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Topic: NonEmptyList example crashes Lean
Lars Ericson (Jul 18 2023 at 12:09):
Reading the textbook on non-empty lists:, I type in the example code which is about checking for array out of bounds. The code, which typechecks, crashes the Lean server:
structure NonEmptyList (α : Type) : Type where
head : α
tail : List α
def idahoSpiders : NonEmptyList String := {
head := "Banded Garden Spider",
tail := [
"Long-legged Sac Spider",
"Wolf Spider",
"Hobo Spider",
"Cat-faced Spider"
def NonEmptyList.get? : NonEmptyList α → Nat → Option α
| xs, 0 => some xs.head
| xs, n + 1 => xs.tail.get? n
abbrev NonEmptyList.inBounds (xs : NonEmptyList α) (i : Nat) : Prop :=
i ≤ xs.tail.length
theorem atLeastThreeSpiders : idahoSpiders.inBounds 2 := by simp
theorem notSixSpiders : ¬idahoSpiders.inBounds 5 := by simp
def NonEmptyList.get (xs : NonEmptyList α) (i : Nat) (_ : xs.inBounds i) : α :=
match i with
| 0 => xs.head
| n + 1 => xs.tail[n]
#eval idahoSpiders.get? 2
#eval idahoSpiders.get? 2
class GetElem1 (coll : Type) (idx : Type) (item : outParam Type) (inBounds : outParam (coll → idx → Prop)) where
getElem : (c : coll) → (i : idx) → inBounds c i → item
instance : GetElem (NonEmptyList α) Nat α NonEmptyList.inBounds where
getElem := NonEmptyList.get
structure Pos where
succ :: pred : Nat
class Plus (α : Type) where
plus : α → α → α
def Nat.plus : Nat → Nat → Nat
| 0, k => k
| n+1, k => (n.plus k) + 1
def Pos.plus : Pos → Pos → Pos
| Pos.succ a, Pos.succ b => Pos.succ (a + b + 1)
def addNatPos : Nat → Pos → Pos
| Nat.zero, p => p
| Nat.succ n, p => Pos.plus (Pos.succ n) p
instance : HAdd Nat Pos Pos where
hAdd := addNatPos
def Pos.toNat : Pos → Nat
| Pos.succ n => n + 1
instance : GetElem (List α) Pos α (fun list n => list.length > n.toNat) where
getElem (xs : List α) (i : Pos) ok := xs[i.toNat]
#eval idahoSpiders[6] -- "Server process for file:///home/catskills/mathlib4/test/hw_lists.lean crashed, likely due to a stack overflow or a bug."
Mauricio Collares (Jul 18 2023 at 12:14):
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC