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Topic: Polynomial rewriting
Pim Otte (Aug 03 2022 at 14:24):
I'm trying to prove a small result about multivariate polynomials, and I'm kinda banging my head against the wall.
I think the best way to proceed at this point is trying to substitute the hmiddle hypothesis into the goal. However, the side I'd like to substitute in has a 2alphabeta term, and the goal has a alpha*beta term, with a 2 outside the monomial. I've tried bringing the 2 inside the monomial, but can't make it work, I think because most of the related lemma's work with constant polynomials and not scalars? I've tried introducing an extra fact and applying div_eq_iff_eq_mul' to hmiddle, but it doesn't seem to stick.
Any pointers? (Any other remarks about the rest are also welcome, I'm still learning a lot:))
import data.mv_polynomial.basic
import ring_theory.polynomial.homogeneous
import data.complex.basic
open_locale big_operators
noncomputable theory
def is_waring_decomposition {σ : Type*} {R : Type*} [comm_semiring R] (p : mv_polynomial σ R) (s : finset (ℕ × mv_polynomial.homogeneous_submodule σ R 1)) := (∑ i in s, (i.2 : mv_polynomial σ R)^i.1) = p
def waring_rank {σ : Type*} {R : Type*} [comm_semiring R] (p : mv_polynomial σ R) : nat := Inf ({n : ℕ | ∃ s : finset (ℕ × mv_polynomial.homogeneous_submodule σ R 1), is_waring_decomposition p s ∧ sizeof s = n} : set ℕ)
lemma simple_waring_rank (p ∈ mv_polynomial.homogeneous_submodule (fin 2) ℂ 2) : 2 ≤ waring_rank(p) ↔ ((mv_polynomial.coeff (finsupp.single 0 1 + finsupp.single 1 1) p)^2 - 4*(mv_polynomial.coeff (finsupp.single 0 2) p)*(mv_polynomial.coeff (finsupp.single 1 2) p) ≠ 0 ∨ p = 0):=
intro h,
have choose_α_β : ∃ (α β : ℂ), (mv_polynomial.coeff (finsupp.single 0 1 + finsupp.single 1 1) p = 2*α*β ∧ mv_polynomial.coeff (finsupp.single 0 2) p = α^2 ∧ mv_polynomial.coeff (finsupp.single 1 2) p = β^2),
cases choose_α_β with α h',
cases h' with β hαβ,
have fact₁ : (mv_polynomial.monomial (finsupp.single 0 1) α + mv_polynomial.monomial (finsupp.single 1 1) β)^2 = p,
ring_nf SOP,
rw mv_polynomial.ext_iff,
intros m,
simp only [mv_polynomial.monomial_pow, mv_polynomial.monomial_mul, finsupp.smul_single', mul_one, mv_polynomial.coeff_add,
cases hαβ with hmiddle h',
cases h' with hfirst hlast,
rw ← hfirst,
rw ← hlast,
-- hmiddle: mv_polynomial.coeff (finsupp.single 0 1 + finsupp.single 1 1) p = 2 * α * β
-- goal: ite (finsupp.single 0 2 = m) (mv_polynomial.coeff (finsupp.single 0 2) p) 0 + mv_polynomial.coeff m (⇑(mv_polynomial.monomial (finsupp.single 0 1 + finsupp.single 1 1)) (α * β) * 2) + ite (finsupp.single 1 2 = m) (mv_polynomial.coeff (finsupp.single 1 2) p) 0 = mv_polynomial.coeff m p
-- ____________
-- how to rw hmiddle into goal?
have fact : (mv_polynomial.coeff (finsupp.single 0 1 + finsupp.single 1 1) p) / 2 = α * β,
rw mul_assoc at hmiddle,
-- Failing here too
Ruben Van de Velde (Aug 03 2022 at 14:52):
You'll need to prove you're not dividing by zero:
have fact : (mv_polynomial.coeff (finsupp.single 0 1 + finsupp.single 1 1) p) / 2 = α * β,
{ rw mul_assoc at hmiddle,
have : (2 : ℂ) ≠ 0, sorry,
rw [eq_comm, eq_div_iff this, hmiddle],
ring },
Ruben Van de Velde (Aug 03 2022 at 14:55):
I wonder if anyone can guess the differences between eq_div_iff
, eq_div_iff_mul_eq
, eq_div_iff_mul_eq'
and eq_div_iff_mul_eq''
, or between div_eq_iff
, div_eq_iff_eq_mul
and div_eq_iff_eq_mul'
(no double prime available)
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC