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Topic: Induction and well-founded recursion
Fox Thomson (Oct 14 2020 at 18:35):
'minimum' working example:
import data.fintype.basic
universes u v
variable {α : Type u}
structure ε_NFA (alphabet : Type u) :=
[alphabet_fintype : fintype alphabet]
(state : Type v)
[state_fintype : fintype state]
[state_dec : decidable_eq state]
(step : state → option alphabet → finset state)
(start : finset state)
(accept_states : finset state)
namespace ε_NFA
instance dec (M : ε_NFA α) := M.state_dec
instance fin₁ (M : ε_NFA α) : fintype α := M.alphabet_fintype
instance fin₂ (M : ε_NFA α) : fintype M.state := M.state_fintype
def step_set' (M : ε_NFA α) : finset M.state → option α → finset M.state :=
λ Ss a, finset.bind Ss (λ S, M.step S a)
inductive ε_closure_set (M : ε_NFA α) : finset M.state → M.state → Prop
| base : ∀ Ss (S ∈ Ss), ε_closure_set Ss S
| step : ∀ Ss S T, ε_closure_set Ss S → T ∈ M.step S option.none → ε_closure_set Ss T
instance ε_NFA_has_well_founded {β : Type u} [fintype β] [decidable_eq β] : has_well_founded (finset β) :=
{ r := (λ S₁ S₂ : finset β, S₁ᶜ < S₂ᶜ),
wf := inv_image.wf _ finset.lt_wf }
lemma sub_of_compl {β : Type u} [fintype β] [decidable_eq β] : ∀ T U : finset β, Tᶜ ⊆ Uᶜ → U ⊆ T := sorry
def ε_closure (M : ε_NFA α) : finset M.state → finset M.state
| S :=
let S' := S ∪ M.step_set' S none,
by_cases heq : S' = S,
{ exact S },
{ let : S'ᶜ < Sᶜ,
{ sorry },
exact ε_closure S' }
using_well_founded {dec_tac := tactic.assumption}
lemma MWE (M : ε_NFA α) :
Π (S : finset M.state) (s : M.state), M.ε_closure_set S s → s ∈ M.ε_closure S
| S :=
intro s,
{ intro h,
rw ε_closure,
split_ifs with heq,
{ sorry },
induction h with S t ht S t' t ht' ht ih,
{ let : (S ∪ M.step_set' S none)ᶜ < Sᶜ,
{ sorry },
let : has_well_founded.r (S ∪ M.step_set' S none) S,
{ assumption },
apply MWE (S ∪ M.step_set' S none), -- failed to prove recursive application
sorry },
{ sorry } }
using_well_founded {dec_tac := tactic.assumption}
end ε_NFA
At the apply MWE
line I am getting a well-founded recursion problem, how come I do not get this in the definition of ε_closure
and how do I fix this? I have been able to prove the other direction without the error.
Fox Thomson (Oct 14 2020 at 18:48):
I have just realized that I have reused S
as a variable name.
Fox Thomson (Oct 14 2020 at 18:55):
I think the problem boils down to a situation like this:
lemma MWE' : Π n : ℕ, n = n
| n :=
induction n with m ih,
{ refl },
{ let h := MWE' m,
refl }
How can I show that m<n
Ruben Van de Velde (Oct 14 2020 at 19:54):
In your second case, don't you need to use the induction hypothesis ih
instead of trying to apply MWE'
Ruben Van de Velde (Oct 14 2020 at 19:55):
In the first case, you seem to be trying to use an induction hypothesis in the base case
Fox Thomson (Oct 14 2020 at 20:03):
As epsilon_closure
is recursively defined and epsilon_closure_set
is inductively defined I am using two forms of induction, the error is happening in the base case generated by the induction
tactic on epsilon_closure_set
but it occurs in the 'inductive hypothesis' generated by the split_ifs
Fox Thomson (Oct 14 2020 at 20:04):
is a silly proof to illustrate the problem, there is no need to define h
but I should be able to, and I need something like that for my original problem.
Mario Carneiro (Oct 14 2020 at 22:35):
The way to write proofs like that is to declare the recursion structure up front in the equations:
lemma MWE' : Π n : ℕ, n = n
| 0 := by { refl }
| (m+1) := begin
{ let h := MWE' m,
refl }
Mario Carneiro (Oct 14 2020 at 22:41):
The problem with your original MWE is that there is a shadowed variable in the middle, you are referencing the wrong S
Mario Carneiro (Oct 14 2020 at 22:44):
You have two conflicting inductions in this proof
Mario Carneiro (Oct 14 2020 at 22:49):
aha, the issue is that ε_closure_set
unnecessarily takes Ss
as an index to the inductive family, so it is allowed to vary in the induction and then you lose track of the original S
. Use
inductive ε_closure_set (M : ε_NFA α) (Ss : finset M.state) : M.state → Prop
| base : ∀ (S ∈ Ss), ε_closure_set S
| step : ∀ S T, ε_closure_set S → T ∈ M.step S option.none → ε_closure_set T
and then
induction h with t ht t' t ht' ht ih,
{ let : (S ∪ M.step_set' S none)ᶜ < Sᶜ,
{ sorry },
let : has_well_founded.r (S ∪ M.step_set' S none) S,
{ assumption },
apply MWE (S ∪ M.step_set' S none), -- works
sorry },
{ sorry } }
Mario Carneiro (Oct 14 2020 at 22:49):
@Fox Thomson
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC