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Topic: Inductive definitions
Ken Roe (Aug 28 2018 at 16:06):
I see a number of comments in my code that a definition of the form:
inductive allFirsts {t1} {t2} : list t1 → list (t1 × t2) → Prop | AFNil : allFirsts list.nil list.nil | AFCons : ∀ fx fy r r', allFirsts r r' → allFirsts (fx::r) ((fx,fy)::r')
can be rewritten as:
allFirsts l1 l2 <-> l2.map prod.fst = l1
The second form is not a complete definition. How can I use this form as a definition?
Chris Hughes (Aug 28 2018 at 16:11):
def allFirsts {t1 t2} (l1 : list t1) (l2 : list (t1 × t2)) : Prop := l2.map prod.fst = l1
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 28 2018 at 16:20):
import tactic.interactive inductive allFirsts {t1} {t2} : list t1 → list (t1 × t2) → Prop | AFNil : allFirsts list.nil list.nil | AFCons : ∀ fx fy r r', allFirsts r r' → allFirsts (fx::r) ((fx,fy)::r') example {t1 t2} (l1 : list t1) (l2 : list (t1 × t2)) : allFirsts l1 l2 <-> l2.map prod.fst = l1 := begin split, intro H, induction H, refl, simpa, intro H, induction H, induction l2 with f12 l2, exact allFirsts.AFNil, cases f12 with f1 f2, refine allFirsts.AFCons _ _ _ _ l2_ih, end
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC