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Topic: Proving seq continuity implies continuity

Gareth Ma (Jan 19 2023 at 15:26):

UPDATE: Nevermind, I think I found my mistake. My fx definition is wrong (mathematically, not "lean"-wise).

Hi, I am still quite new to lean, and I am struggling to finish this proof. Currently I have these primitives, the main one being H:

ε_pos: ε > 0
δ:    := λ (n : ), 1 / (n + 1)
fx:    := λ (n : ), f (x₀ + δ n)
H:  (n : ),  (x : ), |x - x₀|  1 / (n + 1)  ε < |f x - f x₀|
 ¬seq_limit fx (f x₀)

H is a special case of f not being pointwise convergence at x0. The idea is that since I can find x closer and closer to x0 yet is not epsilon-close to f x0, it means it cannot be sequential convergence, since {x} -> x0 yet {f x} does not -> x0. However, I can't seem to finish off the proof. Can someone help? Here is my code:

-- 0074
example :
  ( u :   , seq_limit u x₀  seq_limit (f  u) (f x₀)) 
  continuous_at_pt f x₀ :=
  intro h,
  unfold continuous_at_pt,
  by_contradiction, push_neg at h,
  rcases h with ε, ε_pos, h'⟩,

  -- "approaching functions" definitions
  let δ :    := λ n, 1 / (n + 1),
  let fx :    := λ n, f (x₀ + δ n),

  -- auxillary lemma
  have H :  n : ,  (x : ), |x - x₀|  1 / (n + 1)  ε < |f x - f x₀|,
  { intro n, exact h' (δ n) (by apply nat.one_div_pos_of_nat), },

  -- convergence lemmas
  have f_x_conv : seq_limit fx (f x₀),
  { from h (λ n, x₀ + δ n) (limit_const_add_inv_succ x₀), },

  have f_x_not_conv : ¬seq_limit fx (f x₀),
    clear h f_x_conv h',
    unfold seq_limit,
    use ε,
    { exact ε_pos, },
      -- ???

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC