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Topic: How to call accepts DFA

TessaCoil (Jun 16 2023 at 18:02):

I found I could do

#eval DFA.eval {step := fun a b => b+1, start := 0, accept := ({1} : Finset Nat) : DFA Nat Nat} [0]

however if I try to call

#eval DFA.accepts {step := fun a b => b+1, start := 0, accept := ({1} : Finset Nat) : DFA Nat Nat} [0]

I get

failed to synthesize
Decidable (DFA.accepts { step := fun a b => b + 1, start := 0, accept := ↑{1} } [0])

I think I've traced the problem back to finite vs infinite sets:

def setContains: (Nat → Set Nat → Prop) :=
fun a b => a ∈ b

#eval setContains 3 ({3} : Set Nat)


failed to synthesize
Decidable (setContains 3 {3})

If I do

def setContainsFinset : (Nat → Finset Nat → Prop) :=
fun a b => a ∈ b

#eval setContainsFinset 3 ({3} : Finset Nat)

I still get the same error, however since it is Finset I can instead change the Prop to Bool

def setContainsFinsetBool : (Nat → Finset Nat → Bool) :=
fun a b => a ∈ b

#eval setContainsFinsetBool 3 ({3} : Finset Nat)

And it actually works with no error.

Is there a way to force this kind of behavior when calling

#eval DFA.accepts {step := fun a b => b+1, start := 0, accept := ({1} : Finset Nat) : DFA Nat Nat} [0]


My understanding is that this requires me to use something that is a Fintype but is there a way to do it with sets like Nat?

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 16 2023 at 22:15):

Thanks for your question! Can you edit your post and wrap your code with lines just containing ``` ? Then it will display a lot more nicely. For more hints on how to ask a good question see #mwe

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC