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Topic: Playing with Decidable
Adam Langley (Nov 14 2022 at 00:54):
(I hope somewhat silly questions are ok here—if I'm off topic please just say!)
I wanted to play around with Lean to contrast with Coq (which I also don't really know). As an experiment, I tried to define a Decidable instance for propositions ∀ (x : Fin 256), f x)—since the domain of Fin is finite, one can just do proof by computation. With some sorry'ing of things that I think I could prove, that seems doable (https://pastebin.com/raw/ixKU7J31). Then I define a couple of test predicates and their DecideablePred
instances and #eval decide (∀ (x : Fin 256), test_p_true x)
says true
, which sounds promising. But then using by decide
fails(*) and apply of_decide_eq_true ; rfl
seems to hang Lean (or at least VS Code). Trying to #eval
around with Decidable.rec
only says failed to elaborate eliminator, expected type is not available
Have I done something dumb? Perhaps I need to fill out all the sorrys when needing to evaluate an expression rather than just inhabit a Prop?
(*) failed to reduce to 'true': Decidable.rec (fun h => (fun x => false) h) (fun h => (fun x => true) h) instDecidableForAllFinOfNatNatInstOfNatNat
Mario Carneiro (Nov 14 2022 at 01:06):
Here's a version that seems to perform fairly well:
def all (f : Fin n → Bool) : ∀ i, i ≤ n → Bool
| 0, _ => true
| i+1, h => f ⟨i, h⟩ && all f i (Nat.le_of_lt h)
theorem all_iff (f : Fin n → Prop) [DecidablePred f] :
all (f ·) n (Nat.le_refl _) ↔ (∀ (x : Fin n), f x) := sorry
instance (f : Fin n → Prop) [DecidablePred f] : Decidable (∀ (x : Fin n), f x) :=
decidable_of_decidable_of_iff (all_iff f)
def test_p_true : Fin 256 -> Prop
| x => x = x
def test_p_false : Fin 256 -> Prop
| x => x = 42
instance : DecidablePred test_p_true := by intro x; unfold test_p_true; apply decEq
instance : DecidablePred test_p_false := by intro x; unfold test_p_false; apply decEq
#eval (inferInstance : Decidable ((∀ (x : Fin 256), test_p_true x) ))
#eval decide (∀ (x : Fin 256), test_p_true x)
Adam Langley (Nov 14 2022 at 01:34):
Gosh, decidable_of_decidable_of_iff
does indeed work much better than my mess! Thank you!
example : ∀ (x : Fin 256), test_p_true x := by decide
still fails, however. Although apply of_decide_eq_true ; rfl
_does_ work.
Mario Carneiro (Nov 14 2022 at 01:43):
Oh, that's interesting. I guess it's because this is a fairly linear computation it's blowing the stack. The recommended suggestion of set_option maxRecDepth 1000
does seem to work
Eric Wieser (Nov 14 2022 at 01:45):
Does writing this in a tail-recursive way help at all? Or does lean 4 only handle that in the VM / not optimize it at all?
Mario Carneiro (Nov 14 2022 at 01:45):
Note that we don't usually use kernel computation like this in lean, unlike coq which leans heavily on it. The preferred way is to construct a proof term
Mario Carneiro (Nov 14 2022 at 01:46):
I was thinking about that, but the tail recursion of interest would be in the kernel whnf computation
Adam Langley (Nov 14 2022 at 01:46):
Ah, I hadn't considered that the default depth limit might legitimately be too small but it's in the prelude, and it's only 512.
Mario Carneiro (Nov 14 2022 at 01:47):
There isn't really any room for "optimization" when it comes to kernel computation, that would entail replacing the expr by a different one
Mario Carneiro (Nov 14 2022 at 01:47):
and it's not obvious how to do that without changing defeqs
Eric Wieser (Nov 14 2022 at 01:48):
Could the kernel not unify for tall-recursive cases in an order that requires constant rather than linear stack space?
Mario Carneiro (Nov 14 2022 at 01:49):
it's a reasonable question. I don't know that much about how it unfolds specifically seeing as it has basically been untouched for as long as I have been around
Eric Wieser (Nov 14 2022 at 01:49):
I'm sure you know more than me
Eric Wieser (Nov 14 2022 at 01:50):
I suppose even if it did use constant space, maxDepth
could end up counting the syntactic recursion
Mario Carneiro (Nov 14 2022 at 01:51):
Actually, I recall gabriel mentioning that there is a way to get whnf
to evaluate one step at a time; I want to make a user command to display the evaluation sequence now
Mario Carneiro (Nov 14 2022 at 01:51):
although that's the elaborator and not the kernel so there could be some discrepancies
Mario Carneiro (Nov 14 2022 at 02:23):
Actually, this kind of works:
import Lean
open Lean Meta Elab
def whnf1 (e : Expr) : MetaM Expr :=
whnfEasyCases e fun e => do
let e' ← whnfCore e
if let some v ← reduceNat? e' then return v
if let some v ← reduceNative? e' then return v
if let some v ← unfoldDefinition? e' then return v
return e'
elab tk:"#whnf_seq" e:term depth:((":" num)?) : command => do
Command.runTermElabM fun _ => do
let mut e ← Elab.Term.elabTermAndSynthesize e none
let depth := depth.raw[1].isNatLit?.getD 1000
let mut msg := m!""
for _ in [:depth] do
msg := msg ++ m!"• {MessageData.nest 2 e}\n"
let e' ← whnf1 e
if e' == e then logInfoAt tk msg; return
e := e'
logInfoAt tk (msg ++ "...")
Mario Carneiro (Nov 14 2022 at 02:23):
#whnf_seq all (test_p_true ·) 3 (by decide)
• all (fun x => decide (test_p_true x)) 3 (_ : 3 ≤ 256)
• (fun x => decide (test_p_true x)) { val := 2, isLt := (_ : 3 ≤ 256) } &&
all (fun x => decide (test_p_true x)) 2 (_ : 2 ≤ 256)
• match (fun x => decide (test_p_true x)) { val := 2, isLt := (_ : 3 ≤ 256) } with
| false => false
| true => all (fun x => decide (test_p_true x)) 2 (_ : 2 ≤ 256)
• (fun x => decide (test_p_true x)) { val := 1, isLt := (_ : 2 ≤ 256) } &&
all (fun x => decide (test_p_true x)) 1 (_ : 1 ≤ 256)
• match (fun x => decide (test_p_true x)) { val := 1, isLt := (_ : 2 ≤ 256) } with
| false => false
| true => all (fun x => decide (test_p_true x)) 1 (_ : 1 ≤ 256)
• (fun x => decide (test_p_true x)) { val := 0, isLt := (_ : 1 ≤ 256) } &&
all (fun x => decide (test_p_true x)) 0 (_ : 0 ≤ 256)
• match (fun x => decide (test_p_true x)) { val := 0, isLt := (_ : 1 ≤ 256) } with
| false => false
| true => all (fun x => decide (test_p_true x)) 0 (_ : 0 ≤ 256)
• true
Mario Carneiro (Nov 14 2022 at 02:24):
This one doesn't though, it seems to do the whole subcomputation in one step:
#whnf_seq decide (all (test_p_true ·) 3 (by decide))
• decide (all (fun x => decide (test_p_true x)) 3 (_ : 3 ≤ 256) = true)
• Decidable.casesOn (instDecidableEqBool (all (fun x => decide (test_p_true x)) 3 (_ : 3 ≤ 256)) true) (fun x => false)
fun x => true
• true
Adam Langley (Nov 17 2022 at 04:05):
I did manage to reproduce the original issue, even with the better code. Changing the valid test function from x = x
to x &&& 1 < 2
causes the by decide
to fail again with
failed to reduce to 'true'
Decidable.rec (fun h => (fun x => false) h) (fun h => (fun x => true) h)
(instDecidableForAllFin fun x => test_p_true x)
... even though the evals are both still happy.
Here's the tweaked, failing code:
def all (f : Fin n → Bool) : ∀ i, i ≤ n → Bool
| 0, _ => true
| i+1, h => f ⟨i, h⟩ && all f i (Nat.le_of_lt h)
theorem all_iff (f : Fin n → Prop) [DecidablePred f] :
all (f ·) n (Nat.le_refl _) ↔ (∀ (x : Fin n), f x) := sorry
instance (f : Fin n → Prop) [DecidablePred f] : Decidable (∀ (x : Fin n), f x) :=
decidable_of_decidable_of_iff (all_iff f)
def test_p_true : Fin 256 -> Prop
| x => x &&& 1 < 2
instance : DecidablePred test_p_true := by intro x; unfold test_p_true; apply Nat.decLt
#eval (inferInstance : Decidable ((∀ (x : Fin 256), test_p_true x) ))
#eval decide (∀ (x : Fin 256), test_p_true x)
example : ∀ (x : Fin 256), test_p_true x := by decide
Adam Langley (Nov 17 2022 at 04:09):
x &&& 0 < 2
is happy though.
Mario Carneiro (Nov 17 2022 at 04:31):
is bitwise and, you don't need it for Bool
Adam Langley (Nov 17 2022 at 04:34):
Indeed, but x &&& 1 < 2
is _true_ for all Fin 256 though (just as a dummy example). I had expected that if decide
returns true then by decide
would produce a proof.
Mario Carneiro (Nov 17 2022 at 04:35):
I'm guessing that it's just too expensive to compute this in the kernel currently. If you use #reduce
instead of #eval
(which is what this code amounts to), it hits both the maxRecDepth
limit and the maxHeartbeats
Mario Carneiro (Nov 17 2022 at 04:36):
by decide
doesn't produce a proof, it just asserts that the statement is true and the kernel has to work out why
Mario Carneiro (Nov 17 2022 at 04:36):
and the kernel isn't particularly good at that job, comparatively
Adam Langley (Nov 17 2022 at 04:37):
Ah, I see. Thanks!
Mario Carneiro (Nov 17 2022 at 04:37):
using by native_decide
uses #eval
instead, which scales much better but is also "cheating" in some sense
Adam Langley (Nov 17 2022 at 04:38):
brings a lot more into the set of trusted code, I assume?
Mario Carneiro (Nov 17 2022 at 04:38):
quite so
Mario Carneiro (Nov 17 2022 at 04:39):
The tools for doing this with proofs are still under construction in mathlib4 but hopefully we will have something soon that can do this
Adam Langley (Nov 17 2022 at 04:42):
It was fun to play around with, thank you!
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC