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Topic: Hypotheses and avoiding repetition
Wrenna Robson (Aug 20 2020 at 23:44):
Suppose I have (P or Q) and (P -> Q -> R) theorems. I have R as a goal. I have a proof P -> Q and a proof Q -> P (which are similar but not the same). What's the most efficient way of putting these all together?
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 20 2020 at 23:53):
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 20 2020 at 23:53):
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 20 2020 at 23:54):
You know, you could just state this question completely in lean and sorry the proof and post here in triple back ticks
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 20 2020 at 23:55):
Then it's much easier for other people to play along
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 20 2020 at 23:58):
I'm on mobile right now but I'll gamble.
import tactic
variables (P Q R : Prop)
example (h1 : or P Q) (h2 : P -> Q -> R) : (h3 : P -> Q) (h4 : Q -> P) : R := sorry
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 20 2020 at 23:59):
I don't have Unicode on my phone. Can someone recommend a better keyboard for Android?
Yury G. Kudryashov (Aug 21 2020 at 00:00):
If you want a term mode proof then h1.elim (λ hp, h2 hp (h3 hp)) (λ hq, h2 (h4 hq) hq)
should work.
Wrenna Robson (Aug 21 2020 at 00:04):
Sorry! I was on my phone too!
Wrenna Robson (Aug 21 2020 at 00:07):
To be more precise, then: I'm on the 3rd tutorial sheet.
example (f : ℝ → ℝ) (h : non_decreasing f) (h' : ∀ x, f (f x) = x) : ∀ x, f x = x :=
It recommends using:
le_total x y : x ≤ y ∨ y ≤ x
and of course, I have le_antisymm
, although I don't know if I will need it.
Given the hypotheses, it's not hard to show that f(x) ≤ x if and only if x ≤ f(x)! What I want to avoid is splitting the cases wrongly and ending up repeating myself! I had a proof but it felt insufficiently optimised.
Yury G. Kudryashov (Aug 21 2020 at 00:25):
This is not an #mwe because it lacks the definition of non_decreasing
Wrenna Robson (Aug 21 2020 at 00:29):
Ah, I'm sorry.
def non_decreasing (f : ℝ → ℝ) := ∀ x₁ x₂, x₁ ≤ x₂ → f x₁ ≤ f x₂
example (f : ℝ → ℝ) (h : non_decreasing f) (h' : ∀ x, f (f x) = x) : ∀ x, f x = x :=
intro x,
have bw : x ≤ f(x) ↔ f(x) ≤ x,
intro t,
calc f(x) ≤ f(f(x)) : h x (f x) t
... = x : h' x,
intro t,
calc x = f(f(x)) : by rw (h' x)
... ≤ f(x) : h (f x) x t,
have j := le_total x (f x),
apply le_antisymm,
Kyle Miller (Aug 21 2020 at 00:29):
Yury G. Kudryashov said:
This is not an #mwe because it lacks the definition of
That should be ok; this is Massot's tutorial, exercise 0028 in 03_forall_or.lean
(though it would have been better if @Wrenna Robson mentioned this :smile:)
Wrenna Robson (Aug 21 2020 at 00:30):
That's what I now have. Which is... OK. But the end feels untidy.
Yury G. Kudryashov (Aug 21 2020 at 00:30):
import order.basic
example {α : Type*} [linear_order α] {f : α → α} (hf : monotone f) (hf₂ : ∀ x, f (f x) = x) (x) :
f x = x :=
(le_total x (f x)).elim (λ hx, le_antisymm (by simpa only [hf₂] using hf hx) hx)
(λ hx, le_antisymm hx $ by simpa only [hf₂] using hf hx)
Kyle Miller (Aug 21 2020 at 00:33):
I found my solution to this. It looks like it's pretty much the same, except things are not annunciated with calc
statements, and I used cases
rather than proving an iff first:
example (f : ℝ → ℝ) (h : non_decreasing f) (h' : ∀ x, f (f x) = x) : ∀ x, f x = x :=
intro x,
unfold non_decreasing at h,
have h₁ := h (f x) x,
have h₂ := h x (f x),
rw h' at h₁, rw h' at h₂,
cases le_total (f x) x with hc hc,
{ specialize h₁ hc, linarith},
{ specialize h₂ hc, linarith},
Wrenna Robson (Aug 21 2020 at 00:34):
Oh, that's quite nice. You avoid the use of le_antisymm (I assume that is cracked by the hammer that is linarith?)
Kyle Miller (Aug 21 2020 at 00:34):
It can be simplified a little:
example (f : ℝ → ℝ) (h : non_decreasing f) (h' : ∀ x, f (f x) = x) : ∀ x, f x = x :=
intro x,
have h₁ := h (f x) x,
have h₂ := h x (f x),
rw h' at h₁ h₂,
cases le_total (f x) x with hc hc,
{ specialize h₁ hc, linarith},
{ specialize h₂ hc, linarith},
Wrenna Robson (Aug 21 2020 at 00:35):
Yes; the unfold doesn't do Lean any benefit?
Kyle Miller (Aug 21 2020 at 00:35):
Wrenna Robson said:
You avoid the use of le_antisymm (I assume that is cracked by the hammer that is linarith?)
Yeah, that's what it looks like is happening.
Wrenna Robson (Aug 21 2020 at 00:36):
In rw h' at h₁ h₂
, what is this doing: apply rw h' at each of them in turn?
Kyle Miller (Aug 21 2020 at 00:36):
The unfold must have been there for me to notice I could apply f x
and x
as arguments to it, but Lean will unfold the definition for you as you do the application.
Yury G. Kudryashov (Aug 21 2020 at 00:36):
I guess linarith
won't work for a linear_order α
, it needs real
Kyle Miller (Aug 21 2020 at 00:37):
And yes, rw
can be at
multiple hypotheses to do multiple rewrites. You can explicitly rewrite the goal with at ⊢
(entered with \|-
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC