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Topic: JSON as a string example in Functional Programming book

Lars Ericson (Aug 02 2023 at 19:07):

@David Thrane Christiansen , this example needs an import Lean.Data.Json to run, not currently in the text:

import Lean.Data.Json -- required

inductive JSON where
  | true : JSON
  | false : JSON
  | null : JSON
  | string : String  JSON
  | number : Float  JSON
  | object : List (String × JSON)  JSON
  | array : List JSON  JSON
deriving Repr

structure Serializer where
  Contents : Type
  serialize : Contents  JSON

def Str : Serializer :=
  { Contents := String,
    serialize := JSON.string

instance : CoeFun Serializer (fun s => s.Contents  JSON) where
  coe s := s.serialize

def buildResponse (title : String) (R : Serializer) (record : R.Contents) : JSON :=
  JSON.object [
    ("title", JSON.string title),
    ("status", JSON.number 200),
    ("record", R record)

#eval buildResponse "Functional Programming in Lean" Str "Programming is fun!"

#eval (5 : Float).toString

def dropDecimals (numString : String) : String :=
  if numString.contains '.' then
    let noTrailingZeros := numString.dropRightWhile (· == '0')
    noTrailingZeros.dropRightWhile (· == '.')
  else numString

def String.separate (sep : String) (strings : List String) : String :=
  match strings with
  | [] => ""
  | x :: xs => String.join (x :: xs.map (sep ++ ·))

partial def JSON.asString (val : JSON) : String :=
  match val with
  | true => "true"
  | false => "false"
  | null => "null"
  | string s => "\"" ++ Lean.Json.escape s ++ "\""
  | number n => dropDecimals n.toString
  | object members =>
    let memberToString mem :=
      "\"" ++ Lean.Json.escape mem.fst ++ "\": " ++ asString mem.snd
    "{" ++ ", ".separate (members.map memberToString) ++ "}"
  | array elements =>
    "[" ++ ", ".separate (elements.map asString) ++ "]"

#eval (buildResponse "Functional Programming in Lean" Str "Programming is fun!").asString

David Thrane Christiansen (Aug 06 2023 at 19:09):

Thanks for letting me know! The source code for that chapter's examples doesn't include this line, but it's loading something else that results in that library being available. I'm really busy right now, and I'll fix this when I can - in the meantime, it's tracked here: https://github.com/leanprover/fp-lean/issues/122

Thanks again!

David Thrane Christiansen (Oct 03 2023 at 07:41):

This is fixed - the improvement will be in the upcoming release. Thanks!

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC