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Topic: How to access the multiplication inside the monoid inside ..

Agnishom Chattopadhyay (Jan 12 2020 at 05:09):

In line 23, here, I have the structure monoid_recognizer which supposedly consists of a monoid m among other things.

In line 41, I would like to use the multiplication involved with this monoid. However, simply refering to it as * would not work as would be evident from running the code. I have also tried other things like M.is_monoid.mul, etc.

How do I get it to work?

Mario Carneiro (Jan 12 2020 at 05:16):

You need to make it an instance, i.e.:

instance {A} (M : monoid_recognizer A) : monoid M.m := M.is_monoid

Agnishom Chattopadhyay (Jan 12 2020 at 05:17):

That is a good idea. Thanks

Agnishom Chattopadhyay (Jan 12 2020 at 05:18):

What other way is there to do this? My understanding is that something like M.is_monoid.mul or similar thing should work

Chris B (Jan 12 2020 at 13:35):

This works for me :

def recognizer_to_dfa {alphabet : Type} [fintype alphabet] (M : monoid_recognizer alphabet) : dfa alphabet :=
let MONOID_MUL : M.m → M.m → M.m := M.is_monoid.mul
in @dfa.mk _ _ M.m M.is_finite M.has_decidable_eq (λ q a, MONOID_MUL q (M.h [a])) (M.h []) M.fin

What error message are you getting?

Agnishom Chattopadhyay (Jan 12 2020 at 15:47):

That works, thanks!

While this works:

def recognizer_to_dfa {alphabet : Type} [fintype alphabet] (M : monoid_recognizer alphabet) : dfa alphabet :=
let MONOID_MUL : M.m → M.m → M.m := M.is_monoid.mul
in @dfa.mk _ _ M.m M.is_finite M.has_decidable_eq (λ q a, MONOID_MUL q (M.h [a])) (M.h []) M.fin

the following variants however do not:

def recognizer_to_dfa {alphabet : Type} [fintype alphabet] (M : monoid_recognizer alphabet) : dfa alphabet :=
@dfa.mk _ _ M.m M.is_finite M.has_decidable_eq (λ q a, M.is_monoid.mul q (M.h [a])) (M.h []) M.fin


def recognizer_to_dfa {alphabet : Type} [fintype alphabet] (M : monoid_recognizer alphabet) : dfa alphabet :=
let MONOID_MUL : M.m → M.m → M.m := M.is_monoid.mul
in @dfa.mk _ _ M.m M.is_finite M.has_decidable_eq (λ q a, M.is_monoid.mul q (M.h [a])) (M.h []) M.fin

I get the error message invalid field notation, function 'monoid.mul' does not have explicit argument with type (monoid ...).

I wonder why?

Chris B (Jan 12 2020 at 16:32):

That's a great question... And one that I'm sure Mario or someone can answer for you lol. FWIW this works too.

def recognizer_to_dfa {alphabet : Type} [fintype alphabet] (M : monoid_recognizer alphabet) : dfa alphabet :=
@dfa.mk _ _ M.m M.is_finite M.has_decidable_eq (λ q a, @monoid.mul M.m M.is_monoid q (M.h [a])) (M.h []) M.fin

Mario Carneiro (Jan 12 2020 at 17:47):

The problem, as the error message says, is that monoid.mul has an argument of type monoid A, but it is not explicit, so you aren't allowed to use projection notation on an element of type monoid A to apply monoid.mul. You can write @monoid.mul _ M.is_monoid q (M.h [a])

Agnishom Chattopadhyay (Jan 12 2020 at 18:25):

well, why does it work when it is bound using a let then? As in Chris's example?

Mario Carneiro (Jan 12 2020 at 20:53):

Lean appears to be a bit inconsistent in the handling of partial applications and built in projections here. Demo:

constant X : monoid nat
constant monoid.func {A} [monoid A] : A  A  A
noncomputable theory
example : nat  nat  nat := X.mul   -- works
example : nat  nat  nat := X.func  -- failed to synth monoid (monoid ℕ)
example (a : nat) : nat  nat := X.mul a  -- invalid field notation, insufficient number of arguments
example (a : nat) : nat  nat := X.func a -- invalid field notation, insufficient number of arguments
example (a b : nat) : nat := X.mul a b   -- invalid field notation, no explicit (monoid ...) arg
example (a b : nat) : nat := X.func a b  -- invalid field notation, no explicit (monoid ...) arg

Note that the types of monoid.mul and monoid.func are exactly the same; the only difference is that monoid.mul is a built in structure projection and monoid.func is a defined (well, axiomatized) function on monoid

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC