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Topic: Getting pretty printer to display wildcards
Connor Gordon (Dec 03 2022 at 15:58):
I'm currently trying to prove a lemma about a recursively-defined function, and I have reduced the goal to
⊢ ⟨_.some, _⟩ = ⟨_.some, _⟩
Both sides of these really should be equal by definition, but clearly something has gone wrong because refl
is not working. Is there a way to make Lean display the contents of the wildcards (in some readable fashion; I tried set_option pp.all
and it replaced them with about 100 lines of stuff so ideally I don't have to do that) so I can see what's going on?
If you would like more information I can make a minimal working example as to the specifics.
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 03 2022 at 16:12):
Is this Lean 3? You could see if congr'
makes any progress.
Eric Wieser (Dec 03 2022 at 16:21):
Those _
s are proof of something, and the 100 lines of stuff is the proof that you used for them
Eric Wieser (Dec 03 2022 at 16:25):
A #mwe showing that goals that print in a way that looks like rfl
can be false:
-- set_option pp.proofs true
example : classical.some ⟨2, rfl⟩ = classical.some ⟨1, rfl⟩ :=
sorry -- this is false
Eric Wieser (Dec 03 2022 at 16:26):
set_option pp.implicit true
is probably helpful for your example
Connor Gordon (Dec 03 2022 at 16:31):
This is Lean 3, and congr'
is not making any progress.
set_option pp.implicit true
displays a bit more information, but still wildcards out the most important part.
As for proofs of this form potentially being false, I definitely can see how that may happen, although it doesn't seem like it should be the case here. I attached a minimal working example; do you have any idea why this might not be working?
import set_theory.ordinal.topology
import set_theory.cardinal.cofinality
universe u
variables (S : set ordinal.{u}) (κ : ordinal.{u}) (α : ordinal.{u})
def set.is_subset_of : Prop := S ⊆ set.Iio κ
def set.is_closed : Prop := ∀ A ⊆ S, A.nonempty → Sup A < κ → Sup A ∈ S
def set.is_unbounded : Prop := ∀ β < κ, ∃ γ ∈ S, β < γ
def set.is_club : Prop := S.is_subset_of κ ∧ S.is_closed κ ∧ S.is_unbounded κ
-- Useful intermediate sequence
def D_seq := λ (f : ordinal.{u} → set ordinal.{u}) β, ⋂ (α < β), f α
-- Existence lemma for unbounded sequence
lemma tail_D_seq_nonempty {κ β γ : ordinal.{u}}
(f : ordinal.{u} → set ordinal.{u}) (hclub : ∀ α, α < κ → set.is_club (f α) κ)
(βltκ : β < κ) (γltκ : γ < κ) (κreg : κ.cof = κ.card)
(κunctbl : κ.card > cardinal.aleph_0) :
∃ δ : ordinal.{u}, δ ∈ (D_seq f γ) ∧ δ > β ∧ δ < κ :=
sorry, -- probably not relevant; omitted for brevity
-- Construct the sequence used for proof of unboundedness
noncomputable def unbdd_seq {κ β : ordinal.{u}}
(f : ordinal.{u} → set ordinal.{u}) (hclub : ∀ α, α < κ → set.is_club (f α) κ)
(βltκ : β < κ) (κreg : κ.cof = κ.card) (κunctbl : κ.card > cardinal.aleph_0) :
ℕ → {x : ordinal.{u} // x < κ}
| 0 := ⟨β, βltκ⟩
| (n+1) := let existence := tail_D_seq_nonempty f hclub (unbdd_seq n).prop
(unbdd_seq n).prop κreg κunctbl in
⟨existence.some , existence.some_spec.right.right⟩
-- Convenience lemma to actually use the definition of the sequence
lemma unbdd_seq_aux {κ β : ordinal.{u}} (n : ℕ)
(f : ordinal.{u} → set ordinal.{u}) (hclub : ∀ α, α < κ → set.is_club (f α) κ)
(βltκ : β < κ) (κreg : κ.cof = κ.card) (κunctbl : κ.card > cardinal.aleph_0) :
unbdd_seq f hclub βltκ κreg κunctbl (n+1) =
let existence := tail_D_seq_nonempty f hclub
(unbdd_seq f hclub βltκ κreg κunctbl n).prop
(unbdd_seq f hclub βltκ κreg κunctbl n).prop κreg κunctbl in
⟨existence.some , existence.some_spec.right.right⟩ :=
dsimp [unbdd_seq],
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 03 2022 at 16:37):
dsimp [unbdd_seq],
is a proof, for what it's worth.
Kyle Miller (Dec 03 2022 at 16:43):
set_option pp.proofs true
is how you can get it to pretty print the proofs
Connor Gordon (Dec 03 2022 at 16:50):
@Kevin Buzzard , your proof works in mwe, but bizarrely if I put it into my full project, it stops working with the error message
unfold tactic failed, lift does not have equational lemmas nor is a projection
κ β : ordinal,
n : ℕ,
f : ordinal → set ordinal,
hclub : ∀ (α : ordinal), α < κ → (f α).is_club κ,
βltκ : β < κ,
κreg : κ.cof = κ.card,
κunctbl : κ.card > cardinal.aleph_0
⊢ ↑⟨_.some, _⟩ = ↑⟨_.some, _⟩
Any idea what might cause this? It feels like the additional information for how other things are implemented shouldn't affect things on this level, but evidently it does somehow.
Kyle Miller (Dec 03 2022 at 16:53):
Something that's really strange is that for whatever reason you can't rewrite with docs#subtype.coe_mk
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 03 2022 at 17:02):
yeah my proof is pretty weird; it's vanishingly rare for unfold_coes
to finish a proof. @Kyle Miller note that ext, dsimp
will remove one \u but not the other one ?!
Kyle Miller (Dec 03 2022 at 17:03):
Just found another proof that works:
simp only [unbdd_seq, gt_iff_lt],
Kyle Miller (Dec 03 2022 at 17:04):
That docs#gt_iff_lt is odd -- I tried switching every >
in the MWE to <
, but then the simp
fails. Maybe I missed something or flipped them wrong...
Kyle Miller (Dec 03 2022 at 17:05):
@Kevin Buzzard Yeah, I even tried refine eq.trans (subtype.coe_mk _ _) _
, to get rid of that \u
, but something about unification is getting confused here
Connor Gordon (Dec 03 2022 at 17:17):
@Kyle Miller , your proof does work in my main project, so thank you so much for the help. As for all of the other weirdness going on, I have absolutely no idea.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC