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Topic: Having trouble taking a derivative

Mark Gerads (Jul 12 2022 at 11:48):

Playing around with Lean and got this far... 2*sorry.

import all

open classical

def ruesDiff (n:) (m:) (z:) :  :=
  tsum (λ (k:), if ((k:)+m)%n=0 then z ^ k / k.factorial else 0)

lemma ruesDiffDeriv (n:) (m:) (z:) : has_deriv_at (ruesDiff n m) (ruesDiff n (m+1) z) z :=
  rw [has_deriv_at, has_deriv_at_filter, has_fderiv_at_filter],
  simp only [continuous_linear_map.smul_right_apply, continuous_linear_map.one_apply, algebra.id.smul_eq_mul],
  rw [asymptotics.is_o],
  intros c h,
  rw [asymptotics.is_O_with, ruesDiff, ruesDiff, nhds],
  simp only [euclidean_domain.mod_eq_zero, complex.norm_eq_abs, set.mem_set_of_eq],

lemma ruesDiffDeriv2 (n:) (m:) (z:) : deriv (ruesDiff n m) z = ruesDiff n (m+1) z :=
  rw [deriv, fderiv],
  dsimp only,

Help is much appreciated.

Eric Wieser (Jul 12 2022 at 11:59):

That feels like it would be easier if you defined the function without the if

Eric Wieser (Jul 12 2022 at 11:59):

That is, write an expression that generates the powers k that you care about, rather than filtering them

Eric Wieser (Jul 12 2022 at 12:00):

You can of course prove that one definition is equal to the other

Mark Gerads (Jul 12 2022 at 12:08):

Well, I will show the series of conditional ite stuff to be equivalent to a geometric series of a root of unity. The geometric series cancels to 0 if the root of unity is not 1, and something else if the root of unity is 1, but I don't think that will make it easier to take the derivative.

Mark Gerads (Jul 12 2022 at 12:12):

Looking at complex.has_deriv_at_exp and deriv_exp for insight.

Mark Gerads (Jul 12 2022 at 12:17):

I figured out a sorry!

lemma ruesDiffDeriv2 (n:) (m:) (z:) : deriv (ruesDiff n m) z = ruesDiff n (m+1) z :=
  rw (ruesDiffDeriv n m z).deriv,

Mark Gerads (Jul 12 2022 at 13:19):

I feel like I am closer now with this. Can someone prove openUnitDiskIsOpen?

lemma openUnitDiskIsOpen : is_open {a :  | complex.abs a < 1} :=

lemma ruesDiffDeriv (n:) (m:) (z:) : has_deriv_at (ruesDiff n m) (ruesDiff n (m+1) z) z :=
  rw [has_deriv_at_iff_is_o_nhds_zero],
  refine is_o_iff_forall_is_O_with.mpr _,
  intros c cGt0,
  rw [asymptotics.is_O_with],
  refine eventually_nhds_iff.mpr _,
  use {a:|complex.abs a < 1},
  simp only [set.mem_set_of_eq, algebra.id.smul_eq_mul, complex.norm_eq_abs, complex.abs_zero, zero_lt_one, and_true],
  intros x xLt1,
    rw [ruesDiff, ruesDiff, ruesDiff],
    simp only [euclidean_domain.mod_eq_zero],
  exact openUnitDiskIsOpen,

Andrew Yang (Jul 12 2022 at 13:22):

docs#metric.is_open_ball should be helpful. This is found by searching is_open.+ball in vscode.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC