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Topic: Help with universe levels and Monads
Miguel Negrão (Mar 23 2023 at 15:21):
Hi, I'm trying to port some code from Haskell to Lean, to try to do some proofs. I'm having a real hard time with Monads and universe levels. Can anyone help with this issue with universe levels in the step function?
inductive Cell (m : Type u → Type v) [Monad m] (a b : Type u) : Type (max (u+1) v) where
| cell {s : Type u} : (s × (s → a → m (b × s))) → Cell m a b
def step {m : Type u → Type v} {a b : Type u} [Monad m] : Cell m a b → a → m (b × Cell m a b)
| (Cell.cell (cellState, cellStep)), a => do
let (b, cellState') ← cellStep cellState a
pure (b, Cell.cell (cellState', cellStep))
The universe levels in Cell were added to make it typecheck, but perhaps they are not correct.
The error is on the step function, at m (b × Cell m a b):
failed to solve universe constraint
u =?= max ?u.35573 ?u.35574
while trying to unify
Type u : Type (u + 1)
Type (max u v (u + 1)) : Type (max (u + 1) ((max v (u + 1)) + 1))
Reid Barton (Mar 23 2023 at 15:34):
These kinds of types are tricky (also in math). Here's a possible assignment of universe levels that makes your example work out
inductive Cell (m : Type (u + 1) → Type (u + 1)) [Monad m] (a b : Type (u + 1)) : Type (u+1) where
| cell {s : Type u} : (s × (s → a → m (b × s))) → Cell m a b
def step {m : Type (u + 1) → Type (u + 1)} {a b : Type (u + 1)} [Monad m] : Cell m a b → a → m (b × Cell m a b)
| (Cell.cell (cellState, cellStep)), a => do
let (b, cellState') ← cellStep cellState a
pure (b, Cell.cell (cellState', cellStep))
Miguel Negrão (Mar 23 2023 at 15:51):
Thanks ! I think I understood the trick with using u+1, and it works great for this function. Yes, it does look a lot harder in Lean than in Haskell...
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 23 2023 at 21:40):
The moment I start struggling with universes I just drop them all. Do you need them to verify your Haskell code?
Reid Barton (Mar 23 2023 at 21:55):
That's in part because your theorems are coming from a system that is hopefully consistent, rather than one that is by design inconsistent
Miguel Negrão (Mar 24 2023 at 10:51):
Kevin Buzzard disse:
The moment I start struggling with universes I just drop them all. Do you need them to verify your Haskell code?
If I drop the universes then there is an error...
inductive Cell2 [Monad m] (a b : Type) : Type where
| cell : (s × (s → a → m (b × s))) → Cell m a b
application type mismatch
Cell m a
has type
Type : Type 1
but is expected to have type
Type (?u.39413 + 1) : Type (?u.39413 + 2)
Yaël Dillies (Mar 24 2023 at 10:52):
And what if you replace Type
by Type*
Miguel Negrão (Mar 24 2023 at 10:53):
Reid Barton disse:
That's in part because your theorems are coming from a system that is hopefully consistent, rather than one that is by design inconsistent
Agreed, there is a price to pay for consistency, but then you can prove statements.
With the solution above it seems I can't make a simple cell which receives nats and outputs nats. The universes again give an error:
def sumC [Monad m] : Cell m Nat Nat :=
Cell.cell (0, (λ accum a => pure (accum, accum + a)))
application type mismatch
Cell m Nat
has type
Type : Type 1
but is expected to have type
Type (?u.38017 + 1) : Type (?u.38017 + 2)
Miguel Negrão (Mar 24 2023 at 10:55):
Yaël Dillies disse:
And what if you replace
That gives me an error, it thinks it's multiplication:
inductive Cell2 [Monad m] (a b : Type*) : Type* where
| cell : (s × (s → a → m (b × s))) → Cell m a b
expected term
Yaël Dillies (Mar 24 2023 at 10:56):
Ah sorry you're on Lean 4. Replace Type
with Type _
Yaël Dillies (Mar 24 2023 at 10:56):
But also know that you truncated the error message right before the juicy bit.
Miguel Negrão (Mar 24 2023 at 11:00):
Yaël Dillies disse:
Ah sorry you're on Lean 4. Replace
withType _
Right, I'm using lean 4.
inductive Cell2 [Monad m] (a b : Type _) : Type _ where
| cell : (s × (s → a → m (b × s))) → Cell m a b
unexpected constructor resulting type
Cell m a b
Actually I really only got that output nothing else on the previous example. I'm using vscode, and that is what appears on the info pane.
Yaël Dillies (Mar 24 2023 at 11:02):
Why use inductive
instead of structure
, by the way? Your inductive type has only one non-recursive constructor.
Miguel Negrão (Mar 24 2023 at 11:03):
It will have another constructor (for efficiency) later, but for now I was only testing one constructor.
Miguel Negrão (Mar 24 2023 at 11:04):
inductive Cell2 [Monad m] (a b : Type _) : Type _ where
| cell : (s × (s → a → m (b × s))) → Cell m a b
| arrm : (a → m b) → Cell m a b
Miguel Negrão (Mar 24 2023 at 11:07):
What I'm doing is somewhat related to Kleisli categories. One constructor is a pure kleisli category, the other one is slightly altered with explicit state for livecoding in Haskell. The cell constructor is equivalent to product of state s with kleisli arrow a -> StateT s m b
Miguel Negrão (Mar 24 2023 at 11:09):
The Haskell code is this: https://github.com/turion/essence-of-live-coding
Alex J. Best (Mar 24 2023 at 11:49):
One issue is you now have Cell and Cell2, and that m is now implicit I guess
inductive Cell2 [Monad m] (a b : Type _) : Type _ where
| cell : (s × (s → a → m (b × s))) → Cell2 a b
Miguel Negrão (Mar 24 2023 at 12:17):
Ah, yes, thanks.
So correcting that, Cell works, but then I get a different problem with any use of Cell:
inductive Cell [Monad m] (m : Type _ → Type _) (a b : Type _) : Type _ where
| cell : (s × (s → a → m (b × s))) → Cell m a b
| arrm : (a → m b) → Cell m a b
def sumC [Monad m] {m : Type _ → Type _}: Cell m Nat Nat :=
Cell.cell (0, (λ accum a => pure (accum, accum + a)))
Problem is in Cell m Nat Nat
Expected type
m✝: Type ?u.36143 → Type ?u.36142
inst✝: Monad m✝
m: Type → Type ?u.36150
⊢ Type
Messages (1)
typeclass instance problem is stuck, it is often due to metavariables
Monad ?m.36159
Alex J. Best (Mar 24 2023 at 12:29):
The argument m
needs to be before [Moand m]
if you look carefully at the error message you'll see you have two m's now and only the first one is a monad
Miguel Negrão (Mar 24 2023 at 13:17):
Ah, got it, so the type class constraint should come after the arguments that it refers to (sorry for newbiness... :smiling_face: ). This gets me a bit further, sumC now works. Then I get stuck in the code for evaluating a cell:
inductive Cell (m : Type _ → Type _) [Monad m] (a b : Type _) : Type _ where
| cell : (s × (s → a → m (b × s))) → Cell m a b
| arrm : (a → m b) → Cell m a b
def sumC {m : Type _ → Type _} [Monad m]: Cell m Nat Nat :=
Cell.cell (0, (λ accum a => pure (accum, accum + a)))
def step {m : Type _ → Type _} [Monad m] : Cell m a b → a → m (b × Cell m a b)
| Cell.cell (cellState, cellStep), a => do
let (b, cellState') ← cellStep cellState a
pure (b, Cell.cell (cellState', cellStep))
| Cell.arrm f, a => (λ x => (x , cell)) <$> f a
The error is in the type of step
Messages (2)
stuck at solving universe constraint
max ?u.36246 ?u.36247 =?= max ?u.36228 ?u.36229
while trying to unify
(Type (max ?u.36247 ?u.36246) → Type ?u.36215) →
Type ?u.36215 : Type (max (max (?u.36215 + 1) (?u.36246 + 1)) (?u.36247 + 1))
(Type (max ?u.36228 ?u.36229) → Type ?u.36215) →
Type ?u.36215 : Type (max (max (?u.36215 + 1) (?u.36228 + 1)) (?u.36229 + 1))
stuck at solving universe constraint
(?u.36229+1) =?= max (max (max (max (?u.36215+1) (?u.36226+1)) (?u.36228+1)) (?u.36229+1)) (?u.36246+2)
while trying to unify
Type (max ?u.36228 ?u.36229) : Type ((max ?u.36228 ?u.36229) + 1)
(max (max ?u.36228 ?u.36229) (max ?u.36226 ?u.36215)
(?u.36246 + 1)) : Type (max ((max ?u.36228 ?u.36229) + 1) ((max (max ?u.36226 ?u.36215) (?u.36246 + 1)) + 1))
Alex J. Best (Mar 24 2023 at 14:16):
Did you try Reid's version again? with explicit universes
Miguel Negrão (Mar 24 2023 at 14:52):
With that version, step works, but not sumC, with the following error:
inductive Cell (m : Type (u + 1) → Type (u + 1)) [Monad m] (a b : Type (u + 1)) : Type (u+1) where
| cell {s : Type u} : (s × (s → a → m (b × s))) → Cell m a b
| arrm : (a → m b) → Cell m a b
def sumC {m : Type _ → Type _} [Monad m]: Cell m Nat Nat :=
Cell.cell (0, (λ accum a => pure (accum, accum + a)))
Expected type
m: Type 1 → Type 1
inst✝: Monad m
⊢ Type 1
Messages (1)
application type mismatch
Cell m Nat
has type
Type : Type 1
but is expected to have type
Type (?u.35827 + 1) : Type (?u.35827 + 2)
Gary Haussmann (Mar 24 2023 at 16:33):
The problem here is that Nat
(along with most simple datatypes) is explicitly declared as Type 0
so it won't fit into places where you need a Type 1
or Type (u+1)
. You can use ULift
to move types between universes, in this case we pop Nat
up into universe u+1
inductive Cell (m : Type (u + 1) → Type (u + 1)) [Monad m] (a b : Type (u + 1)) : Type (u+1) where
| cell {s : Type u} : (s × (s → a → m (b × s))) → Cell m a b
| arrm : (a → m b) → Cell m a b
def sumC {m : Type _ → Type _} [Monad m]: Cell m (ULift Nat) (ULift Nat) :=
Cell.cell (0, (λ accum a => pure (ULift.up accum, accum + ULift.down a)))
Note that in sumC
you need to use ULift.down
to drop back down to universe 0 and pull out the original Nat.
This works, but feels kind of clunky. You could also make a custom version of Nat
that is of Type u
, or maybe there is one already written up somewhere?
Gary Haussmann (Mar 24 2023 at 17:09):
Also if I'm at the point where I'm pulling out ULift
I usually go back and see if I can rewrite the relevant data/functions to avoid all this universe manipulation. However if you need Cell
and step
to be the way they are then you're probably stuck with ULift
Miguel Negrão (Mar 24 2023 at 17:37):
@Gary Haussmann thank you much ! With ULift indeed I can get it to compile. At the moment I don't know enough about universes to see how to write Cell and step any other way (while compiling), so I guess I'll stick with this solution. I'm having some issues with ULift though. It seems I can't use it with <$>
(also called fmap or map perhaps ? ).
inductive Cell (m : Type (u + 1) → Type (u + 1)) [Monad m] (a b : Type (u + 1)) : Type (u+1) where
| cell {s : Type u} : (s × (s → a → m (b × s))) → Cell m a b
| arrm : (a → m b) → Cell m a b
def sumC {m : Type _ → Type _} [Monad m]: Cell m (ULift Nat) (ULift Nat) :=
Cell.cell (0, (λ accum a => pure (ULift.up accum, accum + ULift.down a)))
def step {m : Type _ → Type _} [Monad m] : Cell m a b → a → m (b × Cell m a b)
| Cell.cell (cellState, cellStep), a => do
let (b, cellState') ← cellStep cellState a
pure (b, Cell.cell (cellState', cellStep))
| Cell.arrm f, a => (λ x => (x , Cell.arrm f)) <$> f a
def steps {m : Type _ → Type _} [Monad m] : Cell m a b → List a → m (List b × Cell m a b)
| cell, [] => pure ([], cell)
| cell, (a :: as) => do
let (b, cell') ← step cell a
let (bs, cell'') ← steps cell' as
pure (b :: bs, cell'')
#eval Prod.fst $ Id.run $ step sumC (ULift.up (0:Nat))
#eval Prod.fst $ Id.run $ steps sumC [ULift.up (1:Nat), ULift.up (1:Nat), ULift.up (1:Nat)]
-- evaluates to:
-- [ULift.up 0, ULift.up 1, ULift.up 2]
-- Erro here:
#eval Id.run steps sumC (ULift.up <$> ([1, 1, 1] : List Nat))
Expected type
⊢ List (ULift Nat)
Messages (1)
application type mismatch
?m.45690 <$> [1, 1, 1]
[1, 1, 1]
has type
List Nat : Type
but is expected to have type
List ?m.45650 : Type 1
` ``
Miguel Negrão (Mar 24 2023 at 17:41):
In any case, this already allows me to go on to try to prove some theorems. Thanks so much to everyone that helped !
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC