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Topic: Odd behavior of simp
Eloi Torrents (Oct 09 2021 at 18:40):
Hi, I noticed an odd behavior of the simp
tactic, and I don't know what is happening...
import ring_theory.ring_invo
variables (R: Type) [ring R] (f: ring_invo R)
#check ring_hom.map_one
-- Here simp works fine with `f.to_ring_equiv` but not with `f` alone.
example: f.to_ring_equiv 1 = 1 := by {
example : f 1 = 1 := by {
simp, --simplify tactic failed to simplify
-- But here it works fine with `f` but not with `f.to_ring_equiv`.
#check ring_invo.involution
example : ∀ b: R, (f (f b).unop).unop = b := by {
example : ∀ b: R, (f.to_ring_equiv (f.to_ring_equiv b).unop).unop = b := by {
simp, --simplify tactic failed to simplify
Eric Wieser (Oct 09 2021 at 18:55):
I think docs#ring_invo is quite short on lemmas
Eloi Torrents (Oct 10 2021 at 08:46):
Is it a good idea to make these two simp lemmas?
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC