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Topic: Lean4: Proving succ a ≤ zero is obviously false

Brandon Brown (May 19 2021 at 17:51):

Oh good to know - thank you, Daniel. Re: @Johan Commelin it does not appear you can do that, I get the error

type mismatch
has type
  nat.ple (succ a) zero = false : Prop
but is expected to have type
  false = true : Prop

The nat.ple a.succ zero does not get reduced to false. If I do

variable (a : nat)
#reduce nat.ple a.succ zero -- false

It reduces to false as expected but it does not get automatically reduced in the proof term.

Brandon Brown (May 19 2021 at 18:06):

If I try to force it to evaluate the function using do notation I get a weird error in VS code, squiggly red line under the do.

theorem succ_le_zero_false {a : nat} (h : nat.le a.succ zero) : false := do {
   return nat.le a.succ zero
error: invalid universe level, 0 is not greater than 0

Kevin Buzzard (May 19 2021 at 18:50):

theorem foo (a : nat) : nat.ple a.succ zero = false := rfl -- works fine

@Brandon Brown if you want to prove theorem succ_le_zero_false {a : nat} : (nat.le a.succ zero) → false then why are you using a bool-valued <=? -> is for Props. Bools are for computing (so you should prove what Johan suggests) and Props are for reasoning.

Kevin Buzzard (May 19 2021 at 18:51):

theorem succ_le_zero_false {a : nat} : (nat.le a.succ zero)  false := id

Kevin Buzzard (May 19 2021 at 18:53):

#check false  false -- false = true → false = true : Prop

Lean is jumping through hoops trying to make your bools into Props because you're using on them

Brandon Brown (May 19 2021 at 20:11):

But I get a prop using ‘nat.le’ as wrapper around ‘nat.ple’

Kevin Buzzard (May 19 2021 at 20:29):

oh I see, I'm a fool :-) I thought coercion was doing it itself. Anyway, id does it.

Kevin Buzzard (May 19 2021 at 20:31):

But you're still using false as a Prop. Why not use False?

Brandon Brown (May 19 2021 at 21:01):

Good question. I don't know, I didn't know there was a False : Prop I was just following the way core Lean4 defined nat.le So, good to know,

Kevin Buzzard (May 19 2021 at 21:08):

false is a bool but there's a coercion from bool to Prop which sends b to b = true.

Brandon Brown (May 19 2021 at 21:23):

I will change everything to True and False:

protected def nat.le (a b : nat) : Prop :=
  match a, b with
  | zero, b => True
  | succ a, zero => False
  | succ a, succ b => nat.le a b

Now I don't need the wrapper function. Not sure why core lean uses Bool with a wrapper.

Brandon Brown (May 19 2021 at 21:35):

Well now I think I have an idea why Lean4 core uses that way. Everything is harder to prove now. I don't know how to prove this:
example : nat.le zero zero.succ.succ := sorry before I could prove with rfl

Brandon Brown (May 19 2021 at 21:47):

Oh I have to do

example : nat.le zero zero.succ.succ := True.intro

Mario Carneiro (May 19 2021 at 22:17):

by the way, in mathlib4 there is fun. which allows you to do these proofs similarly to how you would in lean 3:

import Mathlib.Tactic.Basic

theorem succ_le_zero_false {a : nat} : ¬ nat.le a.succ zero := fun.

Brandon Brown (May 20 2021 at 04:05):

I need some help here as well. I do not understand the last 3 lines of this proof. How am I getting a proof of h1 : a ≤ b from l : succ a ≤ succ b and what is ▸ rfl. I'm not familiar with that notation and can't find where it's defined in Lean4 src.

inductive nat : Type where
| zero : nat
| succ : nat  nat

open nat

protected def nat.le (a b : nat) : Prop :=
  match a, b with
  | zero, b => True
  | succ a, zero => False
  | succ a, succ b => nat.le a b

infixl:50 (priority := high) " ≤ " => nat.le

theorem le_asymm {a b : nat} : (a  b)  (b  a)  a = b :=
  fun h =>
    match a, b, h with
    | zero, zero, l,r => rfl
    | succ a, succ b, l,r =>
      have h1 : a  b from l;
      have h2 : b  a from r;
      le_asymm (And.intro h1 h2)  rfl

Michael Shaw (May 20 2021 at 04:12):

I believe rfl is reflexitivity proving that x = x. I'm not entirely sure but im basing my understanding off of the natural numbers game.

Mario Carneiro (May 20 2021 at 04:12):

e ▸ rfl means "rewrite the goal with e, and prove the resulting goal with rfl"

Mario Carneiro (May 20 2021 at 04:14):

How am I getting a proof of h1 : a ≤ b from l : succ a ≤ succ b

a ≤ b is actually defeq to succ a ≤ succ b, because:

  • (a ≤ b) = (nat.le a b)
  • (succ a ≤ succ b) = (nat.le (succ a) (succ b))
  • nat.le (succ a) (succ b) = nat.le a b

Brandon Brown (May 20 2021 at 12:10):

Thank you!

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC