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Topic: Proof Over Inductive Prop
Marcus Rossel (Jan 14 2021 at 17:04):
I can't figure out how to handle the following inductive proposition in a proof.
Sorry for not having a MWE - I hope the code is understandable anyway:
inductive has_path_from_to (g : digraph ι) : ι → ι → Prop
| direct {i i' : ι} : (g.has_edge_from_to i i') → has_path_from_to i i'
| composite {i i' : ι} (iₘ : ι) : has_path_from_to i iₘ → has_path_from_to iₘ i' → has_path_from_to i i'
I'm trying to prove:
lemma edges_inv_path_inv {g g' : digraph ι} {i i' : ι} (h : g.edges = g'.edges) :
(g.has_path_from_to i i') → (g'.has_path_from_to i i')
| (has_path_from_to.direct p) := begin
rw [has_edge_from_to, h] at p,
exact has_path_from_to.direct p
| (has_path_from_to.composite iₘ p_α p_ω) := begin
sorry -- ?
The goal state at the sorry
ι: Type u_1
_inst_1: decidable_eq ι
g g': digraph ι
i i': ι
h: g.edges = g'.edges
edges_inv_path_inv: g.has_path_from_to i i' → g'.has_path_from_to i i'
iₘ: ι
p_α: g.has_path_from_to i iₘ
p_ω: g.has_path_from_to iₘ i'
⊢ g'.has_path_from_to i i'
I thought it would be possible to inductively use edges_inv_path_inv
on p_α
and p_ω
, since they are "smaller" than g.has_path_from_to i i'
. But If I try to use edges_inv_path_inv p_α
, Lean complains that p_α
doesn't have the required type g.has_path_from_to i i'
, which makes sense from how edges_inv_path_inv
is defined in the goal state.
What I don't get is, of what use the recursive edges_inv_path_inv
is, if it can only be used on g.has_path_from_to i i'
Alex J. Best (Jan 14 2021 at 17:07):
Try moving i i'
right of the colon, recursion can only happens on those arguments in lean.
Yakov Pechersky (Jan 14 2021 at 17:07):
You need to generalize on your i i'
Marcus Rossel (Jan 14 2021 at 17:38):
Awesome that worked! Now I have:
lemma edges_inv_path_inv {g g' : digraph ι} (h : g.edges = g'.edges) :
∀ {i i' : ι}, (g.has_path_from_to i i') → (g'.has_path_from_to i i')
| i i' (has_path_from_to.direct p) := -- doesn't matter
| i i' (has_path_from_to.composite iₘ p_α p_ω) := begin
have p_α', from edges_inv_path_inv p_α,
have p_ω', from edges_inv_path_inv p_ω,
exact has_path_from_to.composite iₘ p_α' p_ω'
The problem I have now though is that I get ...
failed to prove recursive application is decreasing
... for both invocations of edges_inv_path_inv
How can I prove that p_α
and p_ω
are "smaller" than has_path_from_to.composite iₘ p_α p_ω
? I thought this inductive approach would automatically imply that.
Reid Barton (Jan 14 2021 at 17:45):
just deleting this fake tactic block should help
Reid Barton (Jan 14 2021 at 17:46):
... := has_path_from_to.composite iₘ (edges_inv_path_inv p_α) (edges_inv_path_inv p_ω)
Marcus Rossel (Jan 14 2021 at 17:48):
Reid Barton said:
just deleting this fake tactic block should help
Nope, that didn't work :oh_no: I'll try to get a MWE going...
Reid Barton (Jan 14 2021 at 17:48):
well, at least the nonworking proof is shorter now
Marcus Rossel (Jan 14 2021 at 18:03):
Ok, this produces the error:
structure digraph (ι : Type*) := (edges : ι)
namespace digraph
variable {ι : Type*}
def has_edge_from_to (g : digraph ι) (i i' : ι) : Prop := sorry
inductive has_path_from_to (g : digraph ι) : ι → ι → Prop
| direct {i i' : ι} : (g.has_edge_from_to i i') → has_path_from_to i i'
| composite {i i' : ι} (iₘ : ι) : has_path_from_to i iₘ → has_path_from_to iₘ i' → has_path_from_to i i'
lemma edges_inv_path_inv {g g' : digraph ι} (h : g.edges = g'.edges) :
∀ {i i' : ι}, (g.has_path_from_to i i') → (g'.has_path_from_to i i')
| i i' (has_path_from_to.direct p) := sorry
| i i' (has_path_from_to.composite iₘ p_α p_ω) := begin
have p_α', from edges_inv_path_inv p_α,
have p_ω', from edges_inv_path_inv p_ω,
exact has_path_from_to.composite iₘ p_α' p_ω'
end digraph
Reid Barton (Jan 14 2021 at 18:09):
The equation compiler seems not to understand that structural recursion should be happening here
Reid Barton (Jan 14 2021 at 18:09):
You can start like this
lemma edges_inv_path_inv {g g' : digraph ι} (h : g.edges = g'.edges) :
∀ {i i' : ι}, (g.has_path_from_to i i') → (g'.has_path_from_to i i') :=
intros i₀ i'₀ h,
induction h with i i' h' i i' iₘ h₁ h₂ IH₁ IH₂,
Marcus Rossel (Jan 14 2021 at 18:12):
Reid Barton said:
You can start like this
lemma edges_inv_path_inv {g g' : digraph ι} (h : g.edges = g'.edges) : ∀ {i i' : ι}, (g.has_path_from_to i i') → (g'.has_path_from_to i i') := begin intros i₀ i'₀ h, induction h with i i' h' i i' iₘ h₁ h₂ IH₁ IH₂, end
Awesome, I was able to prove it from there. Thanks @Reid Barton !
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC