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Topic: Match does not fold away
Tobias Grosser (Jun 20 2023 at 07:37):
I just came across this MWE and was wondering if someone can explain me why my match does not fold away:
import Mathlib.Data.Vector
import Mathlib.Data.Bitvec.Defs
i: Fin (List.length (Vector.toList (Bitvec.ofInt 1 (-1))))
⊢ List.get
(match 1, -1 with
| n, Int.ofNat m => Bitvec.ofNat n m
| n, Int.negSucc m => Bitvec.not (Bitvec.ofNat n m)))
i =
theorem match_does_not_fold_away : List.get ((Bitvec.ofInt 1 (-1)).toList) i = true := by
Mario Carneiro (Jun 20 2023 at 07:42):
you would need a simp lemma to reduce -1
to negSucc
of something
Mario Carneiro (Jun 20 2023 at 07:42):
you could do simp [show -1 = negSucc 0 by rfl]
Mario Carneiro (Jun 20 2023 at 07:45):
probably -(succ n) = negSucc n
will also work as a simp lemma here
Tobias Grosser (Jun 20 2023 at 07:45):
Thank you @Mario Carneiro for the quick response. I guess this is the underlying issue.
simp [show -1 = Int.negSucc 0 by rfl]
Does not work. The output remains the same.
Mario Carneiro (Jun 20 2023 at 07:47):
hm, you will need to give an actual MWE, this seems like it should work unless there are some hidden dependencies
Mario Carneiro (Jun 20 2023 at 07:48):
oh of course, you are using List.get
which is a dependent function
Tobias Grosser (Jun 20 2023 at 07:48):
The one above is a MWE, no?
Mario Carneiro (Jun 20 2023 at 07:48):
is bitvec available without imports?
Tobias Grosser (Jun 20 2023 at 07:49):
Maybe not. How do I create a MWE that I can actually test? Do I need to build a full lake repository. It will need mathlib and the Bitvec imports.
Mario Carneiro (Jun 20 2023 at 07:49):
It's fine if you want to import files from mathlib, as long as they exist on master
Tobias Grosser (Jun 20 2023 at 07:50):
I added two import lines in the code above.
Mario Carneiro (Jun 20 2023 at 07:50):
I usually use a blank test file within a project set up to be able to import mathlib (either mathlib itself or a downstream project)
Tobias Grosser (Jun 20 2023 at 07:51):
OK. I tested the above MWE and it compiles and showes the issue.
Mario Carneiro (Jun 20 2023 at 07:51):
bitvec.basic not found?
Mario Carneiro (Jun 20 2023 at 07:52):
you can stub out anything that isn't being unfolded in the MWE
Tobias Grosser (Jun 20 2023 at 07:53):
.. working on it ..
Mario Carneiro (Jun 20 2023 at 07:55):
Oh it's Mathlib.Data.Bitvec.Defs
on master
Mario Carneiro (Jun 20 2023 at 07:56):
It was the dependencies after all. Here's the trick:
theorem match_does_not_fold_away : List.get ((Bitvec.ofInt 1 (-1)).toList) i = true := by
rw [← Option.some_inj, ← List.get?_eq_get]
simp [Bitvec.ofInt]
Tobias Grosser (Jun 20 2023 at 08:00):
OK. That works.
Tobias Grosser (Jun 20 2023 at 08:00):
I am still trying to understand what is going on here.
Mario Carneiro (Jun 20 2023 at 08:01):
is a dependent function, it has the type List.get (l : List A) (i : Fin l.length) : A
. That means that you can't rewrite l
without making whatever expression is in for i
Mario Carneiro (Jun 20 2023 at 08:02):
there are ways to handle these kinds of situations, but when possible it's usually easier to swap it for a non-dependent function, here List.get? (l : List A) (i : Nat) : Option A
, since this decouples l
and i
and makes it possible to rewrite them separately
Tobias Grosser (Jun 20 2023 at 08:05):
Now things break with:
theorem match_does_not_fold_away3 : List.get ((Bitvec.ofInt w (-1)).toList) i = true := by
rw [← Option.some_inj, ← List.get?_eq_get]
simp [Bitvec.ofInt]
Tobias Grosser (Jun 20 2023 at 08:05):
Meaning, it again does not fold away.
Tobias Grosser (Jun 20 2023 at 08:05):
(when introducing w
Tobias Grosser (Jun 20 2023 at 08:05):
Let me think about your reply for a moment.
Mario Carneiro (Jun 20 2023 at 08:06):
ah, now you can apply my first suggestion
Mario Carneiro (Jun 20 2023 at 08:06):
I think simp
was getting the 1, -1
case simply by decide
, it wasn't actually unfolding the match
Tobias Grosser (Jun 20 2023 at 08:09):
theorem succ {n : Nat} : (-(Int.succ n) = Int.negSucc n) := by
theorem match_does_not_fold_away3 : List.get ((Bitvec.ofInt w (-1)).toList) i = true := by
simp [succ]
rw [← Option.some_inj, ← List.get?_eq_get]
simp [succ]
simp [Bitvec.ofInt, succ]
simp [succ]
Mario Carneiro (Jun 20 2023 at 08:09):
yeah that one doesn't seem to work, but the show -1 = negSucc 0 by rfl
one does
Mario Carneiro (Jun 20 2023 at 08:10):
is actually Neg.neg (OfNat.ofNat 1 : Int)
which doesn't quite match the LHS of that succ
Mario Carneiro (Jun 20 2023 at 08:11):
you could use
theorem neg_ofNat_succ : -OfNat.ofNat (Nat.succ n) = Int.negSucc n := rfl
but it's a pretty contrived lemma
Tobias Grosser (Jun 20 2023 at 08:14):
OK. I guess I can make progress now. That is nice. Thank you.
Tobias Grosser (Jun 20 2023 at 08:15):
Now I need to proof:
w: ℕ
i: Fin (List.length (Vector.toList (Bitvec.ofInt w (-1))))
⊢ List.get? (Vector.toList (Bitvec.not (Bitvec.ofNat w 0))) ↑i = some true
I have no proof strategy yet, but will play a little. Thank you so much. That was super helpful.
Mario Carneiro (Jun 20 2023 at 08:39):
theorem match_does_not_fold_away : List.get ((Bitvec.ofInt w (-1)).toList) i = true := by
rw [← Option.some_inj, ← List.get?_eq_get]
simp [Bitvec.ofInt, show -1 = Int.negSucc 0 by rfl, Bitvec.not]
have H1 : ∀ n, Bitvec.ofNat n 0 = Vector.replicate n false := sorry
simp [H1, Vector.replicate]; rw [List.get?_eq_get, List.get_replicate]
simpa using i.2
Mario Carneiro (Jun 20 2023 at 08:39):
I was surprised not to find H1 in mathlib
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC