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Topic: Optimal solutions exist for discrete problems

Asei Inoue (Nov 04 2023 at 16:54):

import Mathlib.Tactic

namespace Knapsack

open List

  ## The definition of Knapsack problem

structure Item where
  /-- the weight of item -/
  weight : 
  /-- the price of item -/
  price : 
  deriving Repr

structure Problem where
  /-- the list of items -/
  items : List Item
  /-- the capacity of the knapsack -/
  capacity : 
  deriving Repr

  ## The Basic Functions

abbrev ItemList := List Item

def ItemList.price (items : ItemList) :  :=
  (items.map Item.price).sum

def ItemList.weight (items : ItemList) :  :=
  (items.map Item.weight).sum

def ItemList.feasible (items : ItemList) (P : Problem) : Bool :=
  items.weight <= P.capacity

def ItemList.optimal (items : ItemList) (P : Problem) : Prop :=
  items.feasible P 
   opp : ItemList, opp.feasible P  opp.price  items.price

theorem exist_optimal (P : Problem) :  items : ItemList, items.optimal P := by

Asei Inoue (Nov 04 2023 at 16:55):

I am always grateful to those who answer my questions on Zulip. :pray:

I have defined the Knapsack problem as described above. However, I am having trouble proving an optimal solution exists. How can I fill in the above sorry?

Asei Inoue (Nov 04 2023 at 16:59):

The existence of an optimal solution is obviously not a fact specific to the Knapsack problem. Would it be easier to define a more general 'discrete problem' and show for it...?

Adomas Baliuka (Nov 04 2023 at 17:18):

Isn't the theorem false? You didn't specify what Items are available so I can always have an item of weight 0 with arbitrary price. Put that in an ItemList and you get arbitrarily high-price knapsacks.

Adomas Baliuka (Nov 04 2023 at 17:25):

In fact,

open ItemList in
theorem not_exist_optimal (P : Problem) : ¬∃ items : ItemList, items.optimal P := by
  intro itl
  simp [optimal, feasible]
  intro _incap
  use [{weight:=0, price:=itl.price + 1 : Item}]
  simp [weight, price]

Asei Inoue (Nov 04 2023 at 18:03):

@Adomas Baliuka Thanks. I was careless ...

Asei Inoue (Nov 04 2023 at 18:03):

It seems that I have to edit the definition of feasible.

But if I add items ⊆ P.items to the definition of ItemList.feasible, fun items : ItemList ↦ items.feasible P would not work.
It is not immediately clear how to fix it.

Adomas Baliuka (Nov 04 2023 at 18:20):

I don't understand what "would not work". What do you want this hypothetical fun items to do?

Asei Inoue (Nov 04 2023 at 18:22):

@Adomas Baliuka
Oh sorry... My whole code is here:

import Mathlib.Tactic

namespace Knapsack

open List

  ## The definition of Knapsack problem

structure Item where
  /-- the weight of item -/
  weight : 
  /-- the price of item -/
  price : 
  deriving Repr

structure Problem where
  /-- the list of items -/
  items : List Item
  /-- the capacity of the knapsack -/
  capacity : 
  deriving Repr

  ## The Basic Functions

abbrev ItemList := List Item

def ItemList.price (items : ItemList) :  :=
  (items.map Item.price).sum

def ItemList.weight (items : ItemList) :  :=
  (items.map Item.weight).sum

def ItemList.feasible (items : ItemList) (P : Problem) : Prop :=
  items  P.items  items.weight <= P.capacity

def ItemList.optimal (items : ItemList) (P : Problem) : Prop :=
  items.feasible P 
   opp : ItemList, opp.feasible P  opp.price  items.price

theorem exist_optimal (P : Problem) :  items : ItemList, items.optimal P := by

  ## Examples for Test

def problem1 : Problem := {
    items := [Item.mk 1 2, Item.mk 2 1, Item.mk 3 4]
    capacity := 5

#eval problem1.items

def sol1 : ItemList := [Item.mk 1 2]

#eval sol1.price

  ## Algorithm to Solve Knapsack Problem

variable (α β : Type) [LinearOrder β]

def brute (P : Problem) : ItemList :=
  let sublists := P.items.sublists
  let feasible_solutions := sublists.filter (fun items : ItemList  items.feasible P)   -- error
  let max_list := argmax ItemList.price feasible_solutions
  match max_list with
  | none => []
  | some opt => opt

#eval brute problem1

Asei Inoue (Nov 04 2023 at 18:26):

What do you want this hypothetical fun items to do?

I want to use feasible to filter items, but the function must return a Bool type instead of a Prop type.

Asei Inoue (Nov 04 2023 at 18:27):

However, if items ⊆ P.items is included in the definition, it will be of type Prop.

Adomas Baliuka (Nov 04 2023 at 18:31):

You cannot compute with Prop anyway. Use Bool instead. I would separate the conditions "within capacity" (Bool so you can use it inside brute) and "optimal" still has to be Prop because you use a quantifier.

Yaël Dillies (Nov 04 2023 at 18:45):

Certainly you can compute with Prop. You just need to provide a Decidable instance.

Adomas Baliuka (Nov 04 2023 at 21:08):

I wrote a Decidable instance, seems to work:

import Mathlib.Tactic

namespace Knapsack

open List

  ## The definition of Knapsack problem

structure Item where
  /-- the weight of item -/
  weight : 
  /-- the price of item -/
  price : 
  deriving Repr, DecidableEq -- added this to make instance work !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

structure Problem where
  /-- the list of items -/
  items : List Item
  /-- the capacity of the knapsack -/
  capacity : 
  deriving Repr, DecidableEq -- added this too (probably won't ever get used) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  ## The Basic Functions

abbrev ItemList := List Item

def ItemList.price (items : ItemList) :  :=
  (items.map Item.price).sum

def ItemList.weight (items : ItemList) :  :=
  (items.map Item.weight).sum

def ItemList.feasible (items : ItemList) (P : Problem) : Prop :=
  items  P.items  items.weight <= P.capacity

open ItemList in
instance instDecidableFeasible (items : ItemList) (P : Problem)
  : Decidable (ItemList.feasible items P) := by
    simp [feasible, weight]

def ItemList.optimal (items : ItemList) (P : Problem) : Prop :=
  items.feasible P 
   opp : ItemList, opp.feasible P  opp.price  items.price

open ItemList in
theorem exist_optimal (P : Problem) (nonem : P.items  []) :  items : ItemList, items.optimal P := by
-- something like this might help, although I also haven't proved it yet...
#check Finset.exists_maximal

  ## Examples for Test

def problem1 : Problem := {
    items := [⟨1, 2⟩, 2, 1⟩, 3, 4⟩]
    capacity := 5

#eval problem1.items

def sol1 : ItemList := [⟨1, 2⟩]

#eval sol1.price

  ## Algorithm to Solve Knapsack Problem

variable (α β : Type) [LinearOrder β]

def brute (P : Problem) : ItemList :=
  let sublists := P.items.sublists
  let feasible_solutions := sublists.filter (fun items : ItemList  decide (items.feasible P))
  let max_list := argmax ItemList.price feasible_solutions
  match max_list with
  | none => []
  | some opt => opt

#eval brute problem1

Z. Wu (Nov 05 2023 at 02:36):

Not sure if it's appropriate here, but do you mind posting the final proof when you are done?
I'm interested to see the final version of this problem

Asei Inoue (Nov 05 2023 at 02:49):

@Adomas Baliuka @Yaël Dillies Thank you very much. I'm glad to know how to use `Decidable.

Asei Inoue (Nov 05 2023 at 02:52):

@Z. Wu Thanks for your interest. I'll share the code here when it's completed.

Asei Inoue (Nov 05 2023 at 05:27):

There is an optimal solution even if the item set is empty

@Adomas Baliuka Why did you add hypothesis (nonem : P.items ≠ []) ? If P.items = [], then [] is an optimal solution.

Asei Inoue (Nov 05 2023 at 05:55):

I can prove optimal_of_empty as followings.

import Mathlib.Tactic

namespace Knapsack

open List

  ## The definition of Knapsack problem

structure Item where
  /-- the weight of item -/
  weight : 
  /-- the price of item -/
  price : 
  deriving Repr, DecidableEq

structure Problem where
  /-- the list of items -/
  items : List Item
  /-- the capacity of the knapsack -/
  capacity : 
  deriving Repr, DecidableEq

  ## The Basic Functions

abbrev ItemList := List Item

def ItemList.price (items : ItemList) :  :=
  (items.map Item.price).sum

def ItemList.weight (items : ItemList) :  :=
  (items.map Item.weight).sum

def ItemList.feasible (items : ItemList) (P : Problem) : Prop :=
  items  P.items  items.weight <= P.capacity

open ItemList

instance instDecidableFeasible (items : ItemList) (P : Problem) :
    Decidable (ItemList.feasible items P) := by
  simp [feasible, weight]

def ItemList.optimal (items : ItemList) (P : Problem) : Prop :=
  items.feasible P 
   opp : ItemList, opp.feasible P  opp.price  items.price

lemma optimal_of_empty (P : Problem) (emp : P.items = []) : optimal [] P := by
  simp [optimal, feasible, weight, emp]
  intro opp hopp
  replace hopp : opp = [] := by
    exact? says
      exact subset_nil.mp hopp
  simp? [hopp] says
    simp only [

theorem exist_optimal (P : Problem) :  items : ItemList, items.optimal P := by
  let sublists := P.items.sublists
  let feasible_solutions := sublists.filter (fun items : ItemList  decide (items.feasible P))


/- Finset.exists_maximal.{u_4} {α : Type u_4} [inst✝ : Preorder α] (s : Finset α) (h : Finset.Nonempty s) :
  ∃ m ∈ s, ∀ x ∈ s, ¬m < x -/
#check Finset.exists_maximal

  ## Examples for Test

def problem1 : Problem := {
    items := [⟨1, 2⟩, 2, 1⟩, 3, 4⟩]
    capacity := 5

#eval problem1.items

def sol1 : ItemList := [⟨1, 2⟩]

#eval sol1.price

  ## Algorithm to Solve Knapsack Problem

variable (α β : Type) [LinearOrder β]

def brute (P : Problem) : ItemList :=
  let sublists := P.items.sublists
  let feasible_solutions := sublists.filter (fun items : ItemList  decide (items.feasible P))
  let max_list := argmax ItemList.price feasible_solutions
  match max_list with
  | none => []
  | some opt => opt

#eval brute problem1

Asei Inoue (Nov 05 2023 at 06:15):

finite set has an element that gives the maximum value of the function

-- something like this might help, although I also haven't proved it yet...
#check Finset.exists_maximal

Thank you very much! I am sure your comments will be useful. But I want a proposition that shows that there exists an element in a finite set that maximises the value of a given function.

Asei Inoue (Nov 05 2023 at 06:16):

Unfortunately I don't find such a theorem.

import Mathlib.Tactic

#find Finset ?a  (?a  ?b)  ?a

I would like to ask if there is a similar theorem in mathlib.

Yakov Pechersky (Nov 05 2023 at 06:43):

(Finset.image f s).max' (hs.image _), where s is your finset and hs is your proof that it's not empty. This is the direct construction of the max. Then, Finset.max'_mem is the proof that that max is a member of the image. Use Finset.mem_image to rewrite that proof into the existential of the element in the original finset such that it maps to the max.

Yakov Pechersky (Nov 05 2023 at 06:43):


Asei Inoue (Nov 05 2023 at 07:12):

@Yakov Pechersky Thanks! I will try it.

Asei Inoue (Nov 05 2023 at 07:31):

How can I create a Finset term from a list of lists?

import Mathlib.Tactic

namespace Knapsack

open List

  ## The definition of Knapsack problem

structure Item where
  /-- the weight of item -/
  weight : 
  /-- the price of item -/
  price : 
  deriving Repr, DecidableEq

structure Problem where
  /-- the list of items -/
  items : List Item
  /-- the capacity of the knapsack -/
  capacity : 
  deriving Repr, DecidableEq

  ## The Basic Functions

abbrev ItemList := List Item

def ItemList.price (items : ItemList) :  :=
  (items.map Item.price).sum

def ItemList.weight (items : ItemList) :  :=
  (items.map Item.weight).sum

def ItemList.feasible (items : ItemList) (P : Problem) : Prop :=
  items  P.items  items.weight <= P.capacity

open ItemList

instance instDecidableFeasible (items : ItemList) (P : Problem) :
    Decidable (ItemList.feasible items P) := by
  simp [feasible, weight]

def ItemList.optimal (items : ItemList) (P : Problem) : Prop :=
  items.feasible P 
   opp : ItemList, opp.feasible P  opp.price  items.price

lemma optimal_of_empty (P : Problem) (emp : P.items = []) : optimal [] P := by
  simp [optimal, feasible, weight, emp]
  intro opp hopp
  replace hopp : opp = [] := by
    exact subset_nil.mp hopp
  simp [hopp]

theorem exist_optimal (P : Problem) :  items : ItemList, items.optimal P := by
  let sublists := P.items.sublists
  let feasible_solutions := sublists.filter (fun items : ItemList  decide (items.feasible P))
  let solutions : Finset (P.items : Type) := by sorry -- error!!!!!

Asei Inoue (Nov 05 2023 at 07:34):

oh I have found a List.toFinset (https://loogle.lean-lang.org/?q=List+%3Fa+-%3E+Finset+%3Fa)

Asei Inoue (Nov 05 2023 at 08:11):

@Yakov Pechersky Thanks for the advice. But I think it could be shown using the argmax of the List directly, without going through Finset.

Asei Inoue (Nov 05 2023 at 08:12):

my attempt:

import Mathlib.Tactic

namespace Knapsack

open List

  ## The definition of Knapsack problem

structure Item where
  /-- the weight of item -/
  weight : 
  /-- the price of item -/
  price : 
  deriving Repr, DecidableEq

structure Problem where
  /-- the list of items -/
  items : List Item
  /-- the capacity of the knapsack -/
  capacity : 
  deriving Repr, DecidableEq

  ## The Basic Functions

abbrev ItemList := List Item

def ItemList.price (items : ItemList) :  :=
  (items.map Item.price).sum

def ItemList.weight (items : ItemList) :  :=
  (items.map Item.weight).sum

def ItemList.feasible (items : ItemList) (P : Problem) : Prop :=
  items  P.items  items.weight <= P.capacity

open ItemList

instance instDecidableFeasible (items : ItemList) (P : Problem) :
    Decidable (ItemList.feasible items P) := by
  simp [feasible, weight]

  ### Optimality of a feasible solution

def ItemList.optimal (items : ItemList) (P : Problem) : Prop :=
  items.feasible P 
   opp : ItemList, opp.feasible P  opp.price  items.price

lemma optimal_of_empty (P : Problem) (emp : P.items = []) : optimal [] P := by
  simp [optimal, feasible, weight, emp]
  intro opp hopp
  replace hopp : opp = [] := by
    exact subset_nil.mp hopp
  simp [hopp]

#check argmax

#eval argmax (fun x  - x) [1, 2, -5, 3]

theorem exist_optimal (P : Problem) :  items : ItemList, items.optimal P := by
  let sublists := P.items.sublists
  let feasible_solution_list := sublists.filter (fun items : ItemList  decide (items.feasible P))

  have nonemp : feasible_solution_list  [] := by
    simp [feasible_solution_list]
    intro h
    guard_hyp h : filter (fun items => decide (feasible items P)) (List.sublists P.items) = []
    -- how to get `[] : ItemList is not feasible solution of P` from `h`...?

  let optimal_solution := argmax ItemList.price feasible_solution_list
  match optimal_solution with
  | none => sorry
  | some opt =>
    exists opt
    unfold optimal
    refine ?feas, ?opt

    case feas =>

    case opt =>

Yakov Pechersky (Nov 05 2023 at 08:12):

You asked about a Finset function, so I gave you a finset function.

Asei Inoue (Nov 05 2023 at 08:14):

@Yakov Pechersky Oh you're right. I didn't check enough ... Sorry ...

Yakov Pechersky (Nov 05 2023 at 08:14):

The same strategy of max', max'_mem, and mem_image should work for the equivalent statements for lists.

Yakov Pechersky (Nov 05 2023 at 08:21):

Suggestion: prove that Itemlist.feasible [] P for any P. Then you know for sure that feasible_solution_list \ne [] since [] is in any sublists.

Yakov Pechersky (Nov 05 2023 at 08:26):

And use refine with argmax, thus leaving you with solely the \forall opp ... goal. That goal should be dealt with using docs#List.le_of_mem_argmin. Since you have that opp \subset P.items, so opp \mem P.items.sublists so opp.price \le (argmax ...).price.

Yaël Dillies (Nov 05 2023 at 09:14):

Asei Inoue said:

But I want a proposition that shows that there exists an element in a finite set that maximises the value of a given function.


Asei Inoue (Nov 05 2023 at 13:28):

theorem exist_optimal (P : Problem) :  items : ItemList, items.optimal P := by
  let sublists := P.items.sublists
  let feasible_solution_list := sublists.filter (fun items : ItemList  decide (items.feasible P))

  have nonemp : feasible_solution_list  [] := by
    simp [feasible_solution_list]
    intro h
    set f := fun items => decide (feasible items P) with fh
    have femp : f [] := by simp [f]
    have emp_sub : []  P.items.sublists := by
      simp [sublists]
    have emp_mem : []  filter f (List.sublists P.items) := by exact mem_filter_of_mem emp_sub femp
    rw [h] at emp_mem

  let feasible_solution_finset := feasible_solution_list.toFinset
  let optimal_solution := argmax ItemList.price feasible_solution_list
  match optimal_solution with
  | none => sorry
  | some opt =>
    exists opt
    unfold optimal
    refine ?feas, ?opt

    case feas =>

    case opt =>

Asei Inoue (Nov 05 2023 at 13:29):

I am finally able to show nonemp . Thanks.

Adomas Baliuka (Nov 05 2023 at 17:07):

I tried doing this proof yesterday and got stuck on the fact that sublists does not give you "every feasible subset" due to order. So using Finset.exists_max_image requires you to prove that "for any feasible subset of available items, there is a sublist inside feasible_solution_list that has the same price (i.e., a reordering that is inside feasible_solution_list)". Of course, this can be proved but it might take some work that I had not anticipated.

Alternatively, one might use some function instead of sublists which gives you a list of "all permutations of sublists". I didn't find such a function in the library. If you want to prove eventually that brute gives an optimal solution, this approach might not be the way to go.

Adomas Baliuka (Nov 05 2023 at 17:12):

Here's what I did, just in case it helps you... I think I won't have time to play with this for a while

lemma ItemList.emptyFeasible (P : Problem) : ItemList.feasible [] P := by simp [ItemList.feasible, weight]

lemma mem_toFinset_pred [DecidableEq α] (l : List α) (P : α  Prop)
    : ( x  l, P x)  ( x  l.toFinset, P x) := by
    simp_all only [mem_toFinset]

#check Finset.exists_max_image
lemma List.exists_max_image [DecidableEq α] [DecidableEq β] [LinearOrder α]
    {l : List β} (f : β  α) (h : l  [])
  :  x  l,  x'  l, f x'  f x := by
    apply (mem_toFinset_pred l (fun m   x  l, f x  f m)).mpr
    simp_rw [mem_toFinset]
    apply Finset.exists_max_image
    exact (toFinset_nonempty_iff l).mpr h

-- solution ∈ filter (fun items => decide (feasible items P)) (sublists P.items)
lemma prop_of_filter_prop [DecidableEq α] {l : List α} {P : α  Prop} [DecidablePred P] {a : α}
    (h : a  filter (fun a' => decide (P a')) l)
    : P a := by
    have := List.filter_subset (p:=(fun a' => decide (P a'))) l
    have := (List.mem_filter.mp h).2
    simp_all only [decide_eq_true_eq]

open ItemList in
theorem exist_optimal (P : Problem)
    :  items : ItemList, items.optimal P := by
  let feasibles := (P.items).sublists.filter (fun items : ItemList  decide (items.feasible P))
  have sublnonempty : feasibles  [] := by
    simp [feasibles]
    have nil_mem_sublists : []  P.items.sublists := by simp only [mem_sublists, nil_sublist]
    by_contra h
    have := List.filter_eq_nil.mp h [] (by simp)
    have emptyFeas := emptyFeasible P
    simp at this
  obtain solution, isfeasible, ismax⟩⟩ := List.exists_max_image price sublnonempty
  use solution
  simp [optimal]
  · simp [feasibles] at isfeasible
    apply prop_of_filter_prop isfeasible
  · rintro opp opp_within, opp_capac
    sorry -- remains to prove that any feasible *subset* of P.items
    -- is a reordering of some *sublist* inside `feasibles`, and that
    -- `ItemList.price` is permutation-invariant.

Adomas Baliuka (Nov 05 2023 at 17:35):

(Also, of course, I was dumb and didn't use List.argmax, so I had to prove a version of List.le_of_mem_argmax, which you probably shouldn't copy...)

Yakov Pechersky (Nov 05 2023 at 18:42):

My argmax idea was wrong. Because what feasible is doesn't limit the number of times an Item can be duplicated. For example, I can have a problem of { items := [(1, 1)], capacity: 100 }. Then the optimal items are that item x 100. That's never going to be in sublists.

Yakov Pechersky (Nov 05 2023 at 18:44):

This is my way of building out the API:

import Mathlib.Tactic

namespace Knapsack

open List

  ## The definition of Knapsack problem

structure Item where
  /-- the weight of item -/
  weight : 
  /-- the price of item -/
  price : 
  deriving Repr, DecidableEq

structure Problem where
  /-- the list of items -/
  items : List Item
  /-- the capacity of the knapsack -/
  capacity : 
  deriving Repr, DecidableEq

  ## The Basic Functions

abbrev ItemList := List Item

def ItemList.price (items : ItemList) :  :=
  (items.map Item.price).sum

def ItemList.weight (items : ItemList) :  :=
  (items.map Item.weight).sum

def ItemList.feasible (items : ItemList) (P : Problem) : Prop :=
  items  P.items  items.weight <= P.capacity

theorem ItemList.feasible_iff {items: ItemList} {P : Problem} :
    items.feasible P  items  P.items  items.weight <= P.capacity := Iff.rfl

theorem ItemList.feasible_nil (P : Problem) : ItemList.feasible [] P :=
  nil_subset _, Nat.zero_le _

abbrev Problem.empty (P : Problem) : Prop := P.items = []

theorem ItemList.feasible_empty_iff {items: ItemList} {P : Problem} (h : P.empty) :
    items.feasible P  items = [] := by
  simp (config := { contextual := true }) [feasible_iff, h, List.subset_nil, weight]

theorem ItemList.perm_price_eq {items items' : ItemList} (h : items ~ items') :
    items.price = items'.price := by
  simp [price, (h.symm.map _).sum_eq]

theorem ItemList.perm_weight_eq {items items' : ItemList} (h : items ~ items') :
    items.weight = items'.weight := by
  simp [weight, (h.symm.map _).sum_eq]

theorem ItemList.feasible.perm {items items' : ItemList} {P : Problem} (h : items.feasible P)
    (hp : items ~ items') : items'.feasible P :=
  hp.symm.subset.trans h.left, h.right.trans' (perm_weight_eq hp).ge

open ItemList

instance instDecidableFeasible (items : ItemList) (P : Problem) :
    Decidable (ItemList.feasible items P) :=
  decidable_of_iff' _ (ItemList.feasible_iff)

  ### Optimality of a feasible solution

def ItemList.optimal (items : ItemList) (P : Problem) : Prop :=
  items.feasible P 
   opp : ItemList, opp.feasible P  opp.price  items.price

theorem ItemList.optimal_iff {items : ItemList} {P : Problem} :
    items.optimal P 
      items.feasible P   opp : ItemList, opp.feasible P  opp.price  items.price := Iff.rfl

lemma optimal_of_empty (P : Problem) (emp : P.empty) : optimal [] P := by
  simp [optimal_iff, feasible_empty_iff emp]

theorem ItemList.optimal.perm {items items' : ItemList} {P : Problem} (h : items.optimal P)
    (hp : items ~ items') : items'.optimal P := by
  rw [optimal_iff, items.perm_price_eq hp] at *
  exact h.imp (ItemList.feasible.perm · hp) (by simp)

theorem _root_.List.sublists_ne_nil {α : Type*} (l : List α) : l.sublists  [] := by
  induction l
  case nil => simp
  case cons =>
  rw [sublists_cons]
  simp only [bind_eq_bind, ne_eq, bind_eq_nil, mem_sublists, not_forall, exists_prop, and_true]
  exact ⟨[], by simp

theorem _root_.List.argmax_isSome_of_ne_nil {α β : Type*} [Preorder β]
    [DecidableRel (fun x y : β  x < y)] (l : List α) (f : α  β) (hl : l  []) :
    (l.argmax f).isSome := by
  simp [Option.ne_none_iff_isSome, hl]

theorem _root_.List.argmin_isSome_of_ne_nil {α β : Type*} [Preorder β]
    [DecidableRel (fun x y : β  x < y)] (l : List α) (f : α  β) (hl : l  []) :
    (l.argmin f).isSome := by
  simp [Option.ne_none_iff_isSome, hl]

lemma ItemList.feasible.exists_perm_mem_sublists {items : ItemList} {P : Problem}
    (h : items.feasible P) :  l, items ~ l  l  P.items.sublists := by
  rw [feasible_iff] at h
  contrapose! h
  intro H
  sorry -- fails here

theorem exist_optimal (P : Problem) :  items : ItemList, items.optimal P := by
  have ha := (P.items.sublists.filter (ItemList.feasible · P)).argmax_isSome_of_ne_nil
    ItemList.price $ List.ne_nil_of_mem
    (List.mem_filter_of_mem (by simp) (decide_eq_true (ItemList.feasible_nil _)))
  refine Option.get _ ha, ?_
  obtain l', hl := Option.isSome_iff_exists.mp ha
  obtain ha'', hl' := Option.eq_some_iff_get_eq.mp hl
  rw [List.argmax_eq_some_iff] at hl
  simp_rw [hl']
  rw [optimal_iff]
  refine ?_, ?_
  · simpa using List.of_mem_filter hl.left
  intros opp hf
  obtain opp', hp, hmem := hf.exists_perm_mem_sublists
  rw [opp.perm_price_eq hp]
  apply hl.right.left
  exact List.mem_filter_of_mem hmem (by simpa using hf.perm hp)

Adomas Baliuka (Nov 05 2023 at 18:55):

Yakov Pechersky said:

My argmax idea was wrong. Because what feasible is doesn't limit the number of times an Item can be duplicated. For example, I can have a problem of { items := [(1, 1)], capacity: 100 }. Then the optimal items are that item x 100. That's never going to be in sublists.

I think that means the definition of feasible should be changed? Doesn't sound like the normal Knapsack problem. (Edit: never mind, it's called "unbounded knapsack problem)

Yakov Pechersky (Nov 05 2023 at 19:17):

For the unbounded one, one brute force witness would be the argmax of sublists of Problem.items repeated capacity times (because we are over N). Of course, that's too loose, one could do capacity / min weight over P.items but the proof will probably be easier if you do with a plain repeated capacity times.

Yakov Pechersky (Nov 05 2023 at 19:17):

But even that doesn't work here, because there is nothing constraining an Item to have greater than 0 weight.

Yakov Pechersky (Nov 05 2023 at 19:17):

If I had such an item, then feasible items are unbounded.

Adomas Baliuka (Nov 05 2023 at 21:04):

Maybe we should check first if this is really the problem @Asei Inoue wants to work on. Did you mean to define an "unbounded knapsack"? The brute algorithm you wrote would suggest otherwise.

Asei Inoue (Nov 06 2023 at 15:40):

@Adomas Baliuka

Did you mean to define an "unbounded knapsack"?

No. I thought I had defined the knapsack problem of non-reusable items.

Asei Inoue (Nov 06 2023 at 15:42):

My brute algorithm was designed with this assumption in mind, as you said

Yakov Pechersky (Nov 06 2023 at 16:12):

Then List.subset isn't the correct way to express the constraint. I think it would be fine if you used Multiset everywhere in place of List.

Asei Inoue (Nov 08 2023 at 13:06):

It certainly doesn't seem like a good idea to have items as a list...

import Mathlib.Tactic

#guard [1, 1, 2]  [1, 2]

Asei Inoue (Nov 08 2023 at 13:09):

Is this better...?

import Mathlib.Tactic

namespace Knapsack

open List

structure Item where
  /-- the weight of item -/
  weight : 
  /-- the price of item -/
  price : 
  deriving Repr, DecidableEq

structure Problem where
  /-- the group of items -/
  items : Multiset Item
  /-- the capacity of the knapsack -/
  capacity : 
  deriving DecidableEq

Yakov Pechersky (Nov 08 2023 at 14:14):

You also likely want to make items weigh a positive amount

Adomas Baliuka (Nov 09 2023 at 00:15):

I guess the ways for doing that would be to either change the type of weightof include another field for the hypothesis. Which would you choose here @Yakov Pechersky? I think in some cases such choices can turn out to make quite a difference for how easy it is to deal with later...

Yakov Pechersky (Nov 09 2023 at 00:18):

You can do make weight a pnat, you can add a property to Item, you can make a restriction in feasible to restrict items to ones with positive weight.

Asei Inoue (Nov 12 2023 at 02:27):

Thanks to all who have helped me so far.
I won't have time for this problem for a while ...
If anyone is interested in this problem, please feel free to work on it.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC