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Topic: Heterogenous vectors
Nicolas Rolland (Nov 06 2023 at 17:12):
In haskell, or Idris, there are so called "heterogeneous vectors" where one statically tracks the size and the types of elements
I think there are no such data type in Lean (?)
Should I write it my self, which of the following two style is more idiomatic in Lean (or are they equally easy / painful) ?
import Mathlib.Data.Vector
-- Heterogeneous vector style 1
inductive HVect : (n : Nat) -> (Vector (Type v) n) -> Type (v+1) where
| Nil : HVect 0 ⟨ [], simp ⟩
| Cons : (t : Type v) -> (x : t) -> HVect n ⟨ts, p⟩ -> HVect (n+1) ⟨t::ts, by simp [p]⟩
-- Heterogeneous vector style 2
def HVector (n : ℕ) (ts : Vector Type n) := (i:Fin (n)) -> ts[i]
def Nil : HVector 0 ⟨[], p ⟩ := fun (⟨n, (p : n < 0)⟩) ↦ by
have := Nat.le_lt_antisymm (Nat.zero_le n)
exact this p
def Cons : α → HVector n ⟨ts, tsp⟩ → HVector (Nat.succ n) (⟨α :: ts, by simp; exact tsp⟩ )
| a, f => fun (⟨i, (ip : i < Nat.succ n)⟩) ↦ by
rcases i with (i|i)
. exact a
. have : i < n := Nat.succ_lt_succ_iff.mp ip
exact f ⟨i, this⟩
Eric Wieser (Nov 06 2023 at 18:01):
Typically mathlib uses:
-- Heterogeneous vector style 2.5
abbrev HVector (n : ℕ) (ts : Fin n -> Type) := (i : Fin n) -> ts i
Kyle Miller (Nov 06 2023 at 19:42):
(Note that this HVector
type has different runtime characteristics from HVect
, if you care about using these in programs. HVector
is a closure and if you're not careful you can have long chains of unforced computations. HVect
is eager. On the other hand, HVector
is probably more pleasant to prove things about -- HVector
is sort of the abstract interface for a heterogenous vector -- and you can generalize Fin n
to an arbitrary indexing type.)
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC