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Topic: Lean chokes on a small proof : groupoid actions
Rémi Bottinelli (Oct 17 2022 at 11:08):
Hey, in the following snippet, I want to show that from a groupoid action, I can define an associated "semidirect groupoid".
Strangely, I can't actually write down the instance for the groupoid "interactively" because lean timeouts very early.
Any idea what it is that is so slow here?
import category_theory.category.basic
import category_theory.functor.basic
import category_theory.groupoid
import category_theory.groupoid.basic
--import category_theory.groupoid.vertex_group
# Actions of groupoids
namespace category_theory
namespace groupoid
universes u v u' v' u'' v''
Following Brown, but instead of a map `w : X → V` we take `p : V → set X`
plus the fact that it partitions `X`
class groupoid_action (V : Type*) [groupoid V] (X : Type*) :=
(p : V → set X)
(p_part : ∀ x, ∃! v, x ∈ p v) -- needed?
(mul : Π {s t : V} (f : s ⟶ t), p s → p t)
(mul_id' : Π (v : V), mul (𝟙 v) = id)
(mul_comp' : Π {r s t : V} (f : r ⟶ s) (g : s ⟶ t), (mul g) ∘ (mul f) = mul (f ≫ g))
namespace action
notation x ` •≫ ` f:73 := groupoid_action.mul f x
variables {V : Type*} [groupoid V] {X : Type*} [g : groupoid_action V X]
def is_transitive :=
∀ (x y : X),
∃ (s t : V) (xs : x ∈ g.p s) (yt : y ∈ g.p t) (f : s ⟶ t),
⟨x,xs⟩ •≫ f = ⟨y,yt⟩
noncomputable def obj (g : groupoid_action V X) (x : X) : V := (g.p_part x).exists.some
def obj_p (g : groupoid_action V X) (x : X) : x ∈ g.p (obj g x) := (g.p_part x).exists.some_spec
noncomputable def mul' (x : X) {t : V} (f : obj g x ⟶ t) : X :=
(⟨x,obj_p g x⟩ •≫ f).val
notation x ` ·≫ ` f:100 := mul' x f
lemma mul_eq_mul' (x : X) {t : V} (f : obj g x ⟶ t) : x ·≫ f = (⟨x,obj_p g x⟩ •≫ f).val := rfl
def stabilizer (v : V) (x : g.p v) : subgroup (v ⟶ v) :=
{ carrier := {f | x •≫ f = x},
one_mem' := congr_fun (groupoid_action.mul_id' v) x,
mul_mem' := λ f f' hf hf', by
{ rw [set.mem_set_of_eq] at hf hf' ⊢,
rw [vertex_group_mul, ←congr_fun (groupoid_action.mul_comp' f f') x,
function.comp_app,hf,hf'], },
inv_mem' := λ f hf, by
{ rw [set.mem_set_of_eq] at hf ⊢,
nth_rewrite 0 ←hf,
convert ←congr_fun (groupoid_action.mul_comp' f (inv f)) x,
rw [inv_eq_inv, is_iso.hom_inv_id],
exact congr_fun (groupoid_action.mul_id' v) x, } }-/
set_option profiler true
noncomputable instance semidirect_product : groupoid X :=
{ hom := λ x y, { f : obj g x ⟶ obj g y | x ·≫ f = y},
id := λ x,
⟨ 𝟙 $ obj g x,
{ dsimp only [mul'],
rw [set.mem_set_of_eq, groupoid_action.mul_id'],
refl, } ⟩,
comp := λ x y z f h,
⟨ f.val ≫ h.val,
{ dsimp only [mul'],
rw [set.mem_set_of_eq,←groupoid_action.mul_comp', function.comp_app],
rw [subtype.val_eq_coe, subtype.val_eq_coe, subtype.val_eq_coe],
rw [subtype.coe_eq_of_eq_mk f.prop, subtype.coe_eq_of_eq_mk h.prop],
refl, } ⟩,
id_comp' := λ _ _ _, by simp_rw [subtype.val_eq_coe, category.id_comp, subtype.coe_eta],
comp_id' := λ _ _ _, by simp_rw [subtype.val_eq_coe, category.comp_id, subtype.coe_eta],
assoc' := λ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, by simp_rw [category.assoc],
inv := λ x y f,
⟨ inv f,
{ sorry, /-simp only [set.mem_set_of_eq, subtype.val_eq_coe, inv_eq_inv, mul_eq_mul'],
have : x = ((⟨x, obj_p g x⟩ •≫ f.val) •≫ (inv f.val)) := sorry,
nth_rewrite_rhs 0 this,
let := subtype.coe_eq_of_eq_mk f.prop,
nth_rewrite_lhs 0 ←this,
simp only [subtype.val_eq_coe, inv_eq_inv],-/
} ⟩,
inv_comp' := λ _ _ _, by sorry, --simp_rw [subtype.val_eq_coe, inv_eq_inv, is_iso.inv_hom_id],
comp_inv' := λ _ _ _, by sorry--simp_rw [subtype.val_eq_coe, inv_eq_inv, is_iso.hom_inv_id]
end action
end groupoid
end category_theory
David Wärn (Oct 17 2022 at 12:02):
If I understand correctly, groupoid actions are described in a more typed way by functors F : V ⥤ Type w
, and the associated "semidirect groupoid" is given by docs#category_theory.functor.elements
Rémi Bottinelli (Oct 17 2022 at 14:16):
mmh, that's nice, although a bit obscure at first sight!
Rémi Bottinelli (Oct 17 2022 at 14:17):
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC