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Topic: How to evaluate ite?

Ma, Jia-Jun (Jun 29 2022 at 09:27):

I am new to Lean and trying to formalize some proofs in my paper (starting from some very basic stuffs)
In the tactic mode, I get the goal as the following:

Then I got no idea how to proceed. There are at least two obstructions to me.

  1. how to treat "ite" ? (clearly one must use -1 \neq 1)
  2. how to treat _match_2 ?

It seems there are no documents on these two points.


Eric Wieser (Jun 29 2022 at 09:41):

Can you share a #mwe that includes your definition of mat_mul?

Eric Wieser (Jun 29 2022 at 09:43):

docs#if_neg will let you eliminate the third ite

Ma, Jia-Jun (Jun 29 2022 at 09:59):

Eric Wieser said:

Can you share a #mwe that includes your definition of mat_mul?

I am trying to define the structure of monomial_matrix (over the coefficient ring int, for simplicity), mat_mul is the multiplication of two monomail_matrix.

The code is attached. Thanks.

Eric Wieser (Jun 29 2022 at 10:09):

Can you paste the code here in #backticks rather than attaching it?

Ma, Jia-Jun (Jun 29 2022 at 10:10):

Eric Wieser said:

Can you paste the code here in #backticks rather than attaching it?

-- basis of V_l are {v_i} R=integer
-- a scalar of a basis vector c_i v_i is identified with (c_i, i)R × int

-- A lifting of simple refelection is a map int -> R × int
structure monomial_matrix  :=
mk  ::  (mat: int -> int × int)

def mat_mul (w : monomial_matrix) (wp : monomial_matrix) : monomial_matrix :=
    (λ j,
        let (cwp_j, wp_j) := (wp.mat j) in
        let (cw_wp_j, w_wp_j) := (w.mat wp_j)
          in (cw_wp_j * cwp_j, w_wp_j))

def t (i : nat) : monomial_matrix :=
  (λ (j: int),
    if j = i then (-1, -i) else
    if j = -i then (-eps, i)
    else (1,j))

-- The idenetity map
def id_mat : monomial_matrix :=
  monomial_matrix.mk (λ j, (1,j))

infixl ` * `:75 := mat_mul

example : (mat_mul (t 1) (t 1)).mat (-1) = (eps, -1) := begin
  rw mat_mul,
  rw t,


Eric Wieser (Jun 29 2022 at 10:10):

Make sure to read #backticks (that's a link)

Edit: ah, you need a second set of backticks because the first set is part of the ```quote ``` syntax; you used the ``` that was inserted automatically by the quotation, and didn't actually type new ones for the code.

Eric Wieser (Jun 29 2022 at 10:13):

The _match terms are being generated by your use of let (cw_wp_j, w_wp_j) := (w.mat wp_j)

Eric Wieser (Jun 29 2022 at 10:14):

If you use let w_wp := (w.mat wp_j) and w_wp.1, w_wp.2 instead, then they will go away

Ma, Jia-Jun (Jun 29 2022 at 10:17):

Eric Wieser said:

If you use let w_wp := (w.mat wp_j) and w_wp.1, w_wp.2 instead, then they will go away

Just updated the code.

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 29 2022 at 10:41):

If you import tactic then you can use split_ifs which does all the dirty work for you:

example : (mat_mul (t 1) (t 1)).mat (-1) = (eps, -1) := begin
  simp [mat_mul, t],
  cases h,

Ma, Jia-Jun (Jun 29 2022 at 10:47):

Kevin Buzzard said:

If you import tactic then you can use split_ifs which does all the dirty work for you:

example : (mat_mul (t 1) (t 1)).mat (-1) = (eps, -1) := begin
  simp [mat_mul, t],
  cases h,

Thanks. Like magic :tada: .
Why split_ifs ends with ";" instead of ", " ?

Anne Baanen (Jun 29 2022 at 10:59):

; means "apply the following tactic to all goals created by the previous"

Anne Baanen (Jun 29 2022 at 11:00):

So I assume in this case we want to simplify both the positive and negative outcome of the if statement.

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 29 2022 at 11:00):

Maybe this is a clearer proof:

example : (mat_mul (t 1) (t 1)).mat (-1) = (eps, -1) := begin
  simp [mat_mul, t],
  split_ifs with h,
  { cases h, },
  { simp, },

Eric Wieser (Jun 29 2022 at 14:24):

Or an even clearer proof:

example : (mat_mul (t 1) (t 1)).mat (-1) = (eps, -1) := begin
  have : (-1 : )  1 := dec_trivial,
  simp [mat_mul, t, this],

Ma, Jia-Jun (Jun 29 2022 at 16:22):

Now I am trying to prove something more complex.
Basically, I want to verify certain listings in GL_n of simple reflections of a Weyl satisfy the braid relation.

I have edited my original question to include the codes.
Here is the relevant part.

-- The definition of s_i
def s (i : nat) : monomial_matrix :=
  (λ (j: int),
    if j = i then (- eps , i+1) else
    if j = i+1 then (eps, i) else
    if j = -(i+1) then (eps,-i) else
    if j = -i then (- eps, -(i+1)) else

-- s_i s_{i+1} s_i = s_{i+1} s_i s_{i+1}
-- i≠ 0, j≠ 0
lemma s_i_s_ip_s_i_eq_s_ip_s_i_s_ip
  (i : nat) (j : int) (hi : -(i:int)  (i:int)) (hj : -j j)
  ((s i) * (s (i+1)) * (s i)).mat j = ((s (i+1) ) * (s i) * (s (i+1))).mat j
  simp [mat_mul, s, hi, hj],


Here are the problems:

  1. split_ifs runs timeout by default (and my VS code go crush :sweat_smile: ) , and I removed the time limitation.
  2. after split_ifs, it give 859 goals to solve but most goals include a hypothesis such as
h: i+1 +1 = i

which is clearly false.
So my question is:

  1. Is there a better way to rewrite the definition of s_i so that number of cases can be reduced.
  2. Is there some way to automatically eliminate the goal containing false assumptions.
  3. Although I known how to disprove i+1+1 =1 in the natural number game, I still don't know how to solve it effectively using lean/mathlib.


Ruben Van de Velde (Jun 29 2022 at 16:50):

Ouch, that looks like a pretty extreme case. Is there a lemma called something like lt_succ_succ that you could use with ne_of_gt?

Eric Wieser (Jun 29 2022 at 16:54):

I think probably the way to do this is handle the cases when j is (i+2), (i+1), i, -i, -(i+1), -(i+2) separately

Eric Wieser (Jun 29 2022 at 16:55):

Which will give you only 7 cases to handle

Eric Wieser (Jun 29 2022 at 16:56):

Based on your comment:

-- A lifting of simple refelection is a map int -> R × int
structure monomial_matrix  :=
mk  ::  (mat: int -> int × int)

you probably actually want

structure monomial_matrix (ι R : Type*) :=
(mat : ι  R × ι)  -- lean does `mk :: ` automatically
-- is `(mat j).2` the column number containing `(mat j).1` in row `j`,
-- or the row number containing ... in column `j`?

where I would guess def s [ring R] (i : nat) : monomial_matrix ℤ R

Ma, Jia-Jun (Jun 29 2022 at 17:10):

Eric Wieser said:

I think probably the way to do this is handle the cases when j is (i+2), (i+1), i, -i, -(i+1), -(i+2) separately

Mathematically yes, and the claim is easy to check by hand. However, is there a more automated way?

Ma, Jia-Jun (Jun 29 2022 at 17:15):

Eric Wieser said:

Based on your comment:

-- A lifting of simple refelection is a map int -> R × int
structure monomial_matrix  :=
mk  ::  (mat: int -> int × int)

you probably actually want

structure monomial_matrix (ι R : Type*) :=
(mat : ι  R × ι)  -- lean does `mk :: ` automatically
-- is `(mat j).2` the column number containing `(mat j).1` in row `j`,
-- or the row number containing ... in column `j`?

where I would guess def s [ring R] (i : nat) : monomial_matrix ℤ R

Thanks for the improvement. (mat j).2 is the row number containing (mat j).1 in column j (by viewing a vector as a column vector).

Eric Wieser (Jun 29 2022 at 17:21):

However, is there a more automated way?

I recommend first writing the five lemmas:

example : (s i).mat i = (- eps , i+1) := sorry
example : (s i).mat (i+1)= (eps , i) := sorry
example : (s i).mat -(i+1)= (eps , i) := sorry
example (h : i  0) : (s i).mat (-i) = (- eps , i+1) := sorry
example (h1 : j  i) (h2 : j  i+1) (h3 : j  -(i+1)) (h4 : j  -i) : (s i).mat j= (eps , i) := sorry

Ma, Jia-Jun (Jun 30 2022 at 01:45):

Eric Wieser said:

However, is there a more automated way?

I recommend first writing the five lemmas:

example : (s i).mat i = (- eps , i+1) := sorry
example : (s i).mat (i+1)= (eps , i) := sorry
example : (s i).mat -(i+1)= (eps , i) := sorry
example (h : i  0) : (s i).mat (-i) = (- eps , i+1) := sorry
example (h1 : j  i) (h2 : j  i+1) (h3 : j  -(i+1)) (h4 : j  -i) : (s i).mat j= (eps , i) := sorry

First two are simple:

example (i:nat): (s i).mat i = (- eps , i+1) := begin
  simp [s, ip_ne_i],

example (i:nat) : (s i).mat (i+1)= (eps , i) := begin
  simp [s],

The third one is not easy already, I am run into the trouble to prove that

lemma neq_ii (i: nat ): -1 + -(i:int)   (i:int) :=

The whole thing is not difficult mathematically. My feeling is that the definition of s and monomial_matrix is not good.

Eric Wieser (Jun 30 2022 at 07:57):

tactic#linarith can solve that

Eric Wieser (Jun 30 2022 at 08:00):

If you want to know how to do it manually,

lemma neq_ii (i: nat ): -1 + -(i:int)   (i:int) :=
  intro h,
  rw [neg_add, neg_eq_iff_add_eq_zero, add_assoc, add_comm] at h,
  cases h,

Ma, Jia-Jun (Jul 01 2022 at 03:04):

Eric Wieser said:

If you want to know how to do it manually,

lemma neq_ii (i: nat ): -1 + -(i:int)   (i:int) :=
  intro h,
  rw [neg_add, neg_eq_iff_add_eq_zero, add_assoc, add_comm] at h,
  cases h,

linarith works perfectly.
But it seems I have to supply a big set of all such kinds of inequalities to simp. Is it possible to automate the process? For example, apply linarith on all the hypothesis?

Damiano Testa (Jul 01 2022 at 04:21):

Is any_goals { linarith } what you are looking for?

Damiano Testa (Jul 01 2022 at 04:40):

If you want to use a tactic on all side-goals generated by the application of one tactic, you can also use ;. For instance,


means "use tactic2 on all goals that tactic1 produces".

Ma, Jia-Jun (Jul 01 2022 at 15:04):

Damiano Testa said:

Is any_goals { linarith } what you are looking for?

Is it possible to make Lean to reduce the expression of the both sides of the equation? just like #reduce can do ?

For example using #reduce I got

#reduce ((t 1) * (t 1)).mat (v.p 1)      -- (eps.neg.mul -[1+ 0], v.p 1)

But is I would like to proof the statement ((t 1) * (t 1)).mat (v.p 1) = (eps, v.p 1):

example  : ((t 1) * (t 1)).mat (v.p 1)  = (eps, v.p 1)
:= begin
  simp [t],


What I can get is the following big chunk of unsolved goal:

tactic failed, there are unsolved goals
eps : 
 ({mat := λ (bb : v),
                 v.rec (λ (i : ), ite (i = 1) (-1, v.n 1) (1, bb)) (λ (i : ), ite (i = 1) (-eps, v.p 1) (1, bb))
                   bb} *
       {mat := λ (bb : v),
                 v.rec (λ (i : ), ite (i = 1) (-1, v.n 1) (1, bb)) (λ (i : ), ite (i = 1) (-eps, v.p 1) (1, bb))
      (v.p 1) =
    (eps, v.p 1)

Alex J. Best (Jul 01 2022 at 15:11):

Can you post an updated MWE so people can try things out?

Alex J. Best (Jul 01 2022 at 15:12):

Does refl work to prove the equality with the output of reduce?

Ma, Jia-Jun (Jul 01 2022 at 16:22):

Alex J. Best said:

Can you post an updated MWE so people can try things out?

I rewrote the code so it is different from the original one.
The last example is where I got stuck. Thanks.

import tactic

universe u

-- Basis of the vector space V_l
-- The basis is v^±_0 , v^±_1 , ⋯, v^\pm_l
inductive v
| p  (i : nat) : v
| n  (i : nat) : v

#check v.p 1
def bb : v := v.p 1
#reduce bb

example : (v.p 1) = (v.p 1) := by refl
example (i : nat ) : (v.p i)  (v.p (i+1)) :=
  intro h,
  simp at h,
  exact h,

example (i : nat ) : (v.p i)  (v.n (i+1)) :=
  intro h,
  simp at h,
  exact h,

-- Monomail matrix by specify the value at the basis vector
structure monomial_matrix  :=  (mat: v -> int × v)

-- indentity matrix
def id_mat : monomial_matrix :=
  { mat := (λ j, (1,j))}

def mat_mul (w : monomial_matrix) (wp : monomial_matrix) :
  monomial_matrix :=  monomial_matrix.mk
    (λ j,
        let wp_j := (wp.mat j) in
        let w_wp_j:= (w.mat wp_j.2)
          in (w_wp_j.1 * wp_j.1, w_wp_j.2))

infixl ` * `:75 := mat_mul


parameter (eps : int)
-- def eps := 1

-- attribute [reducible]
-- def t_map (i : nat) (bb : v) : int × v :=
--  v.cases_on bb (λ j, if   j= i then (-1, v.n i) else (1, bb))
--   (λ j, if j = i then (-eps, v.p i) else (1, bb))

attribute [reducible]
def t (i : nat) : monomial_matrix := {
  mat :=
  (λ bb, v.cases_on bb
    (λ j, if   j= i then (-1, v.n i) else (1, bb))
    (λ j, if j = i then (-eps, v.p i) else (1, bb))

def eps_map (i : nat) (bb : v) : int × v :=
  v.cases_on bb
    (λ j, if j = i then (eps, bb) else (1, bb))
    (λ j, if j = i then (eps, bb) else (1, bb))

attribute [reducible]
def eps_mat (i : nat) : monomial_matrix := {
  mat :=   (λ bb, v.cases_on bb
    (λ j, if j = i then (eps, bb) else (1, bb))
    (λ j, if j = i then (eps, bb) else (1, bb))

#reduce  (t 1).mat (v.p 1)

example : (t 1).mat (v.p 1) = (-1, v.n 1) := begin
 simp [t],

example : (t 1).mat (v.n 1) = (- eps, v.p 1) := begin
 simp [t],

#reduce ((t 1) * (t 1)).mat (v.p 1)

-- example (l: nat) (hl: l=1 ): ((t l) * (t l)).mat (v.p l)  = (eps_mat l).mat (v.p l)
example  : ((t 1) * (t 1)).mat (v.p 1)  = (eps, v.p 1)
:= begin
  simp [t],



Ma, Jia-Jun (Jul 01 2022 at 16:26):

Alex J. Best said:

Does refl work to prove the equality with the output of reduce?

no. :sweat_smile:

Eric Wieser (Jul 01 2022 at 16:42):

You should be adding lemmas in the style of the ones I suggested before

Eric Wieser (Jul 01 2022 at 16:42):

Don't start writing lemmas about multiplication until you've written the basic lemmas about t

Eric Wieser (Jul 01 2022 at 16:46):

@[simp] lemma t_mat_p_eq (i : ) : (t i).mat (v.p i) = (-1, v.n i) := if_pos rfl
@[simp] lemma t_mat_n_eq (i : ) : (t i).mat (v.n i) = (-eps, v.p i) := if_pos rfl
@[simp] lemma t_mat_p_ne {i j : } (h : j  i) : (t i).mat (v.p j) = (1, v.p j) := if_neg h
@[simp] lemma t_mat_n_ne {i j : } (h : j  i) : (t i).mat (v.n j) = (1, v.n j) := if_neg h

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC