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Topic: Partial functions using `option`

Rémi Bottinelli (Mar 04 2022 at 07:18):

Hey! I'm reading #tpil, in which they propose as an exercise to define partial functions using the option type, and to verify that composition behaves as expected.
Here is what I have:

inductive op (α : Sort u)
| so (a : α) : op
| no {} : op

example {α : Sort u} (x : op α) : (x = op.no)  ¬ ( a : α, x = op.so a) :=
 λ xisno a,xissoa⟩,  op.no_confusion (xissoa.symm.trans xisno)
, λ noexists,
      (λ (x : op α), ¬ ( a : α, x = op.so a)  x = op.no )
      ( λ (b : α) noexists, absurd (⟨b,rfl :  a, op.so b = op.so a) noexists )
      ( λ noexists, rfl)

def comp {α β γ : Sort u} (f : α  op β) (g : β  op γ) : α  op γ :=
λ x : α, op.rec (λ b, g b) (op.no) (f x)

lemma comp_part {α β γ : Sort u} (f : α  op β) (g : β  op γ) :
   x, (comp f g x) = op.no 
       ( f x = op.no 
         (  y : β, f x = op.so y  g y = op.no)) := sorry

but trying to prove comp_part, I get stuck after the basic split/intro boilerplate. I tried defining intermediary lemmas but it doesn't seem to be any use. I also looked at the documentation to see how it's implemented in practice, but it seems this kind of "partial function type" is more of a toy example, and partial functions are implemented differently in practice (using predicates and subtypes). I'd appreciate some hints on how to proceed!

Kyle Miller (Mar 04 2022 at 08:15):

You can use the raw recursor if you want, but match syntax is pretty nice. For the sorry, it comes down to doing cases on f x. To do this effectively, you need to have an equality that lets you relate f x to the possible cases, and tactic#generalizes' is one solution to this.

import tactic.basic

universe u

inductive op (α : Sort u)
| so (a : α) : op
| no {} : op

example {α : Sort u} (x : op α) : (x = op.no)  ¬ ( a : α, x = op.so a) :=
by { cases x; simp }

def comp {α β γ : Sort u} (f : α  op β) (g : β  op γ) : α  op γ :=
λ x, match f x with
     | (op.so b) := g b
     | op.no := op.no

lemma comp_part {α β γ : Sort u} (f : α  op β) (g : β  op γ) (x : α) :
  comp f g x = op.no  f x = op.no   y : β, f x = op.so y  g y = op.no :=
  generalize' h : f x = y,
  cases y; simp [comp, h],

Kyle Miller (Mar 04 2022 at 08:17):

Here's how you can do that without generalize':

lemma comp_part {α β γ : Sort u} (f : α  op β) (g : β  op γ) (x : α) :
  comp f g x = op.no  f x = op.no   y : β, f x = op.so y  g y = op.no :=
  have :  y, f x = y := f x, rfl⟩,
  cases this with y h,
  cases y; simp [comp, h],

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 04 2022 at 08:20):

Here's the API more generally:

import tactic

universe u

inductive op (α : Sort u)
| so (a : α) : op
| no {} : op

example {α : Sort u} :  (x : op α), (x = op.no)  ¬ ( a : α, x = op.so a)
| (op.so a) := by simp
| op.no := by simp

def comp {α β γ : Sort u} (f : α  op β) (g : β  op γ) : α  op γ :=
λ x : α, op.rec (λ b, g b) (op.no) (f x)

variables {α β γ : Sort u} (f : α  op β) (g : β  op γ)

lemma comp_no (a : α) (h : f a = op.no) : comp f g a = op.no :=
  unfold comp,
  cases f a,
  { cases h },
  { refl },

lemma comp_so (a : α) (b : β) (h : f a = op.so b) : comp f g a = g b :=
  unfold comp,
  cases f a,
  { cases h, refl },
  { cases h },

Kyle Miller (Mar 04 2022 at 08:22):

Regarding partial function types: docs#option is the partial value where you can computably tell whether a value is present, and docs#part is the one where you can't (you need to be able to offer a proof of whatever dom might be), though the value is computable if you're able to prove it's present.

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 04 2022 at 08:25):

I feel that questions like this are very much on the "type theory" side of Lean and whilst I find them quite interesting as little puzzles, I'm not sure they're too useful for mathematicians (I don't teach anything like this in my course). Getting the basic API out (comp_no and comp_so) from comp is just a case of knowing what the rules of refl are in some sense; the point is that the output of a recursor applied to a constructor is what the corresponding recursor input is, and the proof is refl. I remember spending some time starting at the relevant page of the reference manual when I was getting my head around all of this.

Kyle Miller (Mar 04 2022 at 08:26):

I'm not sure if there's anything like it in mathlib, but then there's also a fully noncomputable version of partial values:

structure nc_option (α : Type*) :=
(p : α  Prop)
(subsingleton :  x y, p x  p y  x = y)

This is (noncomputably) equivalent to option, and not only can you not tell whether the value is present, but you can't tell what the value even is.

Kyle Miller (Mar 04 2022 at 08:36):

This composition, by the way, is the Kleisli arrow (known as docs#fish) for option. It seems like there's not really that much about it in mathlib, but at least it's there.

import data.option.basic
import tactic.basic

universe u

example {α : Type u} (x : option α) : (x = none)  ¬ ( a : α, x = some a) :=
by { cases x; simp }

def comp {α β γ : Type u} (f : α  option β) (g : β  option γ) : α  option γ :=
f >=> g

lemma comp_some {α β γ : Type u} {f : α  option β} {g : β  option γ} {x : α} {y : β}
  (h : f x = some y) : comp f g x = g y :=
by simp [comp, fish, h]

lemma comp_none {α β γ : Type u} {f : α  option β} {g : β  option γ} {x : α}
  (h : f x = none) : comp f g x = none :=
by simp [comp, fish, h]

lemma comp_part {α β γ : Type u} {f : α  option β} {g : β  option γ} {x : α} :
  comp f g x = none  f x = none   y : β, f x = some y  g y = none :=
  generalize' h : f x = y,
  cases y,
  { rw [comp_none h],
    simp, },
  { rw [comp_some h],
    simp, },

Yaël Dillies (Mar 04 2022 at 09:11):

You might want to have a look at docs#PartialFun_equiv_Pointed which states that partial functions modelled with pfun and modelled with option are noncomputably the same.

Rémi Bottinelli (Mar 04 2022 at 09:22):

Woah, thanks all :) I don't know why, but I always trip on this "inspect-on-equality" style of functions.

Rémi Bottinelli (Mar 04 2022 at 09:58):

I went with:

lemma comp_part {α β γ : Sort u} (f : α  op β) (g : β  op γ) :
   x, (comp f g x) = op.no   ( f x = op.no  (  y : β, f x = op.so y  g y = op.no)) :=
  intro x,
  cases h : f x;
  {unfold comp, simp, rw h,},

Rémi Bottinelli (Mar 04 2022 at 10:02):

And to be honest, this for me is a clear example of how much tactic style simplifies writing proofs. Inspector-style/recursion becomes very confusing quite quickly, but via tactics, it's very much a "game" you play with lean.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC