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Topic: How to prove equality of structure
Keyao Peng (Jun 26 2020 at 15:20):
For example
variable (α : Type)
structure pair α :=
(x : α)
(y : α)
def foo: pair α -> pair α ->pair α :=
λ a b , {x := fx a.x b.x ,y := fy a.y b.y}
now I want to prove something like for some A B C : pair α
lemma bar: foo A B = C
which tactics I can use to reduce the goal to, {x := fx A.x B.x ,y := fy A.y B.y}={x :=C.x,y :=C.y}
and finally become fx A.x B.x =C.x ∧ fy A.y B.y =C.y
Kevin Buzzard (Jun 26 2020 at 15:21):
This question would be much easier to work with if what you posted compiled.
Kevin Buzzard (Jun 26 2020 at 15:22):
but cases A; cases B
will get you started.
Kevin Buzzard (Jun 26 2020 at 15:22):
In general you should probably prove an ext
lemma before you embark on proving bar
Kevin Buzzard (Jun 26 2020 at 15:24):
There's a way of getting the derive handler to derive ext but I can never remember how to do it and I don't know how to look it up :-(
Rob Lewis (Jun 26 2020 at 15:25):
Johan Commelin (Jun 26 2020 at 15:27):
@Keyao Peng You are looking for cases A, cases B, cases C, congr,
Keyao Peng (Jun 26 2020 at 15:30):
Kevin Buzzard said:
cases A; cases B
will get you started.
when use cases A; cases B;cases C
it just becomes foo {x := A.x , y:=A.y} {x := B.x , y:=B.y} = {x := C.x , y:=C.y}
, but I want {x := fx A.x B.x ,y := fy A.y B.y}={x :=C.x,y :=C.y}
Kevin Buzzard (Jun 26 2020 at 15:30):
import tactic
variable {α : Type}
@[ext] structure pair (α : Type) :=
(x : α)
(y : α)
def foo (fx fy : α → α → α): pair α -> pair α ->pair α :=
λ a b, {x := fx a.x b.x ,y := fy a.y b.y}
lemma bar (fx fy : α → α → α) (A B C : pair α):
foo fx fy A B = C :=
2 goals
α : Type,
fx fy : α → α → α,
A B C : pair α
⊢ (foo fx fy A B).x = C.x
α : Type,
fx fy : α → α → α,
A B C : pair α
⊢ (foo fx fy A B).y = C.y
cases A, cases B, cases C, all_goals {dsimp [foo]},
α : Type,
fx fy : α → α → α,
A_x A_y B_x B_y C_x C_y : α
⊢ fx A_x B_x = C_x
α : Type,
fx fy : α → α → α,
A B C : pair α
⊢ fy A.y B.y = C.y
sorry, sorry
Kevin Buzzard (Jun 26 2020 at 15:30):
that non-ascii comma in the original post threw me for a while
ROCKY KAMEN-RUBIO (Jun 28 2020 at 02:28):
Kevin's twitch stream about the complex number game gives an overview of this using a locally defined complex number structure as an example.
Edit: I'm having trouble finding it on twitch and am only seeing this clip. Does anyone know what happened to it?
Kevin Buzzard (Jun 28 2020 at 04:28):
Try the Xena project YouTube channel. NB if anyone has any ideas about how to set up a YouTube channel I'd be interested to hear them
Jalex Stark (Jun 28 2020 at 05:29):
@Kevin Buzzard if you kick twitch $5/month, they'll keep your videos for 90 days instead of 14 days (I don't have advice about youtube, but this will buy some time so that getting the details of the youtube channel correct isn't critical right now)
ROCKY KAMEN-RUBIO (Jun 30 2020 at 18:05):
The channel seems to be stable and have the complete stream. Here's a link if anyone's interested https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEZCp63GES8
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC