false (intuition!), but how do I show that to Lean?

Pedro Minicz (Oct 12 2020 at 20:14):

Also, fix F a where F : (α → Prop) → α → Prop and a : α is not decidable in general. What sort of predicate over F would it be necessary to show that it is?

Pedro Minicz (Oct 12 2020 at 20:16):

(It feels really weird to write fix id in Lean, where fix has some resemblance to Haskell's fix, since fix id is an infinite loop! I strongly believe this translates into an undecidable proposition here.)

Pedro Minicz (Oct 12 2020 at 20:36):

Here we go.

example (a : α) : ¬fix id a :=
  rintro ⟨⟨i, h₁⟩, h₂⟩,
  induction i with i ih,
  { exact h₁ },
  { exact ih h₁ h₂ }

Pedro Minicz (Oct 12 2020 at 20:38):

I am a bit bewildered by this proof. fix id a implies there is a natural number smaller than any natural number or larger than any natural number? (Does this question even make sense? I find it hard to describe what I am thinking.) Also, how roption.fix.approx works?

Kenny Lau (Oct 12 2020 at 20:50):

Could you explain what fix does?

Pedro Minicz (Oct 12 2020 at 21:33):

To be honest, I am not really sure, since I don't understand roption.fix. But I am going to give a (hopefully) educated guess.

roption is the following type:

/-- `roption α` is the type of "partial values" of type `α`. It
  is similar to `option α` except the domain condition can be an
  arbitrary proposition, not necessarily decidable. -/
structure {u} roption (α : Type u) : Type u :=
(dom : Prop)
(get : dom  α)

Note that roption unit is pretty much Prop. Also note that roption is a kind of continuation. fix F a return a proposition which is built recursively. This proposition may be is fully recursive (not "terminating" recursive, as functions in Lean). As such, it may not be decidable. roption acting like a continuation makes its construction "lazy" is some sense.

F : (α → Prop) → α → Prop can decide whether to or not to call its first argument. Therefore, it can branch depending on α. So the decidability fix F a (should) depend on F only.

Pedro Minicz (Oct 12 2020 at 21:40):

variables (f : (Π a, roption $ β a)  (Π a, roption $ β a))

/-- A series of successive, finite approximation of the fixed point of `f`, defined by
`approx f n = f^[n] ⊥`. The limit of this chain is the fixed point of `f`. -/
def fix.approx : stream $ Π a, roption $ β a
| 0 := 
| (nat.succ i) := f (fix.approx i)
/-- The least fixed point of `f`.

If `f` is a continuous function (according to complete partial orders),
it satisfies the equations:

  1. `fix f = f (fix f)`          (is a fixed point)
  2. `∀ X, f X ≤ X → fix f ≤ X`   (least fixed point)
protected def fix (x : α) : roption $ β x :=
roption.assert ( i, (fix.approx f i x).dom) $ λ h,
well_founded.fix.{1} (nat.upto.wf h) (fix_aux f) nat.upto.zero x

roption.fix.approx recurses a finite amount of times before returning an empty roption (e.i. a continuation which cannot be called; in our case just false). To call the roption continuation you need to prove that f returns after iterating a finite amount of times, that is, ∃ i, (fix.approx f i x).dom.

Pedro Minicz (Oct 12 2020 at 21:53):

I wonder how to get fix F = F (fix F) (in the cases where it is doable).

set_option pp.proofs true

example (hF : Π p a, decidable (F p a)) (a : α) : decidable (fix F a) :=
  have := hF (fix F) a,
  unfold fix roption.fix roption.assert,

Pedro Minicz (Oct 12 2020 at 22:20):

"Beta reduced" fix.

import data.nat.upto

variables {α : Type} (f : (α  Prop)  α  Prop)

/-- A series of successive, finite approximation of the fixed point of `f`,
defined by `approx f n = f^[n] (λ _, false)`. The limit of this chain is the
fixed point of `f`. -/
def fix.approx :   α  Prop
| 0       := λ _, false
| (i + 1) := f (fix.approx i)

/-- Loop body for finding the fixed point of `f`. -/
def fix_aux {p :   Prop} (i : nat.upto p)
  (g : Π j : nat.upto p, i < j  α  Prop) : α  Prop :=
f $ λ a : α,  h, g (i.succ h) (nat.lt_succ_self i) a

/-- The least fixed point of `f`.

If `f` is a continuous function (according to complete partial orders),
it satisfies the equations:

  1. `fix f = f (fix f)`          (is a fixed point)
  2. `∀ p, f p ≤ p → fix f ≤ p`   (least fixed point)
def fix (a : α) : Prop :=
 h :  i, fix.approx f i a,
  well_founded.fix (nat.upto.wf h) (fix_aux f) nat.upto.zero a

#print axioms nat.upto.wf
#print axioms nat.upto.succ

nat.upto.wf and nat.upto.succ are the culprits why fix uses classical.choice. I believe fix f is always computable (although the Prop it returns might not).

Mario Carneiro (Oct 13 2020 at 04:24):

In general, the domain of an roption is not decidable - in fact that's the whole point; an roption with decidable domain is equivalent to an option A

Mario Carneiro (Oct 13 2020 at 04:25):

but it's also not that useful to have decidability for the domain of a particular roption. Normally you would instead just prove it is true or false (depending on the situation)

Mario Carneiro (Oct 13 2020 at 04:27):

I find the simpler version pfun.fix easier to think about. This has the type (A -> roption (A + B)) -> A -> roption B, and the idea is that starting from an initial value A, you call the provided function repeatedly until you get a B. If the function never returns a B then the roption is empty

Mario Carneiro (Oct 13 2020 at 04:29):

You can define this without any choice principles; the domain of the roption is the proposition "there exists a finite sequence of calls f a0 = some (inl a1), f a1 = some (inl a2), ..., f an = some (inr b)", and under that assumption, the b that is obtained is uniquely defined

Mario Carneiro (Oct 13 2020 at 04:30):

This proposition is clearly not decidable in general - it is equivalent to the halting problem - but it is maximal in the sense that if the function terminates then pfun.fix will pick out the right answer, which makes it very useful to specify values that have not yet been shown to exist

Mario Carneiro (Oct 13 2020 at 04:32):

roption.fix adds some classical logic in order to make it total, but the classical logic is all contained in the domain proposition so it's still computable (because this only concerns the function part, which is still uniquely defined)

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC