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Topic: Overriding notation

Richard Copley (Aug 15 2023 at 19:17):

Is it possible to override , , ¬ and ? If so, where did I go wrong?

class BooleanAlgebra (α : Type _) where
  or : α  α  α
  and : α  α  α
  not : α  α
  or_comm :  {p q : α}, or p q = or q p
  or_assoc :  {p q r : α}, or p (or q r) = or (or p q) r
  or_absorb :  {p q : α}, or p (and p q) = p
  or_distrib :  {p q r : α}, or p (and q r) = and (or p q) (or p r)
  or_bot :  {p q : α}, or p (and q (not q)) = p
  and_comm :  {p q : α}, and p q = and q p
  and_assoc :  {p q r : α}, and p (and q r) = and (and p q) r
  and_absorb :  {p q : α}, and p (or p q) = p
  and_distrib :  {p q r : α}, and p (or q r) = or (and p q) (and p r)
  and_top :  {p q : α}, and p (or q (not q)) = p

open BooleanAlgebra

infixr:135 " ∧ "  => BooleanAlgebra.and
infixr:130 " ∨ "  => BooleanAlgebra.or
notation:max "¬" p:140 => BooleanAlgebra.not p

theorem or_idem {α : Type _} [BooleanAlgebra α] {p : α} : p = p  p := calc
  p = p  (p  p)                   := or_absorb.symm
  _ = (p  p)  (p  p)             := or_distrib
  _ = ((p  p)  p)  ((p  p)  p) := and_distrib
  _ = (p  (p  p))  (p  (p  p)) := by rw [and_comm]
  _ = p  p                         := by rw [and_absorb]

-- Fails:
--   38:80:
--   application type mismatch
--     Or p
--   argument
--     p
--   has type
--     α : Type ?u.23329
--   but is expected to have type
--     Prop : Type
--def BooleanAlgebra.entails {α : Type _} [BooleanAlgebra α] (p q : α) : Prop := p ∨ q = q
--                                                                               ~

-- OK
def BooleanAlgebra.entails {α : Type _} [BooleanAlgebra α] (p q : α) : Prop := q = p  q

infix:150 " ≤ " => BooleanAlgebra.entails

-- OK
theorem entails.rfl {α : Type _} [BooleanAlgebra α] {p : α} : p  p := or_idem

-- Fails:
--   64:77:
--   application type mismatch
--     q ∧ q ≤ p
--   argument
--     q ≤ p
--   has type
--     Prop : Type
--   but is expected to have type
--     α : Type ?u.30939
--   64:69:
--   failed to synthesize instance
--     LE α
--theorem entails.antisymm {α : Type _} [BooleanAlgebra α] {p q : α} : p ≤ q ∧ q ≤ p → p = q := by sorry
--                                                                     ~       ~~~~~

Jason Rute (Aug 15 2023 at 23:45):

Here is the definition in mathlib. docs#GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra. If you look at the source and follow back the classes this extends you can see how type classes like docs#LE can be used for overloading.

Richard Copley (Aug 15 2023 at 23:53):

That would be sensible! Except...
The reason I want to do it in this unusual way is that I'm following a particular text (Logic As Algebra by Halmos and Givant). I want to use Lean as a guardrail/handholder.

Jason Rute (Aug 15 2023 at 23:55):

You can still follow the same override notation with type class pattern, no?

Richard Copley (Aug 15 2023 at 23:57):

Thanks! I'll try. (But if you will indulge a poor beginner: I don't know what you mean.)

Richard Copley (Aug 16 2023 at 00:48):

sorry! I can't get a handle on what it is you're suggesting.

I could work in a BooleanRing (or algebra), with the more usual notation and "multiplication is idempotent" as an axiom. I imagine if I skip a few lemmas, I will be able to join the text soon enough.

But the Y part of the XY? If I really wanted to override the notation, could I?

Jason Rute (Aug 16 2023 at 01:02):

I’m not sure about overriding notation the way you are. I’m sure someone here can give you a better answer on that. As for using the existing type classes (or reimplementing them), I give a simpler example in this PA answer.

Richard Copley (Aug 16 2023 at 01:10):

Seems like I should look to overload, not override. (Tomorrow.)

Eric Wieser (Aug 16 2023 at 09:14):

Note that docs#BooleanAlgebra in mathlib uses slightly different notation in order to avoid having to overload the And/Or notation

Eric Wieser (Aug 16 2023 at 09:15):

Your entails failure was just an operator precedence issue:

def BooleanAlgebra.entails {α : Type _} [BooleanAlgebra α] (p q : α) : Prop := (p  q) = q

Eric Wieser (Aug 16 2023 at 09:16):

As is your last failure:

theorem entails.antisymm {α : Type _} [BooleanAlgebra α] {p q : α} : (p  q)  (q  p)  p = q := by sorry

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC